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Posts posted by Keith30309

  1. He is traveling here and sent me a RM IM (damn, I really dislike that IM app; it’s very difficult on a phone).

    I asked him about the pics and he said he looks the same if not better. I asked if he knows of kookoosnaz and he said that was him.

    He sent me 4 other undated pics including 2 face pics.... he looks around 30’ish. He said that being sexualized is a fetish he enjoys.

    He quoted me a 2-hr rate which was way outside my budget and a polite, pleasant conversation ensued about cities’ costs of living and rates.

    That’s it.

  2. other forum members can offer more, but Tim (Dragon Tim) has been well-regarded for years in Atlanta......I met him about four years ago and had a great time....good stretching techniques....easy-going and smart......




    if you like a masculine, casual, good ol' Southern guy, I also had a great time with Ash during the same Atlanta visit......massage may??? be in a friend's house???



    On RM now...


  3. I've booked him. Very sexy and very proficient. Also super-sweet. Very New-Agey, which may or may not be to your taste (I found it charming).



    Anyone else met this gentleman ?

  4. I actually did reach out to him about a month ago. His 2-hour rate was outside my comfort zone.

    Something just told me it would be going thru the motions.


    In general I like to get a sense of at least a little enthusiasm about meeting *me*.


    When I look at some of these guys’ twitter feeds with vid clips with other pros it looks like they are having huge fun and it’s an erotic blast. Sometimes I get a sense that I’m the guy they *have* to be with to pay the bills and that I’m the 5:00 appointment (yawn) between the dentist and gym. If I did pay $600 to spend time with someone it needs to be more than an assembly line experience.

  5. Anything that starts with r4r and includes the name of your city

    Great recommendation !


    I’ve just recently gotten serious about setting up meets on Reddit in the last 2 weeks and gotten lots of interest in the Sugar Relationships subs as well as three niche <cough> subs for certain special interests. My experience thus far is there’s a fairly high flake factor - I met my first contact face to face only yesterday - but there’s lots of opportunity.

  6. In Atlanta there are three RM pro’s I’ve had an interest in meeting in the last 2-3 months. I contacted each to set up a 2-hour meeting and each told me their rate was $300/hr. I thanked them for their time but declined.


    During that period I’ve had many meets with buddies I met thru SA and I gave them $200 for whatever amount of time we spent together.


    There is zero correlation between rate and enjoyment of a meeting. The only thing I pay extra for is razor-sharp professionalism. When I pay RM rates and don’t get that then it makes me more upset than it used to.

    I tolerate much less bullshit from pro’s now because of the alternatives.

  7. have never been, either, but no real desire to visit East St. Louis again.....saw the town as a kid after doing the Arch stuff and Dad said let's go across the river to see "notorious" East St. Louis





    Goodness yes. I used to travel to St Louis on business and go over for grins. There were no gay places then but the straight nude clubs were as wild as anything in San Francisco straight clubs. I visited a swingers bar out in the country, in the middle of cornfields, and it was surreal.

  8. @BgMstr4u's post reminded me of four additional guilty pleasures:

    A Vienna all-beef hot dog on a poppy seed bun with pickle, mustard, sport peppers and extra extra celery salt,

    Krakus Polish ham on rye with two pickles on the side,

    a hot Vienna corned beef sandwich on rye with just a touch of stone-ground mustard and a pickle on the side


    Dream Date!

    Let’s grow old together! :p



  9. I heard that the site keeps 50% of the take, which is a huge amount for them. I saw Dillon Anderson post about a year ago he was making $15k / month on OF. Hes probably north of $20k now.


    In part this market was created by the sub-par product the studios have been putting out. Many of the vids on the fans sites the guys plan, shot and edit themselves. The product can be a bit amateurish, but the sex is hot AF b/c it's not being staged by or interfered upon by the studio directors and photographers - it's basically hot guys having hot sex. No incomprehensible or forced positions poses or plotlines. They self-select the other guys they want to perform with.


    There’s a guy named Hoss Kado who used to be on Rentmen... he’s been discussed here... and he is on OF and JFF and does exactly that. I really admire the guy... He has 79k twitter followers and I’m not sure how many paying followers. But he produces his own stuff and the quality of the samples he puts on Twitter is excellent. He really has the business model nailed; my hat is off to him and I admire his entrepreneurial success.

  10. I don’t subscribe to any of them nor do I know all that much about the OF and JFF phenomena, but it seems like a very saturated market. Almost every adult-oriented Twitter and IG user seems to have one or both accounts. It also seems like you need to subscribe to at least one before you can see who else is providing content. I’d like to browse the available content providers before subscribing to any of them.

    True. I’m baffled by the “why” of this.


    But 10 years ago who had heard of Kylie Kardashian. She was a self-made billionaire at 21. Hardly Andrew Carnegie but the world has changed and the riches go to the people with the smarts and content to be at the right place at the right time.

  11. That is a lot of followers. I doubt most would break that threshold to make even over 5k, considering there is no barrier to entry and anyone across the globe can presumably join?


    This strikes me as one of those things that a small number of people can make a lot of money doing but you have to have a lot of media savvy and really run it like a business. Content consumers these days are fickle as hell and accustomed to bouncing around hundreds of channels.

    To those who do make money at this, my hat is off to you.

    For escorts, this seems like a great way to build awareness of their “brand”.

  12. This is what can happen when the chemistry is off and the client takes it personally.


    As other here have said before, when it's just not a match- but nothing terrible otherwise- sometimes the best thing you can do is part ways and not submit a review.


    You cannot always force a round peg into a square hole. Some personalities are not meant to mesh.

    I agree completely. Chemistry is 1) key to a rewarding encounter, and, 2) impossible to manufacture.

    And I think many providers sincerely want as many encounters as possible to be mutually rewarding. And some likely would rather not meet someone if the chemistry is not there.


    However, I’ve found the level of patience is pretty low to have a dialogue at the time of scheduling to get a sense of chemistry. There’s a perpetual dialogue on this forum about time-wasters and the magic formula for sending a concise scheduling message to avoid being labeled as a looker, not a buyer.


    One solution is a variation of the much-hated deposit. “Here’s $10. Take the time to have a sincere conversation with me so we can both decide if we have chemistry.” Unfortunately that requires mutual trust that both parties are acting in good faith.


    My answer to this is to have a fairly long RM profile that is intended to give a potential companion a sense of who I am and simply ask “Are we a match”. Some guys read it and some don’t.

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