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    + robear reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Folsom, Black Party, Southern decadence & MAL. Is it worth it going?   
    What's really strange is that these events are highly segregated within a community that loudly preaches wide acceptance.
    The circuit muscle guys don't want the overweight guys at the event who have their own bear circuit events where they shit talk the steroid queens and twinks.
    And then there's the subset of party guys who all look alike, fuck alike and only hang out with what might be considered their twin.
    It's dizzyingly fucking stupid.
  2. Like
    + robear reacted to + APPLE1 in Folsom, Black Party, Southern decadence & MAL. Is it worth it going?   
    Other than the Black Party,  I have been to all of them mentioned here, and then some. They've included lots of men, sex, socialization, and drugs.
    My experiences/observations have been that "sex" is going to include aggression and sex you personally may not find appealing. "Socialization" is going to include strangers brazenly propositioning you for sex and drugs. "Drugs" is going to include open use, sale, and overindulgance.
    If any of those extremes being included is going to completely ruin your experience, do not go. If you can walk past the turn-offs hardly batting an eye, and simply enjoy the parts that do appeal to you, go and savor the good parts.
  3. Like
    + robear reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Folsom, Black Party, Southern decadence & MAL. Is it worth it going?   
    The last couple times I went to Decadence, I saw so much open drug usage and guys just wacked out of their mind on meth that I stopped going.  It was depressing.
    It's like that with most of the circuit events, tbh.  Guys with incredible bodies who go on three-day benders until it finally catches up with them.
    ... And it always does.  Hard drugs are like a very sharp, ugly boomerang.
  4. Applause
    + robear reacted to + purplekow in How Common is Sleep Apnea? Do People Tolerate the Masks Well?   
    Sleep apnea is a common medical condition which can be classified as Central Sleep Apnea or Obstructive Peripheral Sleep Apnea (OSA).  OSA is much more common although one can have a mixed picture.   The risk factors for OSA include a neck greater than 18.5 inches in diameter, obesity, smoking, enlarged adenoids and a severe overbite.   One can suspect OSA by symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime drowsiness, inability to concentrate or witnessed stoppage of breathing while asleep.  A simple questionair the Epworth Sleepiness Scale has a series of questions with a selection of answers.  After taking this brief test, a score of over 13 indicates that there is a possibility of OSA.   OSA is not something that should be ignored.   An overnight sleep study either in a sleep center or one of a selection of good quality home tests done under a doctor's guidance will determine if you have sleep apnea, how severe it is and will lead to distinguishing which type of sleep apnea predominates.  
    CPAP is the quick fix.  It can be difficult to get used to, but even 4 hours a night of use can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, sudden death and hypertension that go along with OSA.  Most people tend to either adjust to it quickly, or give up, but with persistence, most people can get accustomed to it.  
    Long term, weight loss can make a big difference and it does not have to be massive weight loss.  As little as 10 to 15 pound weight loss can diminish symptoms greatly.  
    Smoking cessation will of course benefit you in many ways and decrease in OSA is just one of them.
    Enlarged adenoids and tonsils can be removed and can give significant relief.  
    Inspire is an implanted device that stimulates you to breath when is is noted that you are not doing so.  
    These are just a few of the basic facts about OSA.  There is lots of information on line.   IF you think you or someone you know may have OSA, take the Epworth test.  It takes about 2 minutes and it can confirm whether you should be concerned or not.  Honesty in taking the test is of utmost import.  
  5. Like
    + robear got a reaction from + Just Sayin in How Common is Sleep Apnea? Do People Tolerate the Masks Well?   
    I've used a CPAP for several years, took to it right away and don't like sleeping without it.  I take that as an indication my body likes it, too.  Important to realize there are many different options for masks, and a new patient should insist that the doctor/equipment supplier make changes as necessary until the right mask is found.  I'm currently using the ResMed Airfit N20, which is a nasal mask with pretty substantial headgear, but because I toss a lot it keeps the mask on securely.  But that's me.  Bonus for folks with sleep partners, a properly functioning CPAP should greatly cut down on snoring and other night noises.
  6. Like
    + robear reacted to Thelatin in How Common is Sleep Apnea? Do People Tolerate the Masks Well?   
    Mine went away with weight loss and cutting out alcohol.
  7. Like
    + robear reacted to + DERRIK in How Common is Sleep Apnea? Do People Tolerate the Masks Well?   
    I've used a CPAP for 15 years - I am so accustomed to it that when I am without my CPAP - I cannot go to sleep
  8. Like
    + robear got a reaction from + Pensant in Mandatory Gratutity - Am I being unreasonable?   
    A wrinkle in the "suggested gratuity" calculations is that sometimes they are done on the cost of food and drinks PLUS tax.  In NYC, restaurant tax is 8.875%, a significant addition to the check.  Including that amount in the tip calculation, whether you do it yourself or use the "suggestion" significantly bumps up the tip.
