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Everything posted by Becket

  1. The OP post was interesting and helpful. Thank you. The OP post referenced in Eli-in-NYC thread sounded like a completely different person; angry and mean spirited. Yes, there is a lot of that around here. There is also sarcasm, wit, humor, LMAO quotes, cartoons, and stories that make me teary eyed. I continue to be puzzled as to what is going on with the review site, which is (as I am reminded over and over again), NOT connected with the Forum. I come "here" for both reviews and forum chat. I miss the reviews, and hope they resume soon. I would be happy to assist if there is anything one can do to get the reviews going again.
  2. I just love Karma. United's real problem is not here in the US, where we sometimes have no choice but to fly brand X if we want to get to a particular place. And we'll forget and move on to whatever is next in.....oh.....about 14 more hours, depending on how absurd our President is today. No, United is in a clusterf**k because the gentleman in question is of Asian descent. No US airline has more invested in China and Asia than United. Their pretty American hinies are hanging a long way out on this one. Offend that particular demographic and see how long their memories are! Besides, there are several Asian Airlines who's service and equipment make United look like a Well's Fargo horse and buggy.
  3. Another awesome post. Thanks a bath tub full.
  4. Again thank you to all the contributors. Love matching the face with the butt as I scroll down.
  5. All of this would be moot if our friend Daddy would return from his sabbatical. Come back soon. We need you.
  6. I had forgotten about Jeffery. Very well done and a good attempt at depicting dating in the 80's early 90's. Patrick Stewart is the coolest straight guy and a great friend to the community. Some mentioned Midnight Express. Agreed it was very erotic, and for the 70's it was about as far as they would go. All this just reminds me how desperate I was to see some positive depiction of what I was feeling as a teen and early adult. ANYTHING I could find I went to see over and over again. Even a scene in TV's Starsky and Hutch where they hugged was affirming. It also drives me crazy when the 20 somethings neither care nor are interested in the history of those times.
  7. Latter Days made my heart hurt. Sandvoss was so beautiful and played it so vulnerably. BTW there is this porn scene floating around where a guy that looks a bit like him dressed in his Mormon work clothes knocks on the door of the home of a potential prospect. The other dude in the scene is very odd looking. But the "mormon boy" does a fantastic job of acting like a curious straight/bi boy having his first experience. He never opens his mouth, well...to speak anyway.
  8. Been to many on the list. SR in Atlanta ranks 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in my book. I've never had a bad time and some visits have been memorable and amazing. ATL is three hours or less from 80% of the continental US and lodging is reasonable. ATL even has Southwest Airlines now. I just love it there.
  9. Sounds like a diamond in the ruff. One finds these gems from time to time in college towns.
  10. What a beautiful boy. Can't wait to see him in 5-7 years. His body should be just about perfect for me then.
  11. TB you are still the coolest kid in the class.
  12. "The essence of Tristan." Good idea. We'll take a sample from TB and boil it down to it's essence. Then we'll require all the newbies escorts, (and a few of the long running productions) to wear eau de Tristan on their brains and their nut sacks.
  13. Tayte Hanson does NOT escort and NEVER HAS because he is.........ooops, sorry wrong thread.
  14. All hail and praise to those who keep this fabulous thread going. I cannot get over how many beautiful men there are in this world. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous faces with their splendid backsides.
  15. I think that I shall never see. A poem as lovely as a heinie.
  16. I love a treasure trail. No. 16 has more like a super highway to heaven. So hot!
  17. Hummm......a "reckless straight guy." I wouldn't know where to begin.
  18. Yea, Jim Palmer's underwear ad and I had a twice weekly meeting. He was the first I remember who combined athletic masculinity with a "come over here and suck on this" look. At least, that's how it played out in my fantasies.
  19. Forgot how much I enjoyed Spring Awakening with Jonathan Groff (or Goff?) Resonated loudly to my own sexual journey. Lots of sing along songs. Not to mention a great naked butt presented by Mr. Groff.
  20. Great Post. Gotcha Indeed! Special thanks for Chris Pine.
  21. Anytime I have the chance to mention Tristan Baldwin I'm gonna do it. So much personality. Love just hanging with him.
  22. THE END? Whaaaaaaaaaahaaaa!!!!
  23. Thank you so very much for all the time and effort you and others have put into this thread. It has brought 'Richard' and me great joy. Cheers.
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