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José Soplanucas

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  1. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Italiano in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  2. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to seattlebottom in Convicted Felon   
    Nothing at all to do with this topic but today I was obsessed with wanting to know more about the officer at the door. 

  3. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Convicted Felon   
    America's most popular Socialist candidate for President, Eugene Debs, was a convicted felon who ran for the office of President five times, the last from his prison cell.
    Eugene V. Debs - Wikipedia
  4. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Folsom, Black Party, Southern decadence & MAL. Is it worth it going?   
    What's really strange is that these events are highly segregated within a community that loudly preaches wide acceptance.
    The circuit muscle guys don't want the overweight guys at the event who have their own bear circuit events where they shit talk the steroid queens and twinks.
    And then there's the subset of party guys who all look alike, fuck alike and only hang out with what might be considered their twin.
    It's dizzyingly fucking stupid.
  5. Like
  6. Eye Roll
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  7. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Travis69 in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  8. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + APPLE1 in Convicted Felon   
    When you ask to Chat GPT what a convicted felon can and cannot do in the US:
    The rights and restrictions for convicted felons in the United States can vary significantly based on the nature of the felony, the state in which the felony was committed, and whether the felon has been granted any form of relief or restoration of rights. Below is a general overview of what convicted felons can and cannot do in the US:
    ### **What Convicted Felons Can Do:**
    1. **Work:** 
       - Convicted felons can seek employment, though certain jobs may be off-limits, especially those requiring professional licenses or involving vulnerable populations (e.g., schools, hospitals).
    2. **Vote:**
       - Voting rights for felons vary by state. Some states automatically restore voting rights after a felon completes their sentence, including parole and probation, while others may require additional steps.
    3. **Own Property:**
       - Felons can own property, including real estate and personal property.
    4. **Travel:**
       - Felons can generally travel freely within the US, but international travel may be restricted depending on the destination country's policies on admitting convicted felons.
    5. **Education:**
       - Felons can attend college and pursue educational opportunities, though they may face challenges in securing financial aid.
    6. **Get Married:**
       - Felons retain the right to marry.
    ### **What Convicted Felons Cannot Do:**
    1. **Possess Firearms:**
       - Federal law prohibits convicted felons from owning, possessing, or purchasing firearms and ammunition. Some states have additional restrictions.
    2. **Serve on Juries:**
       - In many states, felons are disqualified from serving on juries, though this right may be restored in some cases.
    3. **Hold Certain Professional Licenses:**
       - Certain professions, especially those that require state or federal licenses (e.g., law, medicine, real estate), may be off-limits to felons, or they may require additional steps to obtain licensure.
    4. **Vote (in some states):**
       - In a few states, felons permanently lose their right to vote, even after completing their sentence.
    5. **Hold Public Office:**
       - Some states prohibit felons from holding public office, although this restriction can sometimes be lifted through a pardon or other forms of clemency.
    6. **Receive Federal Benefits:**
       - Certain federal benefits, such as public housing or welfare, may be restricted for felons, especially those convicted of drug-related offenses.
    ### **Variations by State:**
    - **Voting Rights:** 
      - **Maine and Vermont** allow felons to vote even while incarcerated.
      - **Florida** has complex rules involving restitution before rights are restored.
    - **Firearm Rights:**
      - Some states have processes for felons to petition for restoration of firearm rights.
    - **Professional Licenses:**
      - States vary widely in how they handle professional licensing for felons.
    ### **Clemency and Expungement:**
    - **Pardon:**
      - A pardon from the governor or the president can restore many of the rights lost by a felon.
    - **Expungement:**
      - Some states allow certain felony convictions to be expunged or sealed, which can alleviate many of the restrictions.
    ### **Additional Restrictions:**
    - **Sex Offenders:**
      - Felons convicted of sex offenses often face additional restrictions, such as residency restrictions and mandatory registration with sex offender registries.
    - **Restitution and Fines:**
      - Felons may be required to pay restitution or fines as part of their sentence, which can affect their financial situation.
    Understanding the specific rights and restrictions for a convicted felon often requires consulting state laws and, in some cases, seeking legal advice to navigate the complexities of the legal system.
  9. Applause
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Convicted Felon   
    When you ask to Chat GPT what a convicted felon can and cannot do in the US:
    The rights and restrictions for convicted felons in the United States can vary significantly based on the nature of the felony, the state in which the felony was committed, and whether the felon has been granted any form of relief or restoration of rights. Below is a general overview of what convicted felons can and cannot do in the US:
    ### **What Convicted Felons Can Do:**
    1. **Work:** 
       - Convicted felons can seek employment, though certain jobs may be off-limits, especially those requiring professional licenses or involving vulnerable populations (e.g., schools, hospitals).
    2. **Vote:**
       - Voting rights for felons vary by state. Some states automatically restore voting rights after a felon completes their sentence, including parole and probation, while others may require additional steps.
    3. **Own Property:**
       - Felons can own property, including real estate and personal property.
    4. **Travel:**
       - Felons can generally travel freely within the US, but international travel may be restricted depending on the destination country's policies on admitting convicted felons.
    5. **Education:**
       - Felons can attend college and pursue educational opportunities, though they may face challenges in securing financial aid.
    6. **Get Married:**
       - Felons retain the right to marry.
    ### **What Convicted Felons Cannot Do:**
    1. **Possess Firearms:**
       - Federal law prohibits convicted felons from owning, possessing, or purchasing firearms and ammunition. Some states have additional restrictions.
    2. **Serve on Juries:**
       - In many states, felons are disqualified from serving on juries, though this right may be restored in some cases.
    3. **Hold Certain Professional Licenses:**
       - Certain professions, especially those that require state or federal licenses (e.g., law, medicine, real estate), may be off-limits to felons, or they may require additional steps to obtain licensure.
