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Posts posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. I ride motorcycles and I enjoy the open air and the feeling of increased control vs. driving a car. A few months ago I took a ride in my friend's Jeep with the doors off and I was surprised at how uncomfortable I was. In spite of being firmly seated in a modern bucket seat with seat-belt and shoulder belt I couldn't shake the anxiety of feeling like I was going to fall out. I was panicky through the whole ride on a minor highway and suburban streets, and I could not wait for the trip to be finished.

  2. The original was funny (in a dated kind of way...so many things were "of the moment"), but I have a hard time getting behind all the remakes/reboots. I'm waiting/dreading a remake of Three's company and The Ropers at this point.


    I'm with you. I can't imagine a remake of Three's Company and The Ropers being anything other than DOA.


    Maybe they could change it up a bit. Will Ferrell could play a trans Helen Roper, and maybe Patton Oswalt as Stanley.

  3. About ten years ago I had a home break-in, while I was in the house. It was about 3:00 AM, and the potential thief bolted when I shouted and he realized I was home.


    Twenty five years ago my car was hotwired and stolen. Remarkably it was recovered three days later; abandoned with almost no damage.

  4. I appreciate a stance that isn't as evasive and dishonest as past positions on the matter. The were characters for a children's show, but aspects of the relationship were developed from a gay, romantic one. Prior responses included "they don't have any sex organs" -- an evasive, disingenuous comment considering that most Muppet characters were clearly identified by gender through appearance, wardrobe, and name. Also, I don't know that Kermit and Miss Piggy's romantic relationship had much of a presence on Sesame Street, but producers were clearly OK with (cross-species) romantic heterosexual pairings in spite of the absence of genitalia. Finally, an honest answer that fits the context and doesn't treat homosexuality as a taboo topic.

  5. I found The Good Place season one on Netflix late last year, and binge-watched without catching season two on DVR. Now that season two is on Netflix I'm taking it in on "slow binge" in preparation for season three, which is programmed into my DVR.


    Is anyone else following The Good Place? On another thread some folks lamented the reboots and remakes highlighting an industry that has either run out of ideas or is pandering with nostalgia. I like this show because it's a completely fresh idea, and the humor is sometimes absurd and sometimes highbrow. The ongoing themes of morality and ethics are unique for a situation comedy, and the "situation" is one we have not seen before. There's been great character development, an excellent and diverse cast that doesn't lean too heavily on tropes and stereotypes, and a nice comedic role well-suited to Ted Danson's strengths.




  6. He is staying in the same location way out in Yorba Linda as is Steven Harrison who was also inquired about here a few moments ago.


    Someone else questioned & commented about the possibility of there being one of those traveling pack situations going on that we all know can be shady, etc.


    He had been advertising in Nashville for a few months on both Rentmen and Masseurfinder. Occasionally both of his ads would be set to "not available" status for a few days at a time. He didn't appear to be part of a traveling pack while he was in Nashville. There are prior posts about him in both the Deli and the Spa, but no one has responded with actual first-hand experience.

  7. Any fans of Bojack Horseman? I had started watching season one when it first came out, but I initially wasn't too interested. When season two came out I gave the show a second chance, and I've been amazed ever since. Now season five is out and I'm having a hard time pacing myself and savoring the episodes.


    For me, there's so much to love about Bojack Horseman. There's very smart humor mixed with sight gags, and the show can go from deep and dark to silly in seconds. There are some great (voice) appearances by guests stars as themselves or as characters in long arcs and cameos. The character development across the past four seasons has been some of the best I've ever seen on TV. Themes range from perpetual disfunction of broken people, to skewering pop culture and the Hollywoo(d) movie and TV industry.


    I'm sure I'll be done with season five within the next week or so, and I'll be hungry for season six if they don't wrap up the show.



  8. I've tried Hint and I like it, but it's much more expensive than most soft drinks or bottled water. I don't feel like I should have to pay more for a drink with less flavor and sugar -- even though I'd prefer less flavor and less sugar. I have no interest in the caffeinated version.

  9. The pics look familiar. I believe that he's a guy who has been in and out of the escorting world for years. His age and stats seem about right. Was based out of Miami or Fort Lauderdale and went by the names: Santoro, Roger Ruas, Luis Prado. At one time he seemed to be associated with Beto Puma, who hasn't been around for eight or nine years. While there's some mention of this guy on the forum I don't think that there are any clear first-hand accounts of meeting, nor could I find reviews on Daddy's. Maybe this will stir some other members' memories.


    Edit: If I've made the correct association and Rocco Bonno really is this guy, you can find some decent information if you search the forum for "Santoro" and look for posts around 2007 or older.

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