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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. Fucking beautiful. I would take a chance on him.
  2. I think when I saw him, I rimmed him. He seemed a little surprised and said he didn't do that with eveybody.
  3. San Francisco is 49 square miles surrounded by reality, so I know it isn't this way everywhere, but here, if you flirt with a straight guy, he may just flirt right back. Even though they're straight, the still enjoy the game.
  4. In fact, straight guys in the know are extra flattered by attention from gay men because they realize that we have higher standards of appearance.
  5. More and more straight guys are just flattered when a gay guy checks them out. But there are still those dinosaurs that are made uncomfortable by it.
  6. Years ago, a Popeye's store opened in my neighborhood. The manager was a tall goodlooking very well built man. Believe me, before my infatuation ran it's course, I ate a lot of fried chicken.
  7. I gave up skimpy speedos a long time ago, not because they no longer looked good, but because I realized I didn't have anything to prove. There's a lot of self-confidence to be found in not trying too hard. I really enjoy the full-cut speedo trunks.
  8. Early on, I loved the original series, but I thought it eventually jumped the shark. I might tune in for a look, but my expectations are low.
  9. I usually get off 1-2x day - with my partner, a FB or a hire maybe 2x week.
  10. Rudynate


    I had a really nice butter keeper that I got at Williams Sonoma some time ago. It was porcelain and it was very heavy and had a heavy cover also. It kept the butter a little lower than room temperature so that it stayed a little bit firm and didn't get rancid. Alas, it got broken.
  11. Rudynate


    It gets rancid faster.
  12. Rudynate


    I've used butter.
  13. Rudynate

    Adam Russo

    I don't remember who, but a member on here confirmed that, yes, he can be deliciously dirty. I occasionally see him at the gym when he visits here. He looks great in person.
  14. I spent an afternoon with him and highly recommend him.
  15. I've noticed the trend toward lts of pics. I like it. You get a better sense of the guy and it's fun scrolling through all those pics.
  16. It's surprising what you can put up with with a little willingness. My first exposure to AA was at the York Street Club in Denver, somewhat famous in AA circles. Drag queens, bikers, investment bankers, skid row drunks soccer moms and bull dykes attended the same meetings and found a way to get along.
  17. Lots of people in AA have sort of a vague, quasi-agnostic idea of a higher power and it seems to work for them. I don't have a real clear idea of what a higher power is for me, and I haven't drank alcohol in over 35 years, so it seems to have worked, such as it is.
  18. Incorrect. Dr. Bob was a physician. And in the early days of AA, much of his service work involved attending to the health-care needs of newly-sober alcoholics.
  19. AA was an offshoot of the Oxford Group movement.
  20. Even atheists usually have no issue with the notion that the AA group is a higher power.
  21. There are no core beliefs in AA. There are a lot of truisms and maxims that you hear over and over again - "stinking thinking," "one day at a time," "alchoholism is an equal-opportunity illness," "don't get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired," etc. etc., but they are not "core beliefs." Even the 12 steps are not beliefs, but decisions or actions that one takes on the road to recovery. AA also has 12 traditions that are principles by which the AA organization conducts itself.
  22. The contractor was an extraordinarily sweet man.
  23. I think I might have married the Irish guy. Don't remember his name - he looked like a real bad boy. Who would have thought he liked to bake.
  24. Rudynate

    Manus Fortus

    That Roman bath brand is straight out of the 60s.
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