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Everything posted by coriolis888

  1. Thank you for the answer. However, having to disclose my real name with the transmittal is a turn off to me. If I get to know the escort, my real name is okay. However, because of the work I do, I cannot have my real name transmitted to an escort. Losing anonymity is a good reason not to send "deposits" that might be a scam of the escort.
  2. "The fact that you don't even see that, and instead chose to be offended is pretty wild to me! " I do not think the author was offended. I think he merely does not pay advance deposits (period). Each person is different and views a similar item differently. So many clients have been ripped off (including me) by paying "deposits" and the escort does not show or even bother to offer an excuse for not showing. If more clients continue paying deposits, no shows by escorts will get worse than it already is. Just my opinion as a person previously ripped off by sending a payment "deposit" then waiting around like a fool for someone who had no intention of keeping his part of the bargain. Of course there are escorts who keep their word. But there are many more who do not.
  3. How do you send the "deposit" - via pay pal or similar agency?
  4. That escort is not too bright. That is tantamount to shooting oneself in the foot.
  5. You have a question that can have any answer. In some foreign countries where prostitution is legal, you can get treated very well. Brazil for example is generally an excellent place for meeting and being treated well. On the other hand, some other countries where prostitution supposed to be legal, the hustlers are quite difficult. Sorry not to give you a more definitive answer.
  6. Beauty is in the eye of he beholder! No way around that.
  7. It depends where and how you meet the person. If you meet the person in a sauna or similar type meeting place in their country, generally the provider is nice because they want your business. On the other hand, if you respond to an ad listing the person local but foreign, often the person has an attitude and will reject a normal fee even though the fee is generous. Some providers have the nerve to ask for a deposit then do not show up or call. Some ask outrageous prices after they learn you are American or not from their area. Rudeness seems to work for providers regardless of where you or they are located.
  8. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/mansfield-oh/mark-dalton-10648648
  9. Who, outside of a mental hospital would attempt to make such bizarre schedule? Beside from the schedule being bizarre, there is no accounting for plane delays. I just got to Brazil two days ago and two of the flights getting here had mechanical delays. I guess the guy with the goofy plane schedule forgot about plane mechanical delays and weather delays. Good luck making that schedule, whoever you are.
  10. Maybe. He is a bit restless and might return to NYC. I will ask him tomorrow if he shows up.
  11. I met this guy in Sao Paulo today. He has visited (and was a provider in NYC) last year then returned to his home country (Brazil). His charm and looks makes me think he is too good to be true. His attitude is too easy going where it almost seems like acting and wants to please too much. I will be seeing him again tomorrow (hopefully). Does anyone in the NYC area remember him and what kind of reputation he had while there. Here is his current Brazilian ad that shows his great face and body etc. https://garotocomlocal.com.br/acompanhante-masculino/yago-rodrigues-3/
  12. I am at a large fancy hotel out of the United States, tonight the band has been playing a lot of his music. Yes, his music was quite popular and liked.
  13. You have to admit this thread was preposterously ridiculous in that a grown man, who hires escorts, admitted to cancelling a three-hour appointment with a provider because he was fifteen minutes late. Worse yet, the grown man wondered if the provider that had been cancelled would schedule another appointment with him. This thread should go into the hall of fame of bizarre threads.
  14. One way the original poster (the author/creator of this thread) could give credibility to his post would be if he furnishes us with the link to the escort that experienced the defaulted appointment. I am not sure what it would prove but it would lend a bit of credibility to his claim.
  15. You are comparing apples to oranges. A provider has many one-hour appointments. One-hour appointments are easy to reschedule. However, you said you had a three-hour appointment and that you broke the appointment because you would be fifteen minutes late arriving to the appointment with the escort. That is a disingenuous excuse for breaking a three-hour appointment. The escort would depend on the money from a three-hour appointment more than from a one-hour appointment. For some reason, you do not see the consequences of what you did.
  16. Just like he did not have to pay the escort he last minute cancelled.
  17. Don't you think that morally, you owe him some money for cancelling a long session at the last minute? If you do not think you owe him anything, I must say I vigorously disagree with you. Your comment about "plenty of fish in the sea" implies you have little to no regard for people. If you are really in the clergy, please let us know so we will know who to avoid in the future.
  18. Hypothetical: The client mentioned that he would like another chance to meet the provider. If that were to happen (and I seriously doubt it will), the provider, by nature, would justifiably have hostility toward the client unless the client compensated the provider for the prior fee that was defaulted solely because of the client. Is the client so dense that he would think he could reschedule a new meeting with the provider and expect his intentional prior "no show" to have zero negative effect on the rescheduled new meeting? Wonders never cease.
  19. The client is the one with the money that the provider needs. We, the client, are allegedly more responsible (time wise) than a provider. Having a provider block off three hours of time in anticipation of making money from a client only to have the client cancel with fifteen minutes of the appointment is irresponsible to say the least. The fact that the client does not seem to understand that this behavior is wrong is quite puzzling.
  20. Archbishop, an old proverb seems appropriate considering you do not feel you are wrong in cancelling with such short notice. "The road to hell was paved with good intentions"
  21. Now, that is a horse of a different color.
  22. Considering that Rod introduced information about Selma Avenue and the Gold Cup, let us give credit to the man who had a small stake in the Gold Cup and the will power and lack of fear of the FBI and the postal authorities to mail naked photos of men to buyers who lived in various parts of the world. Bob Mizer was a pioneer in his day by bringing gay pornography to a point of large volume. He also had a magazine with gay pornography which caused him a lot of hassle with the police and various agencies. We all owe at least a little gratitude to Bob Mizer through his perseverance that would not stop despite being jailed once and prosecuted twice. Here is a little article about Bob Mizer that might be interesting if you are a history buff and are interested in how many facets of gay life began. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Mizer#:~:text=Robert Henry Mizer (March 27,in the mid 20th century.&text=Hailey%2C Idaho%2C U.S.&text=Los Angeles%2C California%2C U.S.
  23. coriolis888


    Even if you are blocked from his ad, all you need do is sign out of rentmen then go to his ad. You will be able to view his ad. His block will not work on viewers not signed into their account.
  24. Some of the photos are done by a professional photographer. They could be of the provider but the ad is nearly four years old which could mean that the photos are also that old. If so, a lot can happen to a body in four years such as weight gain and muscle loss. Of course, I can be wrong but the ad just has too many questions for comfort.
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