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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. I like other men wearing them and I love to wear them.
  2. I agree not much is accomplished by positive thinking in and of itself. But beliefs, biases, unrecognized assumptions and such all effect the constellation of facts one has to work with and the way he/she works with them.
  3. To me, it's a useful way of looking at the world - the idea that your spoken word has the power to influence your reality. So that if you go around saying "my life really sucks," sure enough your life sucks.
  4. You're absolutely right. My apologies. It is presumptuous to offer help when it wasn't asked for.
  5. You're absolutely right. My apologies. It is presumptuous to offer help when it wasn't asked for.
  6. You'll find this hopelessly new-age-y, especially when I tell you that it comes from Jonathan Livingston Seagull, but I'm going to offer it anyway. One of my favorite mottoes is "Argue in favor of your limitations, and, sure enough, they are yours."
  7. But you said yourself that the world seemed to agree with you.
  8. I feel really fortunate that I'm attracted to men my own age. When I hire, it isn't for him to make me feel sexy. It's more to get an opportunity to appreciate him.
  9. I'm not talking about the politics of the thing, but it always bothers me a little when somebody states emphatically that he has no attraction to men over 30. It almost seems that some are positively repelled by men over 30. But since they themselves are men over 30, I always wonder what they must think of themselves, since they belong to this age group that they find so repellant. The contradiction of belonging to an age group that one is repelled by is bound to result in at least a little self loathing - at least it seems so. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
  10. Here's another one: https://rentmen.com/MaxStark
  11. There is a niche for daddy escorts: There are several popular escorts in their 50s. Ray Dalton and Allen Silver come to mind. And there are LOTS of escorts in their late 40s e.g. Dane Scott.
  12. That's true. The India population in the US is skewed to the wealthy and highly educated. The Last time I was in Canada, I noticed a different demographic from that in the US. I saw lots of South Asians working in retail, hospitality, driving taxis, etc. Down the street from where I stayed there was a great bakery staffed by a very sexy young south Asian man, I got the impression that he was the owner. It was a pleasure to go in every morning for coffee and danish served by such a handsome guy.
  13. Perhaps what he meant is that he goes for brown men. And I can certainly relate - I adore brown men - the ethnicity doesn't matter. But if I were forced to name a favorite ethnicity it might be Pacific Islanders. Truthfully though, I love brown men from any part of the globe.
  14. As I understand it, same-sex attraction is not even acknowledged to exist in India - it is unspeakable. That might give you some clue as to why there are so few Indian escorts.
  15. Is there a difference between"stagnant" and "stable?"
  16. I have never hired one and they do seem extremely rare, but I surely would love to hire one. I used to look on CL sometimes. I found that they often refer to themselves as "Desis, " so that might be a good search term for locating possible candidates. I have a big tattoo on my shoulder of Shiva Nataraja, which has been an excellent coversation piece for chatting up Desi men.
  17. My first hire twenty years ago was from a text ad in the backpages of a gay paper. I decided to take the plunge. He turned out to be everything I could have hoped for. We've become more risk-averse about hiring in the internet age, but isn't that part of the value proposition in information technology - more information equals better choices/decisions?
  18. The OP asked what effect "would" that have. In other words, he was eliciting true responses. He wasn't interested in people's notions of what effect it "should" have.
  19. It might be a good strategy for an extremely popular escort who wanted to manage demand.
  20. Not a dealbreaker, but it might pose an obstacle that I would rather not negotiate.
  21. I talk to a Latin daddy at my gym all the time. I think he's probably straight, so no possibility there. He has this big, blocky bearish body with big muscles, calves the size of hams, tattoos everywhere. He is so friendly and aproachable that we stand and talk and laugh for 10-15 minutes whenever we see each other. I always go away from it with a boner.
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