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Posts posted by BtmBearDad

  1. To build a bit off of the “you should shave that body” comment directed at @italianboyph, as someone who prefers a naturally hairy body, from a provider perspective, is there a polite or accepted way to ask -of those who go back and forth shaved to hairy- what they are at present? I asked one provider many moons ago, in what I thought was a polite way, I.E., “may I ask if you’re currently hairy or are you are shaved?” He took great offense - replied with something along the lines of “if that’s all you’re looking for there are plenty of guys who are hairy” and some more commentary about him being more than a hairy body. To be fair, hairy or smooth is not a deal breaker, it’s merely a preference, and given his pics showed a mix of hairy and smooth, I wanted to know what to expect. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  2. On 2/13/2022 at 3:33 PM, italianboyph said:

    I’ve had “clients” straight up message me and tell me to shave everything and to hit the gym harder to get a six pack, that way I’ll get hired more often. I had another guy today messaging me to tell me to shave my beard cause men shouldn’t have those germ traps on their face. 😂😂

    That would be a big fat no to all of that from me - most especially shaving that body of yours! 😜

  3. He’s only been on RM 8 days - unless he was under another name previously, a forum member may not have had the opportunity to sample him yet. 

    He’s definitely a good looking bloke with plenty of appeal, perhaps one of our skilled sleuths can do their thing and see if the pics in use are actually his, and not lifted from an IG dude in Basel or wherever. 


  4. I agree that Mexico gets a bad rap - it’s not some dystopian Spanish speaking “Mad Max” world. Like anywhere - Chicago, Paris, Rome - be aware of your surroundings, and know where to avoid. 

    As far as sexcations go, I’ve always enjoyed PV; I liked Prague, but preferred Budapest and Vienna - tho a friend swears by Bratislava. Barcelona is fun, but again I enjoyed Madrid more. 

    It really depends on the type of sexcation you want - beachy, resort type vacation; a destination with plenty to do and see outside the bedroom; what types of guys you’re  looking for; are you looking only to hire or looking to be welcomed by locals. I always think it’s a good investment of one’s time to look in the apps and RM in the city you’re considering, see what’s out there on both fronts. 

    For example, I like to “shop local” when I’m travelling. I don’t want to be like the tourists who go to McDonald’s in Copenhagen vs sampling the local cuisine. I’m in the UK and Ireland fairly regularly for work, and family. It’s very hit and miss to find a local provider in London - plenty of hot men, but not many British. But if you look, you can find them. Whether they’ll be your type is another story.  In Ireland it’s practically a desert. In the former I’ll look thru RM, SleepyBoy, and Hunqs for providers. In Ireland it’s all about the apps. 

    Having said all this, remember everything is subjective. Just because Bob had non-stop sex in Costa Rica, doesn’t mean you will. Pick a place you want to go to first, then start planning your sexcapades! 

    Good Luck!

  5. This is a new one on me, so I thought I’d bring it here, and gage opinions. 

    Does the guy’s name matter to you? Provider, date, or hook-up. Talking with a mate earlier, he was saying how he turned down this hot guy, (shared a pic, he is), because he had the same name as his ex, and that would be too weird for him. 

    I never really thought about it. I dated a guy with the same name as my brother, and a number of guys -providers, dates, hooks- shared the same name. If pushed, I guess a guy with the same name as my father could be weird, but overall I don’t think it’s an issue.

    My mate it odd I never thought about it. Am I alone here, or this a thing? 🤷🏼‍♂️


  6. 19 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    just a very quick aside:  most Middle Easterners are circumcised......if that's important, a client may want to verify this guy's status.....this provider may've not understood what "cut" means ("yeah, I have a tight body"), may've missed proofing his profile, or may not even be Arab/Middle Eastern......


    There is a minority of Christian Arabs, and they can be uncut but I agree, the overwhelming majority are cut. Interestingly, under languages he lists English and Spanish, not Arabic. Makes me wonder if he is a South American Arab. I’ve met/known several, and they were all uncut hotties like this gent. 


  7. I think @BenjaminNicholas and @Jamie21 have it in one. Providers such as the one in the OP’s post are using RM to monetise their sex life, and/or drive revenue to their OF/JFF platforms. 

