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Posts posted by Kippy

  1. Imagine what a profound effect Aaron could have had on society and American culture if he could have grappled with these realities about his sexuality (assuming they are true) and turned them into opportunities rather than murder and suicide. His influence to do good in the world of sports would have been beyond measure! There are many who write him off as a violent thug but there always seemed to be a hiding light in this kid that just didn't get nurtured the proper way. Opportunity lost beyond measure and may he have peace at last.



  2. I'm reading this thread with such interest and an awareness of how hard I worked to suppress my feelings as a teenager and young adult. I can look back and recognize times when I avoided acknowledging attraction, or even interest, in other guys, but in the moment my denial was so strong I wouldn't have ever admitted any such feelings. I was so determined NOT to be attracted to other guys that I can't think of examples back then when I let my mind go there. I had teammates and friends I wasn't comfortable showering with, and I now can see that it was because of how they made me feel, it was confusing at best so I avoided it. Celebrities who might have turned me on I just didn't look at. At a high school party someone had porn on VHS, straight porn but I remember seeing an erect dick for the first time and leaving because it "grossed me out," but of course it didn't really.


    So no teenage crushes here, just a lot of effort to pretend I wasn't interested, mostly to myself. For me the realization started later, as a young father with my kids at the playground, when I let my guard down and began to bond with other young dads. One became a buddy and I'd be deeply disappointed when he didn't show up. But the truth was unavoidable when my kids started T-ball. There was a dad I kept looking at, and one day he took his shirt off and I got hard. I made friends with him and used to sit with him, often hiding a boner. One day, home alone, I jerked off thinking about him, and after that had to admit to myself that I was at least bi-curious. The journey took a long time after that but that was when I first acknowledged to myself what I'd been denying all along.


    And now I'm hard-- thank you very much! :(


    Kipp :D

  3. TB-- a friend of mine sees you regularly and speaks of you as a brother. In my mind, no higher compliment can be given and that doesn't even factor in your hot mother- fuckedness. Some day I hope we can meet and I will know the essence of Tristan!





  4. Stephan I don't know you from Adam. I'm sure you're a fine person. But (and this is simply my own personal issues, and this is not the forum for wrestling with your own demons) this is a horrible thing to say about somebody. It is loaded with innuendo. It is passive aggressive. It's a flippant remark. It's a cheap shot. If there is something you want to say, say it. Be clear and precise.


    Sorry for carrying on. It pushed a button.


    Becket, the word you are looking for is "disparaging"... unless Trenton Ducati has major public health issues, (and even then) it would seem to be a disparaging remark.





  5. Ryan Idol is in jail for attempting to murder his girlfriend in the bathtub with a porcelain toilet lid--he got 12 years.


    Not quite so bad as Sean Cody model Addison who is doing life for bludgeoning a client to death with a sledge hammer. I loved that guy on SC, but good grief! What kind of person is capable of that? And for only $6000. The murder happened in Florida (where else?) and they caught up with him tending bar in Tennessee. He confessed to avoid the death penalty.

    Poor Addison-- Sean Cody bareback prison edition!





  6. Yes Matt Ramsey..ttboy was so controlling of talon ..he was the perfect sculpted Italian male and then he had his nose shaved down and his cheekbones enhanced and the face moved when u touched it quite disturbing..he was so handsome and rugged pretty boy before the plastic surgeon stepped in. He could be a great bottom all the while saying he was straight. Hahah.. Even tried to tell me once they had a stunt ass on his films as it wasn't him getting porked hahah.. The last time I saw him about 12 years ago or so he was going to set up a three way with some of the brothers that did gay porn..shame and his brothers, Vincent and the youngest prettiest one whose name escapes me

    Hal Rockland-- didn't they all find Jesus?

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