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Everything posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. I was never a big fan of the fruit loop == Always felt like the clubs ripped off tourists with high cover that locals did not pay. Just did not like the vibe . . .
  2. WELL now that CL is gone has anyone noticed an uptick in activity on or about the gayborhood stroll??
  3. I liked the Club which was next to and and belonged to the HardRock KRAVE? Shows Early = Dance and Drag Late --- Miss "The Steakhouse" at the Riviera --- The Best in Vegas = You could still smell Sinatra's cologne!!! Now I'd go to Gallagher's at New York New York for Steak!
  4. Good Point! I was thinking about dog and cat breeds which can be very expensive - but the personality match is just as if not more important.
  5. Only if you KNOW for a fact that the person wants a specific pet and has not gotten said pet due to the cost of acquisition.
  6. Thanks = Can you please share a link to the article(s)
  7. Happy Bday Buff-Stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWHFSF1gQJU
  8. Never! 5-6hours is my limit and that is with Xanax/Book/Movie/Music/Raisins/Cocktails Id have to fly in stages - stay over a day or two somewhere else to see --- and then Gird my Loins for the next leg of the journey, 5-6 hours, repeat.
  9. Punctuation kills the creativity which is why there are editors as well as authors.
  10. Also the thread should be titled "How Does . . . " Not How Do . . . " Spelling and Grammar do matter!
  11. Nice Hair -- But he needs to smile
  12. OKAY Kids --- I have been among the most outspoken against MOCHA's negative attitude --- It seems since the Holidays he is trying to embrace a more positive outlook --- So let us give him a chance to continue to turn towards the Bright Side of Life
  13. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/i-want-to-move-to-new-york-and-commit-to-escorting.134417/page-3#post-1482878
  14. By reading the tread below and following the sagacious Advise provided just last week to another newbie who did not bother to read or reply --- NO NEED TO REINVENT THE WHEEL AGAIN!! https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/i-want-to-move-to-new-york-and-commit-to-escorting.134417/page-3#post-1482878 Good Lick!
  15. Maybe it is a case of statistics -- Gays are arguably are 6% of the population (IRS/Census Data) gotta figure from that 6% there are at least some lesbians/bisexuals/transgendered folk so lets say 3% gay men because we love to INFLATE our numbers ---- The majority of the country is still Caucasian - 56-60%. So the inference is that say 60% of Gay men are Caucasian and want to have sex with similar men - that accounts for a limited market for African America escorts --- This is just my interpretation -- based on popularly discussed numbers at this hour of the morning I am not doing major research SO agree === Disagree --- I'm making Waffles and then going to back to bed!
  16. So No time for Gun Control - But Plenty of Time for FUN Control CL points to new law - As CL eliminates Personals and Even Platonic Only Ads See Summary of Law at: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1865
  17. Glad to hear all is well -- Greg has taken breaks from the site before
  18. An extreme difference of Magnitudes ---
  19. I like mine like my condoms ribbed and/or studded for our pleasure -- So if Peanut Butter were lube - Id have to say Crunchy!!!!
  20. I'm torn between 1) kind of cool - like the re-use aspect and 2) Bitch you got to much time and money on your hands -- donate and volunteer instead!
  21. Tried IE and Foxfire --- SAme result no pics
  22. Hey Guys --- After All of Our Advice it does not appear as if the Author has been online or Posted since March 9th
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