    I have only encountered this scenario once with a provider. Initial contact was fine, he was even charming. Then it felt like I was on a weird job interview with all the questions. It was clear the provider was only interested in clients who fit certain criteria, (age, race, body shape/muscularity, etc.). What I was amused at was when I decided to end our back and forth with a polite “Thanks for your time, but I don’t think we’re a match” he was almost upset that I declined him. 

    Whether it’s down to naïveté, ego, youth, hubris, or a combination, they either learn that’s not how this game works, and adjust or they move on. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Now you need to be a billionaire to get any service or respect from any bank.

    Pretty much - banks are now focused on who they perceive to be HNWIs. 

    Another point that’s been touched on here is staff turnover at branches. At one point your local branch manager would be in place for years, if not their entire career, and he/she made it their business to know their customers. That’s gone the way of the dodo. 

    I rarely go into my bank in person - I usually just call my banker and say I need X, and I want to collect it from Y branch on Z day. Even then the service is shocking. 


    12 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    never to put all my money in a single bank.

    That was my mother’s mantra too. It was, to be honest, a bit of a pain when she passed making sure no account was overlooked, and just when you think “ok, that’s it!” I’d come across a statement for a CD or savings account somewhere else. Apparently what she used to do was when she noticed an account was nearing the insurance max, she would take out X % to open a new account somewhere else. I think at the end there were 5 or 6 different banks, plus brokerage accounts. 

  9. I’ve always had a “thing” for watches. In my family, for boys at least, it was kind of a “right of passage” getting your first wristwatch. I still have my first - I was given it for my First Communion. It wasn’t fancy at all - a simple black leather strap, silver faced watch - I think it was a Bulova, but definitely child sized, (do they even make them like that anymore?). Thereafter, a watch was considered the appropriate gift for milestones - graduations, certain birthdays, etc.. 

    I’ve also inherited a few, which are both the oldest, and the priciest ones I own. Two favourites that I rarely get the chance to wear are my great grandfather’s Patek rose gold pocket watch -it was supposedly a wedding gift, if so, that dates it from 1887; and my great uncle’s Breguet -he stayed in Europe after the First World War, so this one is from the early 1920’s, very funky face with moon movements and all. 

    Through the years I’ve treated myself too - but my collection ranges from inexpensive, to “what were you thinking?!” in terms of price. It’s the look of the watch that gets my interest, not the brand. 

    Back in the olden days when we were still suited n’ booted in the office 5 days a week, I did enjoy mixing up the watches daily, depending on what I was wearing, who I was meeting, etc.. Now, my everyday watch goes back, and forth between an old Tag, and an equally old Locman. I’ll still break out some of the fancy ones as occasions warrant - weddings, christenings, even funerals. 


  10. 31 minutes ago, griffen33 said:

    The provider at one point was sharing his google photos (or google drive link) but that is broken now.  Be aware that he changes emails also, and phone numbers.  He seems to use this (horrible) site to keep track of everything.  I see now he's a new "premium subscription" thing which is crazy and wouldn't trust it for a second.

    Notice the poorly photoshopped dick on his very first picture on *his* website. https://hilvp10.blogspot.com//

    Oh trust me, I recognise all the flags, and I won’t be messaging him to book anytime soon - yet visually, (photoshop not withstanding), and how he comes across, presents himself in his text still makes him tempting - at least to me. 

    In fairness, his business model to the side, he is a handsome, well built guy, with a nice dick, and a seemingly charming personality. He ticks the boxes for many hobbyists, not just me. So I’m at a loss why no one, (for clarity, no *trusted forum member*), from here has reported on meeting him. Does it just boil down to his fee? 

    I think part of the interest for me is that he doesn’t fit into the normal/established boxes one associates with “Danger Will Robinson!” in this hobby. We know he is in fact the gent in the pics, so he’s not a catfish, and at one point his RM ad had reviews that were glowing - and not just one off reviewers, there were established clients with multiple provider reviews in the mix, so not every toot of his horn is coming from himself. Is he only looking to gin up interest in his “premium subscription” service? Is he just looking to land that one sugar daddy? That seemingly no one from here has met or admitted to meeting him is curious. All of this, and more keeps me intrigued I suppose. 