    4. **Vote (in some states):**
       - In a few states, felons permanently lose their right to vote, even after completing their sentence.
    5. **Hold Public Office:**
       - Some states prohibit felons from holding public office, although this restriction can sometimes be lifted through a pardon or other forms of clemency.
    6. **Receive Federal Benefits:**
       - Certain federal benefits, such as public housing or welfare, may be restricted for felons, especially those convicted of drug-related offenses.
    ### **Variations by State:**
    - **Voting Rights:** 
      - **Maine and Vermont** allow felons to vote even while incarcerated.
      - **Florida** has complex rules involving restitution before rights are restored.
    - **Firearm Rights:**
      - Some states have processes for felons to petition for restoration of firearm rights.
    - **Professional Licenses:**
      - States vary widely in how they handle professional licensing for felons.
    ### **Clemency and Expungement:**
    - **Pardon:**
      - A pardon from the governor or the president can restore many of the rights lost by a felon.
    - **Expungement:**
      - Some states allow certain felony convictions to be expunged or sealed, which can alleviate many of the restrictions.
    ### **Additional Restrictions:**
    - **Sex Offenders:**
      - Felons convicted of sex offenses often face additional restrictions, such as residency restrictions and mandatory registration with sex offender registries.
    - **Restitution and Fines:**
      - Felons may be required to pay restitution or fines as part of their sentence, which can affect their financial situation.
    Understanding the specific rights and restrictions for a convicted felon often requires consulting state laws and, in some cases, seeking legal advice to navigate the complexities of the legal system.
  10. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + sync in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  11. Haha
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  12. Eye Roll
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  13. Eye Roll
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + augustus in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  14. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from thomas in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    This is one of the many reasons I am against censorship. There is nothing funnier (to me) than bullies playing the victim card and complaining about being bullied. 
    Please, keep bringing the jokes.
  15. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from DGHou in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    I think the key word in the OP's question is "aversion". The answer is simple: because there are too many assholes here. 
    I am not attracted to guys my age (61), not even closer, but I do not feel disgusted at them. We all have different preferences, but not feeling attracted to someone or something is not equivalent to feeling aversion.
    It is shocking how often in these forums someone express a preference, to receive a bunch of responses sharing how not attracted to that others are. It is not only about age, but also about tattoos, or body shape, or any other physical feature. Why would anyone need to feel and express rejection for others' preferences? Because they are assholes, probably self-hating assholes. 
  16. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + DrownedBoy in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    I think I found the problem.
  17. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + APPLE1 in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    I think a lot of the distinction between aversion and preference  rests on decorum. I am a big supporter of expressing, exploring, and discussing opinions and preferences.  
    However, when engaging in debates with adults about differences, in order to keep those discussions fruitful, thought provoking, and thought challenging, they need to be logical and appropriate.   If a discussion shifted to say clean shaven/facial hair, like most topics, expression of support for either is easy. Expressing dislike can always be a little dicier.  
    It wouldn't be a worthwhile discussion if all I hear are things like bearded men, and the guys who like them, are unclean and akin to dirty homeless guys who are hiding their face from me, and are too lazy and poor to afford and use a razor. OR, clean shaven men, and the guys who like them, are really just shallow men who lead vapid lives without enough to do, and are really just deluding themselves into believing they're not pedophiles who secretly desire boys not old enough to grow facial hair.  
    Ridiculing another's choice in a vicious manner is NOT a DISCUSSION or a DEBATE. If I wanted venemous thoughts thrown at me for my sex choices, instead of coming to CoM nightly, I could find myself an ultra conservative church to go to every night. Hell, they would even eliminate any debate for me on which man was most attractive! It'd all be a disgusting, dirty obomination.   
  18. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Simon Suraci in Sharing pictures/stats with providers as a courtesy   
    I offer to schedule free phone and video consultations for clients seriously considering hiring me. I try to make it clear that we’re not having phone sex or a nude jerk-off cam show on the house. These calls are useful and efficient for me to get a feel for what the client wants and mostly for the client to verify I’m a good fit for their needs.
    Consultations inspire confidence and mutual trust. As long as the client is respectful toward me and the boundaries of this type of call, everything works out pretty well. I don’t particularly care what the client sounds like or looks like, but it’s nice to establish some rapports. Chemistry and mutual understanding matter more.
  19. Applause
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    This is one of the many reasons I am against censorship. There is nothing funnier (to me) than bullies playing the victim card and complaining about being bullied. 
    Please, keep bringing the jokes.
  20. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from NipLuvr212 in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    This is one of the many reasons I am against censorship. There is nothing funnier (to me) than bullies playing the victim card and complaining about being bullied. 
    Please, keep bringing the jokes.
  21. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + KensingtonHomo in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    This is one of the many reasons I am against censorship. There is nothing funnier (to me) than bullies playing the victim card and complaining about being bullied. 
    Please, keep bringing the jokes.
  22. Haha
  23. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from thomas in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    I could not agree more with your statements about @pubic_assistance. And yet, I could not disagree more with your call to the moderators to silence him. 
    We are what we are, and we all have the right to express ourselves, even when others may find our views offensive. 
  24. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Njguy2 in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    I could not agree more with your statements about @pubic_assistance. And yet, I could not disagree more with your call to the moderators to silence him. 
    We are what we are, and we all have the right to express ourselves, even when others may find our views offensive. 
  25. Applause
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + The Big Guy in Why is there a major aversion to "old guys" on here?   
    I could not agree more with your statements about @pubic_assistance. And yet, I could not disagree more with your call to the moderators to silence him. 
    We are what we are, and we all have the right to express ourselves, even when others may find our views offensive. 
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