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Posts posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. James McDaniel was one of my favorites on that show, and he has aged so nicely.


    Nicholas Turturro was also a favorite in the early seasons, but he put on so much weight and looked so haggard by the time he left. Turturro started out as a key character -- the "good cop" and lighter-hearted foil to David Caruso's character. While he stayed around for a while he was more of a secondary character, overshadowed by Dennis Franz and Jimmy Smits. I always thought Nicholas Turturro could have been a bigger star if he had taken care of himself.

  2. This stuff will kill you. Loaded with sugar.




    Yeah, as a result of this post I wanted to hunt down some B&M Brown Bread for nostalgia's sake, but when I looked up the ingredients and nutrition information it became clear it goes on the diabetics' "avoid" list.

  3. It's a number of trivial steps -- not hard at all. I wouldn't get intimidated by a short, repetitive list. You're just pressing buttons on a microwave, opening and closing the door, and stirring something with a fork. Stirring periodically rather than cooking the eggs in one blast makes the difference between fluffier eggs vs. a dense brick with soft spots and overcooked chunks.

    True. My method does result in a dense egg. I may just give your method a try



  4. I'm not a cook. Back in the day I'd cut up several hot dogs and put them in water to boil. Once the water was boiling I'd mix in potato buds and stir it up. Plus add some butter and salt (substitute) and pepper. Depending how much I made I'd have several meals. When I was ready to eat I'd often put some cottage with it.


    One of my college roommates used to boil hotdogs and then use the same pot and water to cook the macaroni for Kraft mac and cheese. I thought it was kind of nasty to have all that grease from the "meat" soaking into the pasta. We were engineering students cooking in a dorm room with one (illegal) hot plate. He admired the efficiency. I went out and bought a second saucepan at a thrift store, and would use one of those immersion coils to get a second pot of water started while the first was cooking on the hot plate. The joys of living cheaply. My friend just bought a countertop convection oven for his college-age child's dorm room. He also bought her a $300 vintage deco bar cart.


    Mom used to buy the B&M brown bread as a special treat, rarely. Premade packaged foods were comparatively pricey, and offended her depression-era sensibilities.

  5. Consider the last stanza from the original lyrics to "Big Rock Candy Mountain"


    The punk rolled up his big blue eyes

    And said to the jocker, "Sandy,

    I've hiked and hiked and wandered too,

    But I ain't seen any candy.

    I've hiked and hiked till my feet are sore

    And I'll be damned if I hike any more

    To be buggered sore like a hobo's whore

    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

  6. I downloaded God's Own Country from Netflix to my iPad, and watched it on a flight home yesterday. I must admit that the best part for me was that there was a beefy young military serviceman sleeping in the seat next to me -- through the male nudity, eroticism, and sex scenes.


    The circumstances were gritty and real, the scenery was both gorgeous and harsh, and the characters seemed fairly well-defined. I just felt that the story, the relationship, and the resolution were overly simplistic. Disapproving father and grandmother came around much too quickly and without conflict, and Johnny's transition from self-loathing casual hookups to intimacy to commitment within a week or two was unrealistic and dumb. The scene where Johnny wearing Gheorghe's sweater subtly referred back to Gheorghe putting the skin on the lamb was IMO the most beautiful and clever element. God's Own Country is much better than most, but it's still a "gay movie" instead of being a movie. For a story about a man's emotional growth and a relationship there's no substance to justify either the growth or the relationship.


    Oddly enough, I had chosen Finding Neverland for my outbound flight last week, and Ian Hart appears in both movies.

  7. The text on his hat his backwards. In all of his mirror selfies the text on his clothes (shirt, waistband) is readable when it should be backwards. This suggests that the pictures were "mirror flipped" -- reversed along the vertical axis. This is often done to defeat Google Image Search.

  8. If you do not want to read the whole interview, you can scroll down until you find Scott's response to your comment. :)


    Thank you for facilitating this reply. I think it's great that Kilborn is open-minded and is adapting his model to reach communities beyond his original vision. I look forward to seeing a search/filter feature and any other features that might help providers and clients alike.

  9. Mintboys seems to be attracting Backpage-type providers -- some average guys testing the waters in a low-key fashion. It's not consistent throughout the site, but they now identify as listing "Popular Gay Escorts & Male Escorts." There are getting to be a lot of ads specifying "Meets: Women." A search feature would be helpful.

  10. Oral sex itself is considered high risk for some STDs, if not HIV, regardless of whether you swallow. According to many sources swallowing cum does not increase that risk. I'd speculate that exposing semen and any skin-transferred STD to irritation in your mouth is where the risk starts. That can happen whether your partner ejaculates in your mouth, and/or you swallow, or not.


    Googling "is swallowing cum risky" will bring up guidance from many good sources.



  11. Exactly.


    This whole website set up inspires childish reaction, not thought. So sad!


    I'll stick with The Economist. It has no emojis, and thoughtful essays that go on for pages. I guess that makes it verbose. And it has that stupid old garbage called facts, ideas, exposition and argumentation.


    Worse, in its dry but wicked British humor way, The Economist completely exposes some of our current idiotic leaders for being the morons they are. That kind of humor wouldn't be allowed here, either. All we get is old school marms who substitute rules for reason and subtract points for creative displays of wit.


    Where are the emojis for boring and useless?


    The emoji for boring and useless is "meh."


    I'm confident that the new feature set will be refined after observation of how it suits the community. Overall, the upgrade is a great benefit, IMO. I know that a platform upgrade requires considerable time and effort, and it's clear that a lot of thought went into refining this platform to suit the forums.

  12. What about a "thank you" icon? Sometimes a contribution is so helpful that "thank you" is the best reaction.


    I believe that the "applause" reaction is close enough. There are slight differences in meaning between an applause and a thank you, but if we're concerned about nuances we may as well respond with actual words.




    Generally speaking, I think that many of these reactions are replies without actually replying. Anger, dislike, insulting, ad hominem, and possibly meh are all responses where I believe a member should state his or her thought process rather than just lazily clicking for a response as if comments require a rating.

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