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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. Flash floods. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2017/08/03/electrical-storm-palm-springs-911-down/
  2. Some folks who like sweeping, scolding declarations need to learn about the Google. :D
  3. Maybe he means he’s been escorting for 30 years. Experience and skil.
  4. There's something wrong about eating chicken with an egg. Too Manson-and-Sharon-Tate.
  5. I live mostly in LA, so it’s pretty much on lots of Mexican menus around town...except at my very favorite place, Mercado. But they have something for brunch that won’t likely be found anywhere, including IHOP, because they made it up: Rompope French toast. Rompope is not something I like to drink, but man it makes a heckuva French toast batter. And who can argue with chile-infused agave syrup?
  6. Crepes are best with butter, sprinkled with sugar, and rolled up like an empty burrito. And no chicken.
  7. If black escorts are indeed retiring at record levels, @latbear4blk will have a coronary.
  8. Roscoe’s is much older than that. Been around for nearly 50 years. (And yes, chicken & waffles is soul food.) And I love me some machaca, too. Mmmm.
  9. Man you are lazy. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/felipe-in-la.125059/
  10. Sen. John Kennedy, Louisiana loon, tweeted “I will be filing a bill tomorrow that will prohibit airlines from putting animals in overhead bins. Violators will face significant fines. Pets are family.” Sen. Kennedy opposes all firearms restrictions. Nice FU to dead Parkland kids.
  11. Hawking enjoyed running over the toes of people he didn’t like with his wheelchair. So in 1976, when Hawking was invited to attend Prince Charles’s induction into the Royal Society, he gave him the business. “The prince was intrigued by Hawking’s wheelchair, and Hawking, twirling it around to demonstrate its capabilities, carelessly ran over Prince Charles’s toes,” according to the biography Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind. “One of Hawking’s regrets in life was not having an opportunity to run over Margaret Thatcher’s toes.” More reasons to mourn his passing.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/mar/14/stephen-hawking-professor-dies-aged-76
  13. Bari Weiss is a digital stain. Ugh.
  14. Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes, it was Edy Williams (not Head or Adams!), Queen of the Red Carpet befor the carpet became a fashion thing.
  15. “I didn’t want to upset my wife, because she loved Francesca,” von Anhalt told...or, to be more precise, lied. Francesca was a mess, thanks in large part to her awful relationship with mom Zsa, her father’s virtual abandonment (Conrad Hilton essentially cut her out of his will), and lawsuits and other harassment from, yes, fake-prince Von Asshole. She oozed neediness. I felt sorry for her.
  16. Since the production has nothing whatever to do with issues of political correctness, I’d say the answer to your question is “no.”
  17. Zsa Zsa was a gay space, so it makes sense. In fact, she was the Queen of Outer Gay Space.
  18. Spoken like a truly privileged white guy. Sheesh.
  19. Jerry Herman: I am what I am And what I am needs no excuses I deal my own deck Sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces It's one life and there's no return and no deposit One life so it's time to open up your closet Life's not worth a damn till you can shout out I am what I am Jerry Herman-esque: I am brave, I am bruised I am who I'm meant to be, this is me Look out 'cause here I come And I'm marching on to the beat I drum I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me
  20. Plus, the song’s not that good. It’s pretty much just a pastiche of "I Am What I Am" from La Cage aux Folles.
  21. DiFi is among the more reasonable Republicans in the Senate, which makes her a rarity, but I would love to see her replaced by an actual Democrat.
  22. Earth to Shill: The Oscars is a TV show that is broadcast to promote an entertainment industry. TV rules apply to a TV show, not the rules of artistic merit.
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