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Posts posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. If you reply on that other thread it will jump to the top. It's helpful to keep the discussion all in one thread.


    I expect that you'll get a lot of guesses in response to your question. Couldn't hurt to ask the escort directly.

  2. This is not really how it works, unless you get to a really sophisticated level of data review and the user has done absolutely nothing else to try to mask their identity (like using a VPN)


    We're saying some of the same things. The VPN is a red herring though with the casual users we're dealing with in this scenario. You're saying it requires a sophisticated level of data review; I'm saying that that data is available in theory, phone providers and ISPs may not even maintain the data, and it's not plausible that anyone would attempt it or care to unless there were a serious investigation. Behind the scenes of a terrorist threat investigation there might be some deep digging, but not for a local escort sting.

  3. You don't even need a burner cell. Just get Google Voice - it's free and you can text/call. There are other apps as well that will port a free disposable number to your phone leaving little to no digital trail.


    Just be happy you're not one of the fools who pays with a credit card. Unless you are. Then you may be fucked.


    When you create the Google account you're going to use for Google Voice, Google can track the device you've used to create it. That device can be used to associate you with legitimate communication you've done other other identities -- in theory. If I have three Google accounts and I access them all from my laptop or tablet at home Google will have the data to connect all three of those accounts. Once I activate the Google Voice app on my phone Google can can connect that account with other activity from that device, much of which could easily connect to my identity.


    It's not plausible that a local escort sting would reach out to Google for those connections. I'm not sure how many of these connections are visible to a phone service provider or ISP, and how much they choose to accumulate. The data is all available somewhere, but no one would go to the effort to connect the dots unless you were the subject of a serious investigation.

  4. he use to be a dancer at the gay bars in chicago YEARS ago. at least a decade. has done a few porn vids if i remember correctly. maybe solo stuff. huge package.


    Yeah, as I noted he's done some j/o porn -- two videos, I think. He had been around for a long time and his vids had more of a muscle daddy look. He'd probably be in his late forties. He, or someone using his pics, was advertising on the lesser sites bouncing between Chicago and NYC. I thought the ad was legit because it was out of Chicago, where he seemed to be well-known.


    I'd love to know if he's still available.

  5. Yes, I'm reviving a thread from seventeen years ago about Samuel-X from Chicago. He advertised as Samuel House and did some j/o porn. Does anyone remember this guy, and know if he's still around? His website disappeared in the mid-2000s. He transitioned from mainstream advertising to Craigslist or Backpage, and he had a presence as an escort on the hookup sites such as A4A up until recently when they started to crack down on those ads.


    I'd be interested to know if he's still available but flying below the radar. Reverse search on his old phone number suggest that it belongs to someone else now. I don't want to intrude if he's retired.



  6. I thought that the "Majority Rule" episode was a bit too obvious; it was a heavy-handed "statement" about our society. It was one overly clever idea with no nuance; kind of like the TNG episode where Wesley was to be executed for not keeping off the grass (and BTW: damn Captain Picard for circumventing the Prime Directive for that incident).


    The Orville does seem to be refining their overall concept with better scripts in the second season. I'm glad they split up Lamar and Malloy as the jerky bros on the bridge driving the spaceship.


    I've enjoyed most of the second season episodes. The one where Dr. Finn pursues a relationship with Isaac parallels a TNG episode where a throwaway character dates Data, but The Orville took it in a different direction. Last week's episode where new security chief Keyali becomes romantically involved with a Moclan whose sexual deviance is culturally forbidden also parallels a TNG episode, but I liked the way The Orville represented this story.

  7. Does anyone have any experience with this ad?




    I've seen the conflicting Rentmen reviews through a European proxy. Google image search suggests that the pics may be stolen. I'm leaning toward "not worth the trouble", but I'm hoping for some confirmation from actual experience, not informed speculation.



  8. How about setting up a playlist with 60 minutes of mood music or silence followed by this?




    Even better, there's an app for that.





    There is no graceful way to tell someone to stop talking in most situations. Award shows, however, do not have that problem. When that wrap-it-up overture starts swelling while you’re still on stage, it means it’s time to thank your mom and your spouse and call it a night. And it works, too. Even the most heroically defiant speech-maker at this year’s Oscars, Best Foreign Language Film director Pawel Pawlikowski,
    after the music started (though it seemed more like a half-hour). If only there was a way to harness this powerful efficiency tool into your social and professional life! Whoops, there already is.


    has just rolled out a new app that recreates the award show play-off music, placing it right inside your phone.
    tells anybody who has gone on too long that it’s time to do a dismount. Whether it’s a conversation that seems inescapable, a boring presentation that is getting
    Groundhog Day
    -level repetitive, or maybe even a quarterly state of the union address from the CEO if you’re truly bold, this app says everything you need to say for you. A word of warning, though, this app will be a well-received and tolerated office gag precisely one time per person it’s used upon, so make it count!



  9. not real. While Rentmen doesn't do a good job of removing fake ads, if you report the add and show proof (i.e. link to instagram model who's clearly in a different city than the escort claims to be and has the same pics) RM will (sometimes) cancel the profile.


    I recently reported stolen pics on a traveling escort's profile. The pics were from an established model's Instagram. Rentmen deleted the pics but not the ad, leaving a few big dick closeups that could be from anyone. One pic was immediately reposted with the head cropped off. It took a bit of prodding to get that one (re)removed, but the ad remains.

  10. I've been trying to savor recently released Season 5. I really do enjoy this show. Expectations were high initially, I think because the subject matter gave me the idea that the show was going to a very smart social commentary. It's really just another sitcom, but with beloved old actors and a somewhat fresh premise. I'm already halfway through this season.


    It was neat to see Paul Michael Glaser. He's done so little since the open-shirted days of Starsky & Hutch.


    Ethan Embry is the only eye-candy, for me, now that Ernie Hudson's character has been written out of the show. Scott Evans may excite some as a semi-regular, but I'm hoping his big brother drops by...


    Gratuitous vintage Paul Michael Glaser picture, for no good reason:



  11. In the recent episode they made first contact with a planet who believe that people who are born under a certain zodiac sign are prone to violence and are imprisoned.


    I would think that the solution would be quite simple. Since the gestation period is known just do not have sex during the time that birth would later occur during that sign.



    ...but they resolved the issue by enforcing c-sections for all deliveries expected during that sign.


    The Orville is in the realm of early, simple The Next Generation writing -- with so many episodes where they encounter a race with a peculiar and topical aspect to their culture (and a little bit of face makeup to define them as aliens), and where the entire planet and race are represented by the capital/ruling city. Let's hope that someday they get to the nuanced story arcs of Deep Space Nine. There are some Star Trek show-runners on the production staff of of The Orville.

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