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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. You agree with that because you are stupid. A.) "the press" is not social media. B.) Hillary has been abused by the press for decades. Many of the male journalists who stand accused of sexual harassment were on the forefront of covering the presidential race between Hillary and Trump. Matt Lauer interviewed them in an official “commander-in-chief forum” for NBC. He notoriously peppered and interrupted Clinton with cold, aggressive, condescending questions hyper-focused on her emails, only to pitch softballs at Spanky and treat him with gentle collegiality a half-hour later. Mark Halperin and Charlie Rose set much of the televised political discourse on the race, interviewing other pundits, opining themselves and obsessing over the electoral play-by-play. Rose, after the election, took a tone similar Lauer’s with Clinton — talking down to her, interrupting her, portraying her as untrustworthy. Halperin was a harsh critic of Clinton, painting her as ruthless and corrupt, while going easy on Spanky, who actually is corrupt. Glenn Thrush, currently on leave from The New York Times because of sexual harassment allegations, covered Clinton’s 2008 campaign when he was at Newsday and continued to write about her over the next eight years for Politico. A pervasive theme of all of these men’s coverage of Clinton was that she was dishonest and unlikable. These recent harassment allegations suggest that perhaps the problem wasn’t that Clinton was untruthful or inherently hard to connect with, but that these particular men hold deep biases against women who seek power instead of sticking to acquiescent sex-object status. You know, Shill; sort of like you.
  2. @Corporate Shill was thrilled Roseanne was coming back to TV precisely because she is a MAGA conspiracy theory loon. "She can do whatever the hell she wants" SHill trilled in his OP post. No, she can't. She was responsible for the hiring of hundreds of workers for her show, and now they are all screwed by that kind of MAGA -- and libertarian -- insanity: http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-roseanne-crew-20180531-story.html
  3. Snap out of it, fool. "Liberal darlings" should get a pass. They make human mistakes, but they don't support a bigoted conman. Roseanne is a loud supporter of a racist president* and hurled a racist slur against an African American. Scr*w your holier-than-thou hypocrisy. You need to learn some humility.
  4. She’s still begging, via this tweet today: “I begged Ben Sherwood at ABC 2 let me apologize & make amends. I begged them not to cancel the show. I told them I was willing to do anything & asked 4 help in making things right.” Oh, and she said she thought Valerie Jarrett was white. Maybe that was the Ambien part.
  5. Plus, you’d have to be crazy to marry Tom Arnold.
  6. Since “the author” does not in fact talk about “how looks are not important” in the graph you quote, perhaps you should look into a good therapist. Or priest. Or ophthalmologist.
  7. This hits on just the reason that I’m happy the show has been cancelled. It was peddling the bullshit myth that Trumpism is fueled by economic anxiety. Roseanne’s tweet that brought it all down was symptomatic of raw, vulgar bigotry — Trumpism’s actual fuel.
  8. A bunch of the homos on the forum are homophobic. Self-loathing is real.
  9. @Corporate Shill is a war monger. He gets excited over the ‘manliness’ of it all.
  10. Sometimes the level of misogynist stupidity just goes off the charts. Please, get help.
  11. No, she has been saying this sh*t for years. You don’t pay attention, do you?
  12. Presumably that's a typo. But apparently Roseanne has been drunk-tweeting for years: https://www.vox.com/2018/5/29/17406014/roseanne-racism-abc-trump-twitter
  13. Unpacking the bigots' lies about George Soros: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/george-soros-ss-nazi-germany/
  14. Isn't it extraordinary that doing the right thing, which ABC/Disney did, is greeted by the American public with absolute, total shock? What can we learn from this?
  15. Not to be too cynical about it, Disney does have the phenomenal, global Black Panther franchise to protect. Still, I'm glad they did what they did.
  16. Tony Bishop has “69” tattooed on his dick. Pic #10. https://rent.men/TonyBishop
  17. Sorry, but Revenge Tweeting is immature and, in this case, immoral. You should be ashamed, even though the perp who stiffed you probably isn’t.
  18. Modern & extremely well located — Park Plaza Westminster Bridge. A room with a Parliament view is especially nice. Weekly rates available. https://www.parkplaza.com/london-hotel-gb-se1-7ut/gbwestmi
  19. Forget the teeth. What about Roseanne’s hair? That chic cut with highlights is not the look of a woman whose family is circling the economic drain. Maintaining the ‘do could pay for a week’s worth of groceries.
  20. I've had 500 hours of training with an emphasis on Kinesiology at the Nat'l Holistic Institute in order to qualify for certification. Also, I made that up in order to get your business.
  21. Theater is England’s national pastime. That’s why we got Shakespeare.
  22. The royal wedding is not a fairy tale. It is a carefully crafted power display by one of the world’s richest families. Harry and Meghan’s was quite impressive.
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