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Everything posted by robear

  1. Some others: https://4my.fans https://www.clips4sale.com/ https://fancentro.com/ https://ismyguy.com/ https://www.manyvids.com/ Some are PPV, not quite the same format. Doubtless there are and will be many more, although much smaller in scope than OF and JFF.
  2. Keep in mind that for those with commercial insurance (not Medicare or any other gvt program) prescribed brand-name Descovy (and probably Truvada, even though that is now usually filled with a generic), the manufacturer's program waives the copay when filled at a retail pharmacy. My $75 copay is waived every month, I pay nothing OOP for PreP. https://www.gileadadvancingaccess.com/copay-coupon-card
  3. OnlyFans is based in the UK. JustForFans seems to be based in Florida, USA.
  4. Just For Fans has long had a notice to customers of the site, specifically that if you claim a chargeback through a card issuer rather than contacting the site directly, they'll ban you as a customer, for exactly this reason.
  5. "All my men wear English Leather ... or they wear nothing at all."
  6. Mike is highly prolific on his fans platforms, full-length (20-40 min) videos every week, often with more than one scene partner. I have to think any "residence" in NYC factors in a number of "shooting days" along with escort meets, massage dates, and who knows what else. He does come off as a bit of an "EverReady Bunny," but also seems professional, well-organized and well-liked. He probably has a limited number of slots available in each category and when they're reliably filled, he's fully booked in that category. All touring providers travel to work, I doubt days off are a part of the plan when visiting an expensive city. R&R happens at home, which I believe for MG is San Diego.
  7. Eau de Musk of Man, available on selected Providers near you, will always be my goto
  8. It's my very inexpert impression that most, not all, transmen opt for mastectomies to remove breast tissue, hormone treatment to produce male secondary sex characteristics, and perhaps hysterectomy to remove the estrogen-producing ovaries and uterus. Far fewer seek phalloplasty to create a penis, which is medically complicated, very expensive and can produce less than ideal results, both cosmetically and functionally. Some transwomen forgo "bottom surgery" also, for similar reasons. All of this is in context of an evolving understanding of sex and gender in the wider world, in which it's maybe more accepted that a penis does not a man make. The transguys I see advertising for hire, on fan platforms, mainstream porn sites, and even hookup sites, seem instead to be happy with their "bonus hole" and enlarged clitoris, as do their clients, scene partners and LGBT playmates, and there's clearly a market for that. A fascinating part of the FTM story that I've seen mentioned is that many if not most of the transguys who came to identify as gay, bisexual or queer men, went through a pre-transition lesbian phase with no erotic interest in men at all, until hormone treatment unlocked an attraction to men (and their parts). I'm sure somewhere, a grad student is working away on a dissertation on that very topic.
  9. I think it's safe to assume he plans a trip to NYC at some time in the future, but won't have logistics for that until dates are in place. (Over the years, I've seen him in a number of different locations in Manhattan.) I notice his LATEST appointment available in STL is 1PM. Surely that greatly limits the market prospects.
  10. @Becket that period at the end of your link makes it invalid. Anyone interested try this one ... https://gofund.me/0fa4008f
  11. As reported on social media, he's in the process of relocating from DC to LA. A truck and a cross-country drive is involved. It's prob easier to flag "not available" on RM than to take the ad down altogether.
  12. Please no transphobic rants, we get it, lots of gay men have no interest at all in transmen and that's fine. Just curious to hear experiences of those who have hired out of attraction, or even just curiosity, and how the meet went.
  13. I'm sorry you have to deal with this unexpected bad news. As others have said, though, your prospects of being able to remain healthy with treatment are vastly brighter than they were in past decades. One thing is unclear in your story, is this escort your ONLY sexual contact since your PREVIOUS HIV negative test? You seem to assume you contracted the virus from him, but there's no way to know that if you've had other sexual encounters over the period. He told you he's being treated (escorting to pay for treatment). If he's treatment compliant (U=U), and that is a big if, others are not at risk of contracting the virus from him. Of course, none of us should misrepresent our STD status to sex partners, commercial or otherwise. Men do, all the time. As others have said, the only insurance any of us has are the steps we ourselves take to guarantee safety. Good wishes to you on getting a good, effective treatment plan. Be sure you have a doctor, whether primary care or infectious disease specialist, with lots of experience in HIV management.
  14. Can someone who's been describe the protocol at Spunk? Is there a cover? How do you pay? What is an appropriate tip? I'm old enough to remember Stella's fondly, but haven't been to any of these current events.
