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    Gvtire reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in "Will and Grace" is back   
    how are they going to incorporate the children shown in the series finale? or are we expected to forget that Will has a son and Grace has a daughter?
  2. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + purplekow in Two Down, One To Go   
    When my wife was alive, we tried to have children. Soon after we started, she was diagnosed with cancer. After an initial remission, we were given the go ahead from her doctor to try again. Unfortunately, the radiation and chemotherapy had put her into a very early menopause. After consulting many specialists, we found one who was able to reverse her menopause. However through all the injections and other hormones, she did not produce enough viable eggs for harvesting and then the cancer returned. After her death, I thought that it was lucky that we had not been able to have children, as it seemed to me a man alone, in his late 40's would have been stretched to the limit to raise a child alone.
    I have been comfortable in that thought, but in reading of you and your sons, I think that perhaps I could have done it. Well the road not taken is always an unknown and there is no point of what ifs.
    Though as a result, I have given a great deal of thought to the sacrifices I would have had to have made in order to be a single parent. I do not know if I would have had the energy, dedication and emotional strength to do such an all consuming job. I commend you for doing that very difficult job with great success.
    While you will never stop being father to your sons, you also have an obligation to live your most satisfying life. I wish you as great a success being a single gay man in his forties as you had being a single father of three sons. I have no doubts that will be the case.
  3. Like
    Gvtire reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Short answer-- when they were little, I didn't, very much. But I have family in the area who'd spell me, and as they got more independent I could spend some time with friends or just get away. Of course, that's one reason I hire escorts, I haven't pursued much of a social life in a while. (I posted once before that for my first several hires I had to also hire a babysitter!)
  4. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Moondance in That Masked Man   

  5. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Tonyko in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    I think Jim aged badly when I saw him he looked like some weathered old guy who lives in a trailer in Az or something, bald with a long ponytail. But in fairness he is prolly the OLDEST of this bunch, 56-57 now I think. Rockland I agree, only mid 40's and still very doable to me anyway . And yah Ryan is still in prison has a few more years to go last I heard.
    LUV Lauren B btw! I sat at her feet once sev years ago, they had this huge birthday celebration for Hal Prince on the Great Lawn in Central Park, everyone orig casts from his shows performed numbers going all the way back to 60's, it was open to all with thousands of ppl on blankets etc but there was a roped off section in front with maybe 200 chairs and my uncle snagged invite for that section and took me but we were towards the back n he said fuk this and we just walked up and sat on the grass in front of the first row of chairs, they had names on them and I sat on the ground in front of one that said BET that I assumed was the Network but I "hoped" was short for Bette Midler lol but Lauren Bacall sat there! (my unc said her name to friends was really BETTY or something?) She looked very classy in a bohemian way all in black. The Mayor intro'd the night and said if you can PLEASE don't smoke (this was before the new laws) and I heard that gravely voice behind me say "We're outside for christ's sake.." lol. (she smoked during it lol)
  6. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + friendofsheila in Male models don't..... :)   
    ... make porn.
    (They WILL appear in photos or videos that include nudity, erections, or sex, but the lighting is different, so it's not porn. )
  7. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + friendofsheila in Male models don't..... :)   
    ...ever eat anything that dribbles, splatters or spills on them.
  8. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Bearofdistinction in Male models don't..... :)   
    Don't Get Painful Rectal Itch After Being Gang-Banged Raw by the entire 3rd Armored Infantry Division . . .
  9. Like
    Gvtire reacted to creoleblanche in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    No! Want to remember them as they were & leave the fantasy in tact. Besides, I find it depressing. When I see a classmate from HS whom I haven't seen in...uh, a long time, I always say to myself, "Please lawd, tell me I don't look like that."
  10. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + purplekow in David Spade in terrible accident   
    Though his Range Rover was destroyed in a three car accident. David Spade is doing well in a Las Angeles Hospital. His career, however, is still dead.
  11. Like
    Gvtire reacted to longtime lurker in Shopping for Underwear   
    I don't know where to begin with this one.
    Was it really an *accident* to have the younger not-yet-an-otter in his Brian Wilson hair cut look intimidated by the big bear? Actually his eyes are looking away at something in the background. Pretty bad cut-out and paste work here. Man! The sixties and seventies really were a golden age before all of that unnecessary manscaping that took over. Note how he flaunts his arm pit, which is less hairy than his chest.
    By the way, this enormously popular ad in 1982 is the one that officially kicked off the Era of Manscaping. Almost overnight, men began using their razors for other areas besides their faces. The golden age of Sean Connery and Tom Selleck was officially over.

