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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. Wait, James Corden got to be invited, but not the star of Celebrity Apprentice: Washington Edition? So unfair! (Political leaders were not being invited to this wedding, and the Trudeaus were no exception.)
  2. Yes on the Peninsula Hong Kong, graceful style, no on the Baccarat New York — overblown kitsch for days!
  3. Bellevue Palace, Bern, Switzerland Amandari, Bali, Indonesia
  4. Wow, I thought it was built in the ‘50s! Edit — Just found this: The hotel was established in May 1952, but it was expanded several times before it became the landmark it is known as today. The swimming pool, tennis court, and the membership lounge were constructed in 1953, and the Golden Dragon Pavilion and Golden Dragon Restaurant opened in 1956. The Jade Phoenix Pavilion and Chi-Lin Pavilion opened in 1958 and 1963, respectively. In 1968 the hotel was rated as one of the world's top ten hotels by the US Fortune magazine. Finally, on the Double Tenth Day of 1973, the main Grand Hotel building was completed and became an instant Taipei icon. A 21-year building program. So maybe we’re both sort of right!
  5. Actually it was 65+ years ago, but time flies when you’re having fun!
  6. Standards have collapsed in many spheres of American life. If "no bedbugs" is on a list rather than merely a given, we are in deep trouble.
  7. Step away from the exclamation-point key. Step away from the exclamation-point key.
  8. How Trumpian you are.
  9. Agreed. In the standard (patriarchal) view: Men have sex, women have sex done to them.
  10. Princess Michael of Kent will have a coronary.
  11. Doubtful. Jewish immigrants created the modern motion picture industry. Everyone complains about the boss. Great book: https://www.amazon.com/Empire-Their-Own-Invented-Hollywood-ebook/dp/B004AM5QVM/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1/134-8938461-0509724
  12. That giant Jesus & Golgotha tatt on his inner bicep would be, uh, disconcerting.
  13. I had to walk on water, but I was wearing a robe. Edit: I see that the word "robe" in the thread title has been corrected, to "rope." Sorta messes up my silly joke-post.
  14. Timely advice: When you are trying to get out of a deep hole, stop digging.
  15. The giveaway, if the rest weren't blatant enough, is always "Don't get me wrong, I'm the last one to want to see anyone abused or discriminated against but..." It's a very big but. Gigantic, even. So big that what it really means is "I'm abusive and discriminatory."
  16. You are a misogynist pig. Just sayin'
  17. You might want to google 'harvey weinstein.' Just sayin...
  18. Judging from A4A, the inquiry might better be in Deli...
  19. Not again! Says he's been doing massage for 8 years. Apparently he started in high school.
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