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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. Incorrect. Dr. Bob was a physician. And in the early days of AA, much of his service work involved attending to the health-care needs of newly-sober alcoholics.
  2. AA was an offshoot of the Oxford Group movement.
  3. Even atheists usually have no issue with the notion that the AA group is a higher power.
  4. There are no core beliefs in AA. There are a lot of truisms and maxims that you hear over and over again - "stinking thinking," "one day at a time," "alchoholism is an equal-opportunity illness," "don't get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired," etc. etc., but they are not "core beliefs." Even the 12 steps are not beliefs, but decisions or actions that one takes on the road to recovery. AA also has 12 traditions that are principles by which the AA organization conducts itself.
  5. The contractor was an extraordinarily sweet man.
  6. I think I might have married the Irish guy. Don't remember his name - he looked like a real bad boy. Who would have thought he liked to bake.
  7. Rudynate

    Manus Fortus

    That Roman bath brand is straight out of the 60s.
  8. I found this guy a couple weeks ago on RM. No experience with him, but the next time I go to New York, I'm going to change that. https://rentmen.com/Bahoney
  9. Short hairy guys with fireplug builds make my knees knock.
  10. Aren't there prescription drugs for that now?
  11. I don't know if I'm a foot fetishist, but I know beautiful feet when I see them. And I love hairy toes.
  12. Zen is non-theistic. Compatible both with deistic religions and atheism. Tibetan Buddhism (vajrayana) has thousands of gods, demons, etc, but one view maintains that they are actually symbols representing various states of mind.
  13. It is a screening test, not a diagnostic test. If one recognizes the test's limitations, it can be very useful to identify men in need of further testing. If someone has a high PSA, the test should always be repeated, because so many things can cause it to be elevated. Two high readings in a row means the guy is a candidate for either a biopsy or a free PSA test.
  14. As a 8 or 9 yo kid, I would get a boner standing at the record counter in Newberry's looking at pics of Elvis on his album covers.
  15. I almost forgot my all-time favorite - Doug McClure https://www.picsofcelebrities.com/celebrity/doug-mcclure/pictures/large/doug-mcclure-pictures.jpg
  16. Years ago, when Julia Roberts and Benjamin Bratt were an item, they settled here in SF. They were pretty visible, you'd see them everywhere.
  17. I agree. There are no cookie-cutter solutions to life's difficult dilemmas. His therapist should be helping him to achieve an outcome that's right for him. His ideal outcome may differ from one that you might read about in your college psychology textbook.
  18. Years ago, I read an article about relationships. I don't remember where. The author's point was that the conventional wisdom that people in a relationship shouldn't have any secrets from each other wasn't necessarily so - that comfort with each other was at least as important as truthfulness with each other. And that holding back a few secrets, if it positively affected the comfort level, might not be such a bad thing.
  19. I like it all. I love hairy guys - even REALLY hairy guys, and I used to be attracted pretty much exclusively to hairy guys. Then I began to appreciate guys who were naturally smooth. Then I began to appreciate guys who were shaved. One thing I love is a guy who is stubbly after shaving and its starting to grow out. I love a stubbly chest and/or stomach, and I'm crazy about stubbly forearms. I like shaved balls and shaved holes. And I like a dick that is shaved completely clean. And I like it when a guy has completely shaved his pubes. I also like most variations of the foregoing. One thing I can't abide is when a guy has shaved his eyebrows, although I do like it when somebody has cut notches in one or both of his eyebrows.
  20. Jazz or blues, especially Chicago blues.
  21. Sure, there are plenty of built Asians. Just not many escorting. Asian men tend have beautiful legs - big calves and sinewy quads and hamstrings. I have also noticed how many old Asian guys still look great in a pair of blue jeans, even in their 70s.
  22. He was kind of shallow and new-agey. I remember we were talking about Chinese immigrants that work in massage places in malls and I said I got foot massages regularly in one of those kind of places and that I made it a point to tip well. And I said I wanted to show my appreciation for a service that I found valuable and he lectured me about not feeling like I needed to take care of them, because they were there completely by their own choice, etc. etc.
  23. I saw him 7-8 years ago. I enjoyed it. At the time he was tall, dark, handsome and lean. The massage was OK, but not stellar, the sex was enjoyable, but not memorable. He was nice, somewhat chatty. The experience did feel a little programmed, but I thought - Oh well, maybe that's LA.
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