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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. It’s windy out there at the moment. Expect considerable blowing.
  2. And that's one big reason the article is sheerest nonsense. As if "many movie goers" have any deeply felt opinions over a non-starter like Armie Hammer, star of bomb-after-bomb, at all. The idea that Guadagnino "weaponized" the public perception of Armie Hammer is ludicrous. It's also emblematic of the hero-worship all around this perfectly nice film, which is totally crazy.
  3. See above. An inability to distinguish between an actor and the character he plays is a wee bit of a problem.
  4. Uh...the character is an object of pity, not the actor. (See: closet, The.) Sheesh.
  5. Watched it. Pretty good, I thought. The mob-ocracy of support for complicit Joe Pa gave me the willies.
  6. Really? Here’s a hint: When confronting a dire social issue, always punch up, not down. ALWAYS.
  7. I have it DVR’d. Interesting idea to do a movie about an enabler, rather than the criminal or the victims.
  8. Maybe you can give us some actual examples for your dire claim? You know, something other than “She used 80 names, 30 addresses, 15 telephone numbers to collect food stamps, Social Security, veterans’ benefits for four nonexistent deceased veteran husbands, as well as welfare. Her tax-free cash income alone has been running $150,000 a year.” Reagan already cornered the market on Cadillac-driving welfare queens about 40 years ago. Your turn.
  9. True. He’s an object of pity.
  10. I’m not yet sure an still go back and forth on this. I would think Wanda Sykes, Sara Gilbert and Whitney Cummings, who is co-showrunner, would not allow empty-handed propaganda to define their show — and it is as much their show as it is the bigoted star’s. We’ll see.
  11. It will if @TruHart1 keeps going.
  12. “As I watched the first two episodes of the “Roseanne” reboot, I thought again about accountability. I laughed, yes, and enjoyed seeing the Conner family back on my screen. My first reaction was that the show was excellent. But I could not set aside what I know of Roseanne Barr and how toxic and dangerous her current public persona is. I could not overlook how the Conner family came together to support Mark as he was bullied at school for his gender presentation, after voting for a president who actively works against the transgender community. They voted for a president who doesn’t think the black life of their granddaughter matters. They act as if love can protect the most vulnerable members of their family from the repercussions of their political choices. It cannot. This fictional family, and the show’s very real creator, are further normalizing Trump and his warped, harmful political ideologies. There are times when we can consume problematic pop culture, but this is not one of those times. I saw the first two episodes of the “Roseanne” reboot, but that’s all I am going to watch. It’s a small line to draw, but it’s a start.” — Roxanne Gay https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/29/opinion/roseanne-reboot-trump.html?rref=collection%2Fcolumn%2Froxane-gay&action=click&contentCollection=opinion&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection
  13. Love the name. “Silas” doesn’t turn up often these days.
  14. There’s a reason the publication is called Nylon: a lightweight synthetic polymer.
  15. Oh, I dunno. A reverse cowboy would have added a certain "something."
  16. Met him once at a party. Totally obnoxious.
  17. You need to tell the mystery escort something very clearly: “Lie down and shut up.”
  18. The Merchant-Ivory relationship, despite the article’s sensationalist headline, is a classic example of “an open secret.” Everyone knew, and no one officially said a word. Very Liberace. This was great to read: “When Luca says he never thought of putting nudity in, that is totally untrue,” says Ivory. “He sat in this very room where I am sitting now, talking about how he would do it, so when he says that it was a conscious aesthetic decision not to – well, that’s just bullshit.” It’s also a clear example of why Luca didn’t get a best director nomination, despite other successful aspects of the movie. Pulling punches at a critical moment is bad direction. As one critic said of the initial sex scene where, fearing nudity, the camera pulled away and scanned out the window to a tree: “It would be hilarious if it weren’t so aggravating.”
  19. Neocon? He was six when his peeps beat the drum for the invasion of Iraq, one of the worst foreign policy disasters in American history and one from which we still suffer, and he admits that’s his political position now. Run!
  20. The better term is probably gender fluid. It doesn’t have the negative connotation that comes with ‘effeminate.’
  21. The only confusing element in the otherwise very funny debut was the unanswered mystery of the family’s economic stress. In the final season of the original show, Roseanne won the lottery and the Conners were suddenly very rich. The conceit pretty much wrecked everything that made the prior eight seasons so great, so I stopped watching. But what happened to all that money? In the reboot debut, I loved the opening bit in bed about Dan being dead, which wittily dispatched the original show having killed off the character. Did I miss something about vanished lottery millions? Did they go away by the end of the 9th season, which I didn’t watch? A mystery.
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