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Posts posted by Kippy

  1. This is the guy that Justin jokes about having "smoky eyes". The initial picture of the two crossing the street is a babe shot which would lead one to think the minister is the top. He's significantly larger in size than the Beebs. A very hot scenario-- two supposed straighties sucking each other off while the girls are out shopping. There is an intimacy here that the camera isn't hiding. In the name of Jesus!


    I do believe,



  2. I don't think this has been discussed on the forum. The Aussie drama on PBS "A Place To Call Home" is really quite good. It has been on PBS for several seasons and last Saturday did a Christmas episode review from several years ago. It has a strong gay subplot with good character development.




    I am smitten with the good looks of actor David Berry who plays the gay character James:




    Happy Holidays,



  3. I have seen him and would give him highest marks for professionalism and sensuality. He's a really sweet guy and most interactive. I think he reserves the "smile" in his photos because it is absolutely stunning!


    Happy Holidays,



  4. You can take the girl out of 7th grade, but you can't take 7th grade out of the girl. Like the penchant some on the forum some have for name calling and personal attacks-- so too is the catty spreading of gossip and inappropriate chatter out of their control. The only thing missing is the little hand held paper fortune tellers which are so much a part of junior high life. Let the New Years resolutions begin!



    Happy Holidays,



  5. I'm of the opinion (personal statement meaning aside) they rarely add to the beauty of the human body. I suspect they are a bit like loud granite counter tops-- seen almost everywhere, almost expected, but soon to be a fashion design/statement relic. Imagine working in a nursing home 40 years from now when all this faded and sagging glory

    appears on almost everyone! Yikes!



  6. My first name is real, it's Greg. Last name isn't because I was trying to think of something I could remember when I had to create a new email and profile on here. So I chose the last name that was used in the porn I did when I was much younger than I am today. But of course when so.eone flies me out to whereever they are I do use my full birth name.




    We all know your real name is Seaboy--forever imprinted on our hearts! :p



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