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Posts posted by BtmBearDad

  1. While he looks hot, and his website looks professional, as above, it all seems too convoluted. Is the outcome going to be worth all the effort? 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Did he once have an ad on RM? Both name, and looks are ringing a faint bell for me 🤔



  2. I don’t think your expectations are too high, but as others have noted, much of what you’re looking for will come down to the provider. In this hobby, not all cats are grey in the dark. 

    Some gents are able to provide that intimacy right from the get go, others will need a few engagements to get there, and there are those where it will always feel transactional regardless of number of engagements. Depending on a client’s needs/wants/desires, all three can work - whether you want the one off intimacy, the build up with someone who knows you, or the down n’ dirty physical act - there’s a pot for every lid. 

    I would echo the the suggestions made about doing research on providers. Read their profiles, use a VPN to read their reviews, come here and search their name or post a 411 query for feedback. Or post a general query that you’re an “X” looking for a “Y” in “Z” city who can provide an intimate encounter, etc..

    The type of providers you are looking for do exist -  you may have to kiss a few frogs along the way, but you’ll find one that ticks your boxes eventually! Just always be upfront with any potential provider about what you’re looking for, activities you wish to engage in, your expectations. 

    Good luck! 👍🏻

  3. 28 minutes ago, GTMike said:

    Quibble away!! No problem with me being corrected with facts! All good.

    And my bad as I must have conflated being intro'd to Facebook Messenger communication and then also Facetiming video around the same time and blended them! 

    You’re not the only one who conflated the two! TIL FaceTime is not a feature of Facebook, thanks to @Asterisk

  4. 31 minutes ago, arnemgreeves said:

    Ok so are the viewership of this network that conservative and prudish? I dint get this decision. Unless he had other bad conduct behind the scenes and this was the final straw. 

    It’s not about viewers or the network being conservative or prudish. We’ve had other gay anchors in NYC who have had their nudes from the apps leaked, and they didn’t get the boot. What this fellow did went WAY beyond that. He was talking about his boss - naming him, first and surname - during his web chat, going on about how much he wanted his boss to fuck him, speculating on how he looks naked, how big he would be, how he’d fuck, how much he cums, etc., all the while he was pleasuring himself. That’s why I said imagine it was a hetero guy saying the same type of stuff about a female co-worker. We wouldn’t even be questioning him getting the boot. 

  5. Why is still a story?? 

    Every employer I’ve worked for has had some sort of policy, (or if a contract was involved, a clause), about bringing disrepute on the company, blah, blah, blah. Boiled down to basically meaning don’t do anything stupid that would embarrass you, and the company. Erick not only did something stupid, but he named names of co-workers while he was doing something stupid. Imagine if it was a hetero man doing the same, but instead named names of female co-workers in the manner Erick did.

    None of this is about sex shaming, and nothing Erick did or said was about being sex positive. 

  6. I’m with @KensingtonHomo - in this hobby, I like to be sure I want to be sure I’m getting what I want ie; a top. As such, other than the link here, your profile wouldn’t be one I’d look at, or that would show up in my searches. 

    As to why some gents may hire you to top them when your ad gives off serious bottom energy, I think what others have said are some valid reasons. There are also some gents out there who want a more femme guy as their top because it lets them still be “the man” so to speak - even tho he is bottoming. 

    As the saying goes, there is a lid for every pot! 😉



  7. 1 hour ago, arnemgreeves said:

    Longer the better.  I don’t give a shit about girth. 

    I’m the opposite - girth trumps length for me. 

    1 hour ago, DynamicUno said:

    overall skill makes up for a lot

    This! Doesn’t matter how hot the guy is, how “perfect” his dick is - if he doesn’t know what he’s doing with it, and/or, his focus is solely on his pleasure, not yours, it’s not going to be an enjoyable time for the bottom. 

    I’m not a sizeist so I’m never looking for a huge one either IRL or this hobby. Like I said above, a proper fat one works for me - I find the feeling of being full, stretched rather pleasurable. However, I have had some rather big boys. Some really didn’t know how best to use their assets, while some others knocked my socks off, so to speak. A general rule of thumb would be, if he’s looking to get in right off the bat with no prelims, no foreplay, that’s not a good harbinger of things to come. Just like a blowjob helps get a top in the mood, a bottom also needs to be put in the mood, and relaxed. Good, intense, passionate foreplay goes a long way in stoking the desires, and getting one to relax to receive. 

    Like others have said, whether it’s girth or length you’re looking for, best way to prepare to enjoy them is practice, practice, practice. Whether it’s toys or cocks - think of it like Russian nesting dolls in reverse. Start small, and move up a notch when there’s no difficulty or pain with the size you’re using. 

    Also, make sure you’re fully clean - nothing extreme just warm water douching. I only add this as I know the worry -however slight- that one isn’t clean enough can inhibit one’s enjoyment. 

    Finally, never, ever forget that lube is your friend! Use as much as you need to, and reapply as often as you need to! 

    Of course, it goes without saying that in this hobby, always check the gents references. Whether that’s here in the Deli, or with other hobbyists you know who also know the gent, look to find someone who can attest to his skills or lack thereof. 

    Good luck!

  8. 1 hour ago, muscmtl said:

    How does that work since he advertise as a top, not vers/top, but only top?



    In a good amount of his porn, he’s an enthusiastic bottom. His listing himself as only a “Top” on RM may be marketing, and/or strategic to allow him to pick the circumstances under which he’d bottom. 

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