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Posts posted by Nvr2Thick

  1. A related question: How often do you wash your sheets? I wash sheets once a week in the summer and every 2 weeks in the winter. But pillow cases I wash once a week summer and winter.


    Once a week. I use a "free and clear" detergent and wash in hot water, with no fabric softener and no dryer sheets. I pull the sheets out of the dryer and put them back on the bed so I don't have to fold them. I know how to fold sheets, but I hate folding laundry. For me the biggest problem is my fluffy cotton mattress pad, which does not fit in my washer. I have two of them, and I swap in a clean one and take the one off my bed and bring it to a wash and fold service once a month. I provide a couple of my own detergent pods, but every now and then they'll use whatever detergent is lying around. I don't understand how people can bear to use regular laundry detergent; it all smells like bubble gum to me.


    My favorite sheets were Land's End oxford cloth sheets back in the early '90s. Those sheets were wonderfully soft once they were broken in. Land's End is a shadow of the company that it once was, and they haven't made real oxford cloth sheets in at least fifteen years.

  2. Why don’t you just download Firefox then you can just click on the image open it up in its own page and then do a google search. I find it a lot easier than searching for the link in page source.


    I have an IT background. I can find the link in the page source within a couple of quick clicks and I don't give it much thought. I don't view it as an inconvenience, but I do empathize with people who think it's voodoo.

  3. Enterprise has been discussed elsewhere in this group. Some people say that full season three Xindi storyline killed the series. I agree with the original post's video -- that long story arcs are more in line with what fans were looking for. I think that part of the problem was the look of the show -- all of the ship scenes were dark gray with blue, and even when the story went off-ship they'd end up in a dark-walled setting. Aside from the shirtless mature men, the scene posted by TruHart was a treat because the desert was a relief from gray walls and the sunshine was blinding by comparison to a majority of scenes.


    Another problem was that the story writing followed the same style and tone that was perfected by final seasons of The Next Generation, and then the overall tone was honed and reused on Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Conflict was superficial, and the "good" characters were all decent people progressing through moderate character development. Even the edgy characters who were supposed to create conflict (Ensign Ro, Kira, Garak, Quark, Torres, Soval, Sillik) were either part of the family or became sympathetic allies. Fans of science fiction and television in general were looking for something darker and grittier as evidenced by the Battlestar: Galactica series launched as Enterprise was failing, where every single character was deeply flawed and every personal interaction was rooted in one conflict or another.

  4. It is fine to say that we should not judge others - I try not to, but sometimes we have no choice but to consider the impact of their actions.


    As an example, a few years ago I had an employee and became aware that he was cheating on his wife. The employee was in a position of trust. I had no choice but to take into account his actions and ask myself: he is lying to his wife (he admitted it and they did not have an ‘open’ marriage) and he has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted in a material respect, how can I not question his character and suitability for this role in the business? If he ended up abusing the trust and the business got sued, my judgment could be questioned for being aware of this ‘character flaw’ and not acting. To make it even harder, by this time I had known the employee for many years and considered him a friend - as in, we had lunch together most work days.


    Ultimately I had to sit him down and explain that he would not have any future career prospects and I would advise him to seek employment elsewhere...


    Not a fun experience. :(


    To this day I believe I acted appropriately. You may disagree.


    One of my prior bosses was a bully and habitual liar. When he was lying to me I could see the pleasure and confidence on his face. I'd swallow gallons of indignation and rage as I watched him lie to C-level management about situations that threw others under the bus. This guy was very popular with leadership largely because he was a handsome, well-built jock. He confided in me that when he was a kid his father used to pick on him and call him a fat momma's boy. That fueled his drive to be a local football star, and most likely influenced his behavior as an adult ball-buster and bully. He also confided that his father had a reputation for stepping out on his mom all the time. When my boss was little his dad would often come home very late from work or not at all, and there would always be smug, bullying arguments with his mom. It wasn't until my boss was a teenager that he came to understand that his dad kept a series of girlfriends, that everyone in town knew it, and that his dad perpetually lied to his mom about it.


    I've done quite a bit of reading about infidelity since then, and I realize that my boss's values were distorted from the way he was raised. He sought his father's approval and viewed him as an absent role model. Lies were ingrained in his lifestyle as he was forming his own values. I'd always say that for this man the truth was just one of many tools in his tool box -- one that he'd bring out when it suited him. He always impressed upon me that he wanted a better relationship with his wife than his parents had had. Last I heard though, he and his wife spent three years going through the process of adopting two kids. Six months later his wife divorced him for infidelity.


    I don't know whether I "judge" cheaters, but I don't trust people who are so comfortable distorting the truth when it can cause such harm. I don't know whether I can fairly assess whether someone has deliberately made bad choices, or whether he or she has had bad values ingrained since childhood that would require years of therapy to undo. It's best to steer clear regardless.

  5. I had a vivid dream last night about an involved chase that included the late Doris Roberts. In the dream, there was a home with all sorts of secret rooms which connected to unexpected places. One room, the one Ms. Roberts hurriedly exited, was a closet with a movable floor that led to a subway station.


