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Everything posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. And there you go ----- Seek and Yee Shall Find Behind to Finger
  2. I accept appointments from select patients in or visiting Philly with similar interests in examination and testing
  3. Gay Publications/Classified ads like the old days! Gay Dating Sites Bus Benchs Tabling at Gay Events Cruise Bars (YAY)
  4. Well you are near SUNY Binghamton -- Check for Local LGBT Websites around Binghamton and get the AHEM -- Lay of the Land . . .
  5. Just Give It Time --- Where do you think the "Sanders" came from? She is the demon-love child of Colonel Sanders and Mike the DYKE Huckabee! She has been snorting those 11 Herbs and Spices for Years!
  6. Thanks Huckabee-Sanders - I am sure it came from your Lobbyist Supported Death to Democracy Fund
  7. So why cant you just learn the address for this website?
  8. I am waiting for the next version --- Law & Order - SFBCU (Seafood Buffet Control Unit)
  9. Ace Has the Face That Is the Place for a Horny Hardware Man!
  10. A lovely story --- I wonder what unconscious thing that Thomas did to make his fellow student from the Middle East view Thomas as a Friend?
  11. And == You know at my age when I cum I fart toxic waste
  12. Yes but he is 32yo with a furry belly, hot ass and deep throat And when I rub that special spot he drools and whimpers and his middle leg twitches
  13. General Pleasure Salute -- Then Swallow!
  14. From one Gay metropolis to another . . .
  15. I was thinking more like a remake of ELEMENTARY - with a British Guy who is not Sherlock Holmes
  16. You know - They have a Certificate of Authenticity from QVC tattooed on their cocks
  17. Hey Baby Put on Your Belle Bottoms and your Punk Hat and 4-color Platform Shoes \ Then DANCE BABY DANCE!!
  18. I have worked for Persians -- Compare them to Arabs and be prepared to be the Carving Station Featured food-group on that days buffet at the Hilton
  19. Yeah - - - - Okay --- I am gonna go back to weaving chain mail for pigs
  20. So he should be skilled in working a load
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