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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. I am getting to like him even more!
  2. He posted in this forum nine more times since you wrote that! I think that's 27 since I posted this one.
  3. It's telepathy! Actually, after watching (part of) this video, I was wrong a couple of times. Take a look and guess which one of the twins (pictured on right) is gay:
  4. Maybe you could have him beaten up...j/k.
  5. Here's a February 2020 photo: Note the wrinkled face!
  6. Geez. 11 more posts by marylander. Does my hunk stand a chance?
  7. If that above is "fading attractiveness," give me some!
  8. This got buried when marylander posted seven new posts, so I am bumping it up however briefly.
  9. Openly gay swimmer Michael Gunning: http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Michael-Gunning2.jpg http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/1080x1080-michael-1.png http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/MG2-400x266.jpg http://greginhollywood.com/wednesday-morning-man-michael-gunning-191914
  10. From boyculture.com: Micah Plath is one of the umpteen kids of the Jesus-fearing, home-schooling family profiled on Welcome to Plathville on TLC. He's also 19 and works out. These things may be at odds, as demonstrated by the fully sexy photo he posted from one of his first physique shoots. Will we win one over to secular glory, or will he amass an IG following of drooling fans, only to sock us with a Trump 2020 post later on? https://www.boyculture.com/boy_culture/2020/07/micah-plath-shirtless-muscles.html
  11. Interesting that some focus on the doctor's youthful looks. You'd think this was a gay message board!
  12. Dream on. Scheduling and canceling are part of doing business. Do you pay the client if you cancel?
  13. I had forgotten that Marky started out as a singer. And that's odd because I actually saw him in concert! I wasn't there for the music.
  14. Gaydar is real. You don't need any interaction with the other person. I get my answers in about one second and am rarely wrong.
  15. Psst! We are in the USA and we don't say "meters!" It's 6 and 1/2 feet! This is two meters
  16. I wore a shield over my mask today when I went to Target. The last time I was there, a woman would not wear a mask. It feels safer, especially if you are near someone sneezing or coughing, but it did make breathing a bit harder. We also have a loud, obnoxious guy with three dogs who comes to the dog park every morning but will not wear a mask. He usually keeps his distance, but the day he didn't I wanted my shield.
  17. Since the gym and the locker room are places where jockstraps abound, I will post this link here. 18 models wearing jockstraps! https://mattsko.com/2020/07/25/models-wearing-jockstraps-click-on-this-title-to-go-to-a-gallery-of-18-photos/
  18. Turns out that the Yankees and Trump's own staff had no idea he was going to throw out the first pitch on August 15th: https://www.towleroad.com/2020/07/ny-yankees-trump/
  19. In a message that could permanently improve conditions in prison showers, Dr. James Hamblin says we don't need soap to get clean. In fact, he says it is counter productive. In an article in The Guardian, Hamblin gives his reasons why. Microbes are necessary to our health, why do we keeep killing hem with soap? Smells? No worries there either. Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/jul/28/soap-dodger-meet-the-doctor-who-says-we-have-been-showering-wrong
  20. Since I just returned here after many years in retirement, I am seeing again this thread started by my late friend Jackhammer. He would be thrilled to see that the thread continues.
  21. Wow! You are not the guy giving us that one-eyed stare? Or is it an invite?
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