    So many questions! Curiosity is going to kill this kitty! 😂

    I remember at one time, when he first garnered interest here, a poster commented that he wasn’t bi at all, but was in fact gay, (not uncommon to discover), and the buddy he worked with was his BF. Who knows? But I’d wager peeking thru his social media would answer that question, and perhaps the rest too. Thus my query earlier if anyone knew his handles. 


  11. While I haven’t pulled the trigger with this gent, I fully admit I have been, and remain, seriously tempted. 😬

    I echo everything that’s been said about this provider - from his looks, to his fees, to his pink (not quite red for me) flags. With all the chatter about him over the years, has no one actually experienced him? 🤷🏼‍♂️

    I also seem to recall he had a buddy he worked with, another gent with “Ivy” in his profile name I believe - anyone else? 🤔

    If anyone finds/knows his social media handles, feel free to share via PM 😀



  12. While a sad anniversary, this is an important topic I believe too many ignore. Thanks for starting this conversation, @Cooper👍🏻

    This was something I never gave much thought to, particularly when I was younger. Like @pubic_assistance, checking in on or noticing when you haven’t seen elderly neighbours was something I grew up with, but that was only for “old people”, or so I thought. 

    About 15 years ago this guy we all knew to varying degrees, was found dead after a fall in his shower. He had been there for over a week. He was a little older than me, so about 40 at the time, and he lived alone. He wasn’t missed at first by anyone as he worked remotely most of the time, and had a trip planned to FL. It was only after being a no show at a dinner in FL, and when his friends looked for him the next day at the hotel only to find he never checked-in did the calls start, eventually leading to a wellness check by NYPD, and the discovery. 

    Around the same time there was a piece in the NYT about a gent who had been found dead in his apt in the boroughs after a neighbour’s daughter who was NYPD, recognised the odor in the hallway. 

    Since then, even though at the time we were all only in our 30’s, we’ve all fell into the habit of checking in with each other daily. That habit was solidified during the whole corona lockdown. 

    As a single gent on the shady side of 50, who lives alone, some practices in addition to the daily check ins that I’ve adopted to hopefully avoid going undiscovered when I’m gathered to my forebears, and laying on a slab in the ME’s office are:

    • Keep a list of emergency contacts on your fridge door - doctor, lawyer, medical POA - so if you’re discovered incapacitated or dead, the authorities know who to contact right away. A friend has an envelope taped to the back of his front door labeled “In Case of Emergency” with the same, and additional information. 
    • If you don’t have a medical POA, get one! Even if you’re in a long term partnership, if you’re not legally married, neither of you have rights when it comes to medical care. Even if you are married, it’s a good idea to have that back up medical POA just in case. 
    • Get a POA as well for everything else. God forbid you’re hospitalized, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated, bills still need to be paid. 
    • If you don’t have a Will, get one! Make sure you tell the person you are making them executor in your Will, and give them a copy of the Will. Recently, a friend found out she was made executrix for an elderly neighbour, but the neighbour never told her. Go over exactly what you want done when the time comes too - funeral, memorial, burial, cremation, etc..
    • Have a list of who to contact for your medical POA and executor in case of hospitalization or death. The last thing that person needs to be doing is tracking down names, numbers to notify. 

    Hopefully, none of this will matter for quite some time, touch wood, but knowing it’s all set in place if something does happen is a bit of a comfort. 


  13. I knew the gents on here would come thru for you! 👍🏻

    I would echo the recommendations for both CubanTommy and BeardedBoy, even if they’re not 100% what you’re looking for, they know what they’re doing on top 😉

    The gent I would have happily recommended to you, MuscleFabian, appears either on a pause or out of this game all together (classic RM ad says his ad is temporarily frozen, RM 7.0 says his ad is expired). 

    Some others to toss into the mix for your consideration would be the following. As with everything in this hobby, while I’ve enjoyed them, YMMV.

    For your consideration:




    On my list but not yet experienced, so if you pull the trigger on any of these gents, I’d love to hear your feedback 😀:






    A fellow hobbyist who enjoys the bigger, bearish gents swears by this provider:


    Happy Hunting! You hope you enjoy your trip! Do let us know how you make out 👍🏻


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