  6. A few years ago I set up a living trust (easier to enact than a regular will, avoids probate) along with financial and medical power of attorney. My brothers are named as executors/agents for everything. For the trust and financial power of attorney the executor and agent follow a line of succession in the event that one or more of my brothers becomes unfit or precedes me in death. For the medical power of attorney it's more of a "jump ball" so that whomever is reached first can make timely decisions if I'm incapacitated. If a critical medical decision were to be disputed the majority of agent/brothers would decide, with senior age being the tie breaker if it came down to two brothers.


    My retirement accounts also have defined "executors" and beneficiaries. There can be a conflict between the names you provide to your financial institutions and your trust or will, so I had a VP from my bank present and available as a contact when my lawyer worked out these documents. The living trust calls out my accounts by name and directs the trust and its executor to the intentions defined within bank records for my accounts.


    I've sat down with my brothers and reviewed all the documents, and I've provided them with copies in well-marked folders with cover sheets noting the date/version of the documents. I've already had to provide two updates, which I sent to each brother along with updated cover sheets and instructions to discard certain older versions. The cover sheet also contains locations of the originals (safe deposit box) and my "official copies" (private home safe), along with instructions on how to access each. I had to go through a somewhat involved process with my bank to make sure that all my brothers have access to my safe deposit box. My lawyer noted that some of these documents become useless or much more difficult to enact if the originals cannot be accessed. I've also sent my lawyer a note for their files indicating the location of the original documents and a list of people with access.


    It's a good idea to have more than one agent for medical power of attorney -- in case someone is not available, or someone becomes unfit or dies and you don't get around to updating the PoA. I've had a few friends tell me that granting medical power of attorney, in my situation, is less precious than I might imagine. It doesn't have to be someone near and dear to my heart -- just someone who can act according to my defined wishes and not leave a void for hospitals to try to fill undirected.

  7. When I right-click on the thumbnail (Chrome on Mac) on a Rent.Men ad I'm unable to search. I've been using a convoluted method to access the pics (view page source) and have been performing image searches from there for a while. It's not for the faint of heart, but for the web-savvy it's just an extra couple of clicks.


    Another way to access all the photos in a profile (at least on a PC - I don't know if this also works on a mac):


    1) Open the profile in question, and right-click on any of the photos

    2) Click on "view page source" in the menu that comes up. This will open a new page.

    3) On the new page, scroll down to around line 575 or so (line numbers are on the far left)

    4) You will see a series of clickable links - each is to one photo on the profile. Clicking on a link will open a new page with that pic, which can then be copied/saved, or searched for. (Private photos are included in this if you already have access to them and have opened them.)


    Yep, that's the "convoluted" method I use. You can search the source for ".jpg" and you should find get to the list of pic links within two or three jumps. I hesitate to make such recommendations on a page where some folks struggle with cut and paste for web page links.

  8. I think a4a is a really lousy site. Somehow it feels low-rent to me vs. other sites like MF and it also seems to lack lots of info that you then have to deal with through their not so great messaging. Anybody agree? Disagree?


    At $30/month an A4A pro-ad is inexpensive (or low-rent).


    Lack of info came from A4A's self-preservation transition away from escort ads. Now escorts are trying to advertising through a thin or not-so-thin guise of a masseur ad. The ability to switch an ad quickly from hookup/dating profile to ad and back also attracts non-career escorts.


    There's something to be said for the low-rent scene. I miss the early '90s when escorts were just horny guys advertising under aliases in the Advocate Second Section for $100 - $150. Every now and then I could find a fairly normal hot guy on A4A -- someone who hadn't decided to create an entire persona for long-term business on one of the major sites.

  9. We have had various forms of this discussion innumerable times on this site. In the end we all usually agree that an escort has the right to operate his business in any manner he wishes. If a potential client doesn't like the was an escorts present himself the client doesn't have to hire him. I was recently taken aback when I say a rentman ad that did not have even one photograph. I was curious enough that I took the time to read the escort's ad. It was nothing out of the ordinary but, speaking for myself, there is no way I would hire the guy.


    Coming soon: an escort who calls him(?)self "Ask Me" and has a profile with no info, no description, no pictures.

  10. I'm sorry-- why the fuck is the site billing clients in the first place? Any cost associated with the site should be borne solely by escorts (who are already paying an arm and a leg).


    Kevin Slater


    The client billing option is basically a side Internet porn business selling access to escorts' amateur videos and revealing private pics. The only reason I've been tempted to subscribe has been to check out the videos.

  11. He has one review on Daddy's. There are some mentions in the Deli that you may or may not have already found through the search function.




    As others have noted, if you want an escort to visit at your home town you usually have to facilitate the arrangements. If you ask an escort to come to you he's unlikely to book a room, plan the travel, and say "I'm here." He'd be screwed if you flake. You take a risk, but you might offer to front him a portion of his fee and travel expenses.


    If you're hot for him I'd recommend setting up an appointment in Cincinnati and making the journey on your own, with or without your own hotel room.

  12. I use straws to keep from staining my teeth(I drink too much soda).


    Well they have whitening fluoride rinses now that are pretty effective, you could probably give them a try.


    Fluoride needs to become a Starbucks coffee flavoring ("I'd like a grande fluoride latte with soy milk, please"), and an option for colas (Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, Fluoride Coke). Treat the problem at its source.

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