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Posts posted by Kippy

  1. Had an interesting experience last night. A new connection that had confirmed a 9 pm meeting three times did not show up at 9. I texted a "?" at 9:10. At about 9:20 I received a text back that he was at the gym and would be another 45 minutes before coming to me. I told him to forget it and deleted him from my phone. Around 10 o:clock he texted that he was ready to come. I again told him not to and he sent a photo of his body with a great big hard on. Was this supposed to make me forget his actions due to lust? I said forget it again and deleted it.


    My question - if it is even a question - is what kind of arrogance makes him think that his rudeness was ok? The "I'm at the gym" is not a reason for ignoring our 9pm agreed upon time. If he has no respect for my time why should I reward him for it? He lost $400 because of it. I have a firm policy of not rewarding bad behavior.


    More and more I am finding arrogance, bad manners and non-responsiveness running rampant among the escorts. Is it just me or is it getting harder and harder to find reliable escorts? Hope my rant didn't bore you!


    It all starts with a breakdown in penmanship!



  2. I'll wait for the book. I'm sure his former lover will write a book which will illuminate much of the drama and tragedy that became Aaron's life. Imagine the amount of good that could have come out of this story had things moved in another direction and he could have lived his life without fear and in a way he wanted.



  3. Yes, perhaps you should have given it more time.


    Finding a compatible therapist is not easy. (See JayCeeKy.) But how many years — or decades — did it take for you to get into this psychological mess? To get to a point where you are convinced that your belief might be wrong, as you say, but dammit it’s your belief and how dare that professional presume that the truth would serve you better? (Do you do your own plumbing, car repair and home tech servicing?) It won’t take as many years — or decades — to get out of your mess, but it will certainly take considerable time.


    Especially when you dig in your heels and resist.


    Doctor Ken--quack at large!

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