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    + robear reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Vetting   
    If you can see an argument for weight, age, or physical appearance (I get hygiene), then why not race? Once we accept that some people deserve professional treatment more than others based on immutable characteristics, then it's fair game on everything. I'm seasoned enough to remember when "no fats, no femmes and no <insert race here>" was constant on gay social networks. 
  14. Agree
    + robear got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Mandatory Gratutity - Am I being unreasonable?   
    A wrinkle in the "suggested gratuity" calculations is that sometimes they are done on the cost of food and drinks PLUS tax.  In NYC, restaurant tax is 8.875%, a significant addition to the check.  Including that amount in the tip calculation, whether you do it yourself or use the "suggestion" significantly bumps up the tip.
  15. Agree
    + robear got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Mandatory Gratutity - Am I being unreasonable?   
    A wrinkle in the "suggested gratuity" calculations is that sometimes they are done on the cost of food and drinks PLUS tax.  In NYC, restaurant tax is 8.875%, a significant addition to the check.  Including that amount in the tip calculation, whether you do it yourself or use the "suggestion" significantly bumps up the tip.
  16. Like
    + robear reacted to Beancounter in Mandatory Gratutity - Am I being unreasonable?   
    I am a fairly decent tipper, 20% in most instances.  Call me a curmudgeon, though, when it comes to cash tipping so the individual receiving the tip can avoid paying income and other taxes.  In some professions individuals can shield thousands of dollars of income from taxes while people who play by the rules pay their fair share.  Granted, not all employees who depend on tips are getting thousands of dollars in tips but a large number of individuals do circumvent the tax laws.  When given the option to work for an hourly rate or a low base rate plus tips, a survey showed most employees want the low base rate plus tips.  I wonder why. 😉 
    This type of employee is only hurting himself.  While the non-taxed cash provides immediate gratification his social security benefit will be reduced in the future due to his not reporting cash tips.  And then he wonders why his SS benefit is so low.  I could go on and on about this topic but I’ll leave it here.  Bring on the naysayers.  
  17. Applause
    + robear reacted to Danny-Darko in Pissing   
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    + robear got a reaction from Medin in General thoughts on interactions with providers   
    I think paying *and tipping* in advance may be muddying the waters here.  I always pay after, with the base rate already in an envelope.  As appropriate, I then add twenties from my wallet before handing it over.  It's then clear to the provider what's what.  In your case, I would remind the provider about my boundaries before each session, but not pay him until after, making clear the tip is for a job well done as requested.
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    + robear reacted to Jamie21 in What Does A Provider Like in A Client Experience Besides Cleanliness?   
    This. If you’re happy then so am I. 
  21. Applause
    + robear reacted to Shawn Monroe in What Does A Provider Like in A Client Experience Besides Cleanliness?   
    2) know your own body and have an active idea of what you want out of the experience. Or even baseline, what it takes to get YOU off - not just to get us off (if that’s your thing). That’s ultimately what we are for - to make you happy. 
  22. Haha
    + robear reacted to Jamie21 in Rentmen question…I hope I’m not looking stupid…   
    I love the depiction of imperial as ‘normal’ 🙂. 
    Height should be in feet and inches.
    Distance in miles unless I’m running then it’s in kilometres.
    Weight is in imperial (stone) if it’s a body or kilos if it’s on a barbell.
    And …Cock size is always in inches…. I know what 8 inches feels like but 20.3 cm is just unknowable.
  23. Like
    + robear reacted to pubic_assistance in Rentmen question…I hope I’m not looking stupid…   
    Even when I'm not signed in Rent.men comes up with English measurements for me. So doesn't seem to be a setting since I'm just looking at the site as an anonymous customer.
    Are you using a VPN from a European origin ?
  24. Haha
    + robear reacted to BaronArtz in One to avoid in NYC; Marks_Masseur   
    It is an interesting point.  I have visited several masseurs/escorts hosting at very high end rental apartments on West 42 and in the Hudson Yards area.  All of these buildings have doormen who call up the tenant and then unlock the elevator to get you in.  How many times per day or week do they call up and say, Eric your guest is here?  For the most part, gentlemen visiting for 60 or 90 minutes, on average.  Of course they know what is going on.  And so does everyone else who works in that building.
    On the opposite side of this, there is a masseur I visit frequently at his West Harlem apartment.  One day, one of the tenants, an elderly lady, said - there is only one reason men like you visit this building and he lives on the 4th floor.
  25. Like
    + robear reacted to pubic_assistance in One to avoid in NYC; Marks_Masseur   
    now THAT is seriously ( and unnecessarily) vindictive.
    Besides that, the laws in NYC specifically protect people in their right to operate a small business from their apartment.
    If he were in a condo or coop then the rules about customers in the public hallways might be different. But he hasn't done anything SO terrible that anyone should consider such mean tactics against him.
    He's just a lousy lay.
    No reason to be awful about it.
    I don't throw smoke bombs in restaurants where I've had bad service.
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