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Posts posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. OMG!! I don't need to list the 4 ads that are currently driving me bonkers because you've already done so! And the reasoning you gave is all stated perfectly!

    FYI: I'd probably rate that damnably awful Choice Hotels ad as the absolute worst offender what with that smug jerk standing there & then uttering his phrase of nincompoopery! The Ameritrade ad grates badly & rates as a very close 2nd worst.


    P.S. Did you all know that Patrick Warburton (the National Car Rental buffoon) used to be gorgeously handsome & built when he was in his 1980's era prime, well before he got noticed for his role in Seinfeld. **see pics below from grade D flick Dragonard**





  2. For me, Joe Morton has been an actor to follow and enjoy ever since John Sayles' 1984 film, The Brother from Another Planet.


    "God Friended Me" seems to almost be an "Early Edition" for this generation. I wouldn't say it's a ripoff because "Early Edition" didn't have prominent religious themes. I'm trying to keep up with "God Friended Me" on DVR because it's a bright, positive show. It helps to balance out some of the more darkly-themed shows I watch with their endless supplies of flawed characters and anti-heroes, and with their plots where every victory comes with heavy consequences.

  3. I like to use closed captioning because I hate the trend towards extremes in dynamic range. I hate setting the volume so that I can hear conversation scenes well, only to be blasted by loud soundtrack music and to have to roll up the volume more for intimate or subtle dialogue.


    I've noticed two additional negative trends in closed captioning. The first is a tendency to drop in the captions way too early. I understand that people need time to read before the focus changes or the scene cuts, but it's become ridiculous; the captions become spoilers. The second is that they're placing captions all over the screen, and more often on top of actors' faces or other critical visual elements. When I had a 19" TV captions were always at the bottom, and it was perfectly fine. Now I've got a 55" wide-screeen TV, and the captions can't get out of the way of the action.

  4. The Jason Mendoza character is the only one that seems out of place -- just far less original and not at all innovative. The impossibly dumb character (Tony Banta, Woody Boyd, Rose Nylund, Kelly Bundy, Ted Baxter, Joey Tribbiani) has been milked for all it's worth. Any time Jason tells a story about his past I'm expecting, "Back in St. Olaf..."

  5. RentMen website coders have done a good job of burying the pictures. Even though there is a way to view the page source and view/cut/paste the pictures you're authorized to see through direct links, I have not found a way to derive those links for private pictures that have not been opened up for me by the escort.


    I remember the early days of the Internet when everyone thought he or she could be a web developer; you could right-click on a picture to get its directory location, and use that location to figure out the links to any picture on the site. Sites did not protect their directories, and if you knew some basics you could pull up a list of all of their pictures and some critical files. Back in the '90s one of the old escort sites had their entire escort/advertiser database exposed as a text file -- complete with name, address, phone, alt phone, e-mail address, handle, and password.


    The best course of action is to ask the escort to unlock pictures. Change the default unlock message to something honest but personal. If he doesn't respond, move on.

  6. There are a few different fabric types that can be created from bamboo. Some of them are created by techniques that are not environmentally friendly in spite of the use of sustainable bamboo plants, due to the chemicals used to strip away the bamboo fibers. Some of the weaves are not great for sheets because they're not breathable. I bought a nice set of bamboo sheets a few years back. They felt very soft, but they didn't breathe at all; they trapped heat and moisture too well. No matter how cool the room was my bed felt warm and clammy.

  7. HBO's Newsroom did a reasonably good job of cleverly wrapping itself around "current" events after the fact. I'm not sure if this plays well in a half-hour sitcom though. I'll watch a few more to see if the the show develops a rhythm. It's all so meta though; a has-been sitcom trying to find relevance in a new era -- about a has-been news show trying to find relevance in a new era. I don't have much patience for reruns of shows from the '80s and '90s with their transparent setups for obvious jokes. Concepts have evolved, and it seems awkward to watch what has the look and feel of a new rerun.

  8. https://rent.men/Hungblatinodaddy


    Pics are of gay for pay straight trade porn star Mike Mann, an amazing specimen who delivered reasonably well in video performances that were somewhat aloof or downright cold.


    Has anyone made contact through this ad? I don't get to Atlanta often, but I'd consider a trip if he were for real.


    I have my doubts. For one, I thought Mike Mann was much taller than 6'1".


    Speculation is great, but I'm wondering if anyone has information.

  9. I have done microwave eggs before. Your method is too much steps. I just simply crack eggs, stir, add ingredients like sausage, bacon, cheese, bell peppers, etc. then microwave 90 seconds but you can play with time depending on how you want eggs. Simple and you know what is in it and you can pronounce all the ingredients ( well maybe not what is in the sausages).


    No need to spend money on a breakfast bowl, just make your own.


    It's a number of trivial steps -- not hard at all. I wouldn't get intimidated by a short, repetitive list. You're just pressing buttons on a microwave, opening and closing the door, and stirring something with a fork. Stirring periodically rather than cooking the eggs in one blast makes the difference between fluffier eggs vs. a dense brick with soft spots and overcooked chunks.

  10. Then of course, forget the bread. But hard to burn up the building if the microwave will shut itself off after a certain time. Chop up the sausage (it's already cooked), and add to the eggs.




    I don't remember where I learned this (pre-Internet) but I've been preparing scrambled eggs in the microwave since I was in college.


    for one egg: microwave on high

    • 30 seconds - stir

    • 15 seconds - stir

    • 15 seconds - stir

    • add black pepper and extras if any (chopped ham, sausage, cheese, leftover veggies...)

    • 15 seconds - stir


    For more than one egg I end up adding another one or two 15 second bursts. Lately I've been getting better at separating and removing yolks. Based on that cheerful video I'm going to try cooking spray.

  11. "Shimmer," the floor wax that is also a dessert topping, is one of my all-time favorites.


    Another is "Compulsion."



    Lots of great commercial parodies. I remember being fooled by the authentic vibe of the Quarry cereal commercial ("better, because it's mined"). Little chocolate donuts, Jewess jeans ("guaranteed to ride up"). Colon Blow cereal...


    Then there's these:



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