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Posts posted by Kippy

  1. Package Pusher is relatively new on RM. He has been advertising on Backpage for about 8 months or so. He says he's straight so I don't know how complete of an experience it would be. I've emailed him once and I don't know that it's a very reciprocal date. I hope to be wrong.



  2. Ruth Bader Ginsburg


    I'd wine and dine her, in hopes of getting some hot Justice gossip...[/Q


    Personally, I would ask RBG to what nursing home she has placed her reservation. It's time already madam. A bit like Carol Channing not knowing when to exit the stage...



  3. I do not accept your insincere apologies.

    We cannot allow you and the mainstream media to continue this campaign of fake news. SR is a great place. SR is the greatest. It is a terrific, fantastic place. I am the voice of those who have not been heard, we know this is our place and we cannot allow an invasion of women, bad mujeres, rapists, drugs dealers, coming to our place to take our good men, our bueno hombres. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. This has to end. We will build a wall around SR and women will pay for it. Yes. Believe me. I am telling you. It is happening. My friends in Mother Russia have shared with me very good intelligence. Because I have the best intelligence. No one has better information than I do. So for everyone to know, this is the true that the DC swamp has been hiding from you. These are scientific facts, no hoaxes like climate changing or evolution:


    - Women who go to male to male strippers places have herpes

    - They have sharped and dented vaginas that will cut and chew your dicks

    - They smell like rotten fish and sanctorum

    - Their souls are condemned for eternity as soon as they enter the place


    Believe me. I know it. They know it. The Russians know it. Everyone knows it.





    Is that twat I smell or just bad politics? We need more gay male strip clubs. Make strip clubs great again!



  4. Well I was a huge Hernandez fan during his college days. In fact, my avatar is his actual bulge. Never did condone his behavior th0 but I loved his skill set and always thought he liked to troll the gays with his junk always on display. Just google some of his pics in uniform. Having said that, I don't know if he was bi/gay and if he was, im certain it would have been rumored as it is with Tebow. I am pretty certain he didn't off himself for fear of being "outed". I think reality and hopelessness intersected and this dude wasn't willing to spend the rest of his life in that dungeon. He proved to be a wannabe thug. In the end, he was just another suburbanite who was armed with artillery and tats to play the roll. Prison life wasn't for him. Can't say I wouldn't have done it either. The suicide that is. At 27, talented, good looking, the prospect of spending the rest of my days in jail and a wasted life? Give me the death penalty.


    Which leads me to wonder: are there any escorts out there who have the build and look of Aaron Hernandez? His looks were exceptional. It would be a specialty niche that I and others might be interested in. For those who know the line up well any recommendations of active escorts who fit this description?



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