    A couple others that amuse me.
    Note how the man can be a trifle more revealing provided there's a WOMAN next to him. Can't get too homoerotic in the seventies, y'know. He has to stay focused on HER even though she is dressed like some nun/nurse in alternative white. This is quite an unusual ad for unusual underthings.

    Oh... this is so wrong on so many levels...
    Don't get me started on the blatant racism involving the yard-stick brief.

    Some ads are so easy to "date". There is little question that this one was published right around the time LBJ was leaving office and Nixon was taking over. You can sense the overall disgust the younger generation was having with the "silent majority".
  12. Like
    Gvtire reacted to marylander1940 in Shopping for Underwear   
    This is how I imagine Batman and Robin in their underwear!
  13. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + poolboy48220 in Shopping for Underwear   
    Wow, this picture stirs up some fantasies even now...
  14. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Becket in Shopping for Underwear   
    Yea, Jim Palmer's underwear ad and I had a twice weekly meeting. He was the first I remember who combined athletic masculinity with a "come over here and suck on this" look. At least, that's how it played out in my fantasies.
  15. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + Keith30309 in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    After texting me that he was on the way:

    Him: On the way. Do I need to bring anything?
    Me: just lube and stuff
    Him: I don't have condoms. Do you?
    Me: No
    Him: Damn. Let me see what I can do.
    Me: Ok
    Him: What's your opinion on BB?
    Me: Not a fan. I always play safe.
    Him: OK. I can stop
    Me: Thanks
    This was in early August and, at the time his RM profile said "Safe only". It now says "Anything goes".
    I've since seen some BB porn that was recorded before our meeting.
  16. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + VeryHappyCustomer in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    "For $50 you can take off the condom."
  17. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + azdr0710 in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    "I'm making some coffee. Want a cup?"
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    Gvtire reacted to + glutes in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    Masseur: "You will have to take care of yourself at the end"
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    Gvtire reacted to feldersteve in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    I arrived on time at the escort's apartment. After about 30 minutes of wine, conversation, and some serious carnal interaction, the doorbell rang. He seemed very surprised, and we agreed he should at least go take a peek. Then I hear the door open and muffled conversation.
    Escort: You're way too early, so watch tv 'til I'm done.
    He returns to the bedroom. Me: WTF?
    Him: My next client is early. He's really hot - you want to make it a 3-way? I won't charge you any more!
    Me: Thanks, I'll pass. Here's half.
    And as I was leaving, he didn't protest the reduced amount. He just greeted the waiting client and told me to come back some time. Hell, I didn't get to come the first time.
  20. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Racketjock in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    As we are in the heat and building climax of things: "I'm so excited for you to come. Do you want to come on me for an extra $50 or me to come too for an extra $100?"
    Kind of kills the mood, though I was already passed the point of no return.
  21. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + glutes in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    "Now that I have silver tips in my hair, will you still hire me?"
  22. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Kevin Slater in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    Me: "I'm not great with couples."
    Client: "He'll just sit and watch."
    Like that's an improvement.
    Kevin Slater
  23. Like
    Gvtire reacted to Zman in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    I asked for a picture and instead of taking a selfie he sent me a picture he'd taken of his drivers license photo. Not the rest of the license just the photo.
  24. Like
    Gvtire reacted to evensteven in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    My new favorite escort asked me the other day, somewhat out of the blue, “have you ever tried edible underwear?" Since I didn’t even know there was such a thing, I replied, “No, I can’t say that I have.” He then advised firmly, “Well don’t do it, it’s a complete mess!”
    Make a note of it people.
  25. Like
    Gvtire reacted to + Trebor in Sunday Morning Worship at the Church of Cock   
    Oh, to be the guy in the middle on # 25 :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
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