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Posts posted by Keith30309

  1. Visited this morning:

    - Employee wiping down every cart hand handing to each customer.

    - Queuing the max store occupants though it wasn’t crowded enough to trigger.

    - One way aisles.

    - Hanging plexiglass shields between customer and cashier.

    - There were employees restocking shelves in at least half the aisles - clearly fresh and dry goods coming in.

    - No paper products, no dry pasta, few canned vegetables (but lots of soup... go figure).

    - Lots of alcohol with extra boxes stacked in the aisles.

    - Lots of chicken but limited beef.

  2. Not a fan. Too many pitfalls. And I'm afraid the dynamic of any future booking may be off; people often tend to engage in obligations for which they've already been paid begrudgingly, like they're doing you a favor by upholding their end.


    I understand that this guy needs some help. That's when he should look to friends and family, but not clients.


    Kevin Slater

    I get that. On 3 occasions in the past I've given small ($100-$200) loans to guys and exactly what you describe has happened - the payback time is almost resentful.

    Despite that, because of the extraordinary circumstances, I've initiated (as opposed to being asked) a handful of prepaid meets. I don't know if I'll regret it or not. I'd really not like for my ongoing relationships to be soured and those I've included are pretty levelheaded so I'm hopeful. I know that seeing me is likely to be a lower priority than making new cash coming out of this.

    I dunno if it was a mistake or not.

  3. Every time I go in for a screen they go thru the standard disclosures. One of them is that if you are positive for anything that you can voluntarily give them the names and phone numbers of anyone you’ve had sex within a set period. The clinic will contact them without disclosing your name.

    In Georgia they are required to report to the state positive reports of HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hep A-E, and a bunch of other stuff.


    (On a side note.... not really surprising but the clinic I go to has suspended all STI screens for now because of social distancing requirements.)

  4. Damn...

    Ok, now I have a goal - something that will get me thru the virus lockdown.

    I‘ve got to meet this guy in person. Says he’s in Indiana. Hmmm


    Favorite tweet: “Long story short. I need somebody to cash app me $50,000

  5. I know a couple of MTF folks who’ve had good luck with the clear plastic screw suction devices.... used consistently every day. Of course they are also taking hormones, which I assume would not be desirable.

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