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Everything posted by Snbrd

  1. Snbrd

    A4A question

    Can I post a PRO ad from Adam4Adam? Couldn't figure out how. I'm intrigued by an ad and curious if anyone has any info on him (BiggGunnss presently in Boston). Only hired once from A4A and he was green lighted by LatBear.
  2. Everything about Max Grand was appealing, body, height, face, dick. I know this isn't a WEHT thread, but...does anyone know what happened to him. I'd bet he still looks damn good.
  3. Don't confuse lanes. Hire a plumber, an electrician, etc. based on reputation, competence and price. Hire an escort based on how he fucks.
  4. I was happy to see the characters and scenery that I missed since the series ended. Belgravia on Epic is also written by Julian Fellows.
  5. I met him in Boston this winter this winter and was very satisfied.
  6. Mine still comes, masked and gloved, but she brings no supplies, no mops, rags, etc. She uses my vacuum cleaners and tells me what cleaning supplies are running low and I get them. That sensible compromise was found on a website early in the outbreak.
  7. Right now Remdisivir can make a 14 day battle an 11 day battle. No walk in the woods. If in a year or so, something makes the virus a a day or 2 ordeal, before a vaccine is effective, behaviors may change. In the meantime, those of us who are 39, in real or Jack Benny years, will prudently wait.
  8. I think this may be where we end up for a good while. If the vaccine is 2 years away but a treatment makes overcoming the virus less burdensome beforehand, those outside the high risk groups may take their chances.
  9. Any updates? In Boston now. He picked a bad time to enter the biz.
  10. Snbrd

    Hail, Cesear

    I liked this movie despite the bad reviews it got at the time. Like Ryan Murphy's Hollywood on Netflix it's a fictionalized version of a particular Hollywood era. Clooney plays a likely guy. Good light entertainment.
  11. Did you ever have to use the new word in a sentence during vocabulary class? For example, "The client falling in love with the provIder was a scam."
  12. Having now watched it all I understand what Murphy and company were attempting. I enjoyed the show a lot and I'm glad it was there for us to watch, especially now. In normal times it would have taken a lot longer to get through it all. Without being too much of a spoiler, I don't see how it could carry on. I would so love to see more of those characters, sets and clothes.
  13. The longer I'm locked up the more inclined I am to sign up for one or even some Only Fan sites. Is there a way to preview them before committing? I have seen lots of Rhyheim Shabbaz on other sites and would take a chance on his. Am I unaware of means of sampling? Thanks
  14. Negative at the time of test doesn't mean you can't transmit. That's the rationale for the 14 day quarantines. I know someone who tested negative after repeatedly visiting her father, who also tested negative, while he was hospitalized. However, she believes she brought it into her home and infected her husband and son. Both are fine now btw.
  15. I agree with TruthBTold and WilliamM but would add that sometimes scenery works. They did in fact do a great job of making us imagine we are in a fantasy version of post-War Hollywood. It's a nice reprieve from the pandemic. Downton Abbey was arguably beautiful scenery and costumes with a story thrown in. Certainly the detail to scenery is a big part of the appeal of Mrs. Maisel.
  16. If someone has proof of being vaccinated, once it's available, we're safe. If they took chances and still escaped it they were lucky. I'd rather attribute their behavior to youthful indiscretion than go in the punishment business.
  17. I so enjoyed episode 1 and am glad I watched it. Yesterday's NY Times gave it a poor review. I think the reviewer missed a lot of its appeal. I'm not only member here who read The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson about Henry Wilson and his stable of hunks and watched Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood. This is a fun and gay-centric fictional visit to that era. At the risk of sounding crass, given that it is going to have a big gay audience, I wish Ryan Murphy and company threw in a little gratuitous nudity. If the mavens of high culture are going to find fault anyway then give us some dick shots!
  18. I listen regularly during exercise. At the gym, which we may not see for awhile, I use earbuds. At home, in my basement mini-gym, I listen through a bluetooth speaker. In fact, it's the reason I haven't put a TV in.
  19. Youngboldone: You're not rambling...you're expressing the sentiment of many us.
  20. I think Steve yabsley makes the point about our reticence to hire, the 14 day incubation period. If we hire someone aren't we at risk that anyone he came in contact with in the previous 14 days puts us at risk?
  21. While stuck at home during this pandemic, many members are undoubtedly taking matters into their own hands. That's easy enough. What about solo bottoming? Do you clean out before using toys? I have some dildos but I usually use them after a douche to get ready for an encounter with a top. If I try using them now in lieu of a real companion, should I clean out? What do other members do? While there is no other party to object I certainly don't want to make a mess.
  22. When I saw "TV" in the thread I did not think it would be about television
  23. I consider myself blessed to have a full head of hair at my age. I confess to being a bit vain about it and have rationalized my expensive hairstylist. Now I am starting to look like I did in my High School and college yearbook photos.
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