  15. I find my internal ignore function, housed in the scroll button of my mouse, to be very efficient, here and on all social media.
  16. https://www.poppers-aromas.eu/ is based in France but ships to the US. I've found their products to be better than what's available domestically, although with shipping they're expensive and orders take a few weeks to arrive (pending customs). However, no matter where you get poppers, designations like "amyl" are brands, not accurate chemical descriptions. Even if the bottle is labeled with a "Contains ..." indicator, I don't think any government regulator consistently enforces the accuracy of such labels. AFAIK amyl nitrite, the original, is a controlled substance in the US and possibly in Europe. I don't think any small operator is going to risk running afoul of government oversight in such a tiny niche market.
  17. As a consumer of manhattans (rye, not bourbon) and martinis (gin, never vodka) I have to say he's pretty accurate ... 🤪
  18. For the record @Benjamin_Nicholas, I would TOTALLY follow a "Fans" version of "15 Minutes More," just sayin' ...
  19. I agree with @arnie 's comments, with the addition that photos or videos of the session might involve an upcharge. Be sure to mention that request when negotiating the rate.
  20. I have some good experience recently with https://www.poppers-aromas.eu/ Company is based in France, which means the shipping pretty much doubles the cost. However, it's packaged VERY carefully, with full customs declarations. I suppose there is a risk that customs will confiscate the shipment if they don't like it, but I've not had a problem. Their formulations seem to be different than those available in North America, even with the same brand names. More like "the old days" than anything I've gotten from a US supplier.
  21. Indeed, "ethyl" is different that what most people mean by poppers. It's an aerosol gas that is typically sprayed on a piece of cloth and held in the mouth while breathing through it. It has a much more dramatic effect than nitrite poppers, a sensation of nearly losing conciousness. Pretty hardcore for thrillseekers, I found it neither pleasant nor erotic.
  22. I've been called for both state and federal juries, and have served both as a trial juror and state grand juror. Grand jury was easier by far. In NYS you're committed to serve 2 whole weeks, but you have a whole parade of cases every day and decisions are a simple up/down vote on indictment.
  23. ConsumerLab.com is the website of an independent testing lab that analyzes dietary supplements of all kinds. They recently published a report indicating elevated levels of lead in psyllium-based fiber supplements, including the market-leading Metamucil. The full report is behind a paywall so I can't link, but here is the summary: "ConsumerLab.com's tests of the quality of psyllium products revealed that 5 out of 8 were contaminated with excessive amounts of lead — as much as 11 micrograms per 5 grams of psyllium husk (22 times the daily amount permitted in California without a warning label). Lead was found in all products, but those with the least contained only 0.4 to 0.6 mcg per 5 gram serving. One product had an unusually high amount of filth in the form of insect parts. However, all of the products contained their claimed amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber." The brand with the lowest lead contamination in their testing was Yerba Prima (available at Amazon, Whole Foods, health food stores and online supplement retailers). Anyone using Metamucil or generic for occasional constipation may not need to worry about this. But if, like me, you take double the recommended dose every day, in part because of the hygiene concerns discussed on this thread, the presence of heavy metal contamination might be a big deal. Yerba Prima makes a number of related products (including a flavored fiber combo). I use the unflavored, unsweetened, powdered husks in my morning fruit smoothie.
  24. ConsumerLab.com is the website of an independent testing lab that analyzes dietary supplements of all kinds. They recently published a report indicating elevated levels of lead in psyllium-based fiber supplements, including the market-leading Metamucil. The full report is behind a paywall so I can't link, but here is the summary: "ConsumerLab.com's tests of the quality of psyllium products revealed that 5 out of 8 were contaminated with excessive amounts of lead — as much as 11 micrograms per 5 grams of psyllium husk (22 times the daily amount permitted in California without a warning label). Lead was found in all products, but those with the least contained only 0.4 to 0.6 mcg per 5 gram serving. One product had an unusually high amount of filth in the form of insect parts. However, all of the products contained their claimed amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber." The brand with the lowest lead contamination in their testing was Yerba Prima (available at Amazon, Whole Foods, health food stores and online supplement retailers). Anyone using Metamucil or generic for occasional constipation may not need to worry about this. But if, like me, you take double the recommended dose every day, in part because of the hygiene concerns discussed on this thread, the presence of heavy metal contamination might be a big deal. Yerba Prima makes a number of related products (including a flavored fiber combo). I use the unflavored, unsweetened, powdered husks in my morning fruit smoothie.
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