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Everything posted by sync

  1. He is one delicious-looking man. His age probably accounts for that disarming "nothing really surprises me anymore" aura his images project. http://i61.tinypic.com/xoma8h.gif
  2. That symptom suggests a social anxiety disorder, which is something I experience and was surprised to learn is the third most common emotional disorder on the planet. You may be pleasantly surprised by discussing your symptoms with a professional. PS: Please don't take your own life.
  3. David Lim smokes in this video clip with Russell Tovey
  4. I was thinking my lips and tongue.
  5. Randy Velarde http://www.tradingcarddb.com/Images/Cards/Baseball/206/206-237Fr.jpg
  6. I understand and appreciate your focus on the moral assault aspect, which is heinous, but I can't make the leap to holding one individual legally responsible for another individual making the decision to end his/her own life. Perhaps if I reverse engineer my concept of the circumstances to constitute an assisted suicide, I could be swayed.
  7. Apparently, there is a great deal about this that I'm incapable of comprehending. My understanding is that a seventeen-year-old girl texted suicide encouragements to an eighteen-year-old boy, and she was convicted of involuntary manslaughter because he committed suicide. I'm curious to know how Judge Moniz reacts when he hears someone tell someone else to "drop dead."
  8. Bucky Dent: Hideo Nomohttp://www.homeruncards.com/imagesrc/hideo-nomo.jpghttp://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/images/players/head_shot/119827.jpg
  9. This is a great image. The diacritical mark over the "a" pulls everything together. Thanks Moondance.
  10. He looks a little too young, but if I had a shot, I would gladly wait for him.
  11. Pardon my ignorance, but what is "doping yard work?" I'm assuming an incorrect auto-correct, but I'm not sure.
  12. He advocates a healthy lifestyle that includes conscientious skin care. I'm thinking, barring any misfortune, his good looks will be long term. I'm lasciviously awaiting for him to mature with a little more body weight and unshaven body hair.
  13. No, sorry, I have no useful information.
  14. No, sorry, I have no useful information.
  15. Is this the one? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/peterts.shtml You will find it more helpful if you can post a link to the subject for potential respondents here in the forums. I can understand your interest in "Sexy Peter."
  16. Is this the one? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/peterts.shtml You will find it more helpful if you can post a link to the subject for potential respondents here in the forums. I can understand your interest in "Sexy Peter."
  17. You are not alone. Tattooing has significantly curtailed my masseur/escort considerations.
  18. My political correctness has no tolerance for that term. I don't understand how today's society has allowed that term to remain popular/acceptable.
  19. Perfection is a subjective perception, and how I would like to be subjected to this perception. Good job, latbear4blk!
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