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José Soplanucas

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Posts posted by José Soplanucas

  1. I've noticed the same thing - I've wondered if that is because it's easier to dash off a couple of sentences than to sit and think thru the contents of a review. I get lots of PM's inquiring about guys for whom I've submitted a review and it's really odd. I enjoy writing (positive) reviews - it allows me to relive the experience and think about all the wonderful elements of being with someone.


    I do meet my duty and submit the reviews, but I enjoy much, much more the private conversations where there are no constraints other than the good character of the participants.

  2. I have greatly curtailed my review writing in the last year. Too many constraints. I would rather respond to conversation requests.


    For me is like a civil duty, one more way to act upon my commitment to this community. It is discouraging that after the rentboy raid you have to be very careful with your wording or your review will be heavily edited. Those are the rules of this game. But I still feel the obligation to add to our reviews bank.

  3. Sean Xavier. Not only beautiful but intellectually sophisticated. He can discuss queer identities while you fuck him. I've been twice with him and want more.



    Max Gianni. Sweet, gorgeous boy. He looks in person so much better than his pictures. Eager bottom.



    Ignition. Not very sophisticated or educated but beautiful and horny. His body is perfectly shaped and proportioned. Not a good kisser but a bitch of a bottom.



    Casanova. Fiasco. He has the sexiest mouth in porn, and he kisses beautifully when performing. However, he refused to kiss me, he came with a full leg wrapped after a tatto, very limited in movement. I just sucked him. I coped with it because he was one of my first hires in USA, before my active participation in this forum.



    Rio. I have been with him only once but I Want more. I hired him for only oral and he was amazing. We did not talk, I closed the door and he started French kissing me immediately. Amazing kisser. Gorgeous body.



    Guys I would like to hire: Mustang, Bamm Bamm, XL, Nubius, Orlando Ink, Bryce Evans, Tyson Tyler, Marion Mathis, Diego Thompson, Kevin Blaise, Roman Chase, Johnny Rapid, Trelino, Osiris Blade, Ken Ott, Jay Bentley, Filip Carbol, Justin Kace, Ken Mariano, Arquez, Brent Everett, Trey Turner, Race Cooper, Draven Torres, A.J. Irons, Scott Alexander, Jovonnie, Brian Bodine, Yanko, Jherrad Lopez, Dario Dolce, Calvin Hudson, Francesco Giovanelli, Eddy Diaz, Cornbread, Young Buck, Dayon, Hollywud, Diego, Felony, Jay Black, Kaleb, Kendall, Markell, Maseo, Noah Donovan, Nuvo, Romero Santos, Saint, Tae The Dawg, Tokyo, Brady Jensen, Supa Bad, Derek Reynolds, and so many more!


    I'm opening a GoFundMe account right now.

  4. I regret that you wasted your time. Feel free to contact me to arrange for a full refund as I have no desire to take money I have not earned.


    To clarify some points, criticism of me is what it is, but I reject attacks on the integrity of my other clients some of whom I've been helping explore for years. They are good guys. None of them are lacking. As far as I'm aware the few reviews I have address escorting, which is intense by definition and different from sensual massage. My sensual massage is a massage by an untrained amateur. My massage profile shows that I am not certified, and I do not now nor have I ever claimed to be a trained professional masseur. When clients communicate that they are looking for a professional massage, I direct them to find a professionally trained and certified masseur. I will stress this point with all clients in the future.


    As has been mentioned, I have been doing this for years. My body mass may fluctuate with bodybuilding cycles, but I have not managed to stay solvent in a tough and emotionally demanding business for this long by not meeting expectations the vast majority of the time. I do regret that I cannot meet the needs of every client every times, but that comes with the territory.


    Cheers to all,




    I want to hire you whenever you visit DC.

  5. Big hug, big boy! It always sucks when these tragedies happen. My thoughts are with you.


    Now, straight yourself up and go back to the focus you had at the beginning of the day. Often life sucks; growing up and maturing is, amongst other things, learning how to cope with it. And learning how to appreciate when also often life does not suck. Being alive is a privilege, we do not have time to waste on the things we cannot fix or change.


    So mourne, you will miss her. Missing her is not in contradiction with feeling good about yourself because you are being successful on your weight loss plan. You are alive and it is important you continue living and being happy and enjoying your new body.


    Much love.

  6. @latbear4blk I wonder if this guy still escorts?


    ~Boomer ~


    I don't know, Boomer. He is not one of my favorites, although he is very tempting and was in my list. I understand his porn colleagues consider him one of the best tops in the industry. Based on his porn performances his bottoming skills are also remarkable.

  7. I think you're quoting/barking at the wrong tree.


    Could you please post who is the EACH in question?


    Is it the OP? If yes, please quote him so he can reply.

    I was not barking but paraphrasing you to make a general statement. A general statement that could be applied to any person on agreement, you and the OP and others.

    I'm sorry if it sounds rude, my intention is not barking but debating.

  8. I guess it's because they're trying to sell themselves as masculine and some folks on here have an attraction to guys who also like women. I'm sure there are some guys who are truly bi but I think in many cases it's nothing but a way to promote themselves as not just gay...


    I don't hire guys who call themselves straight because I like the BFE and I'm not interested in hiring someone who's thinking of pussy while having sex with me wishing everything was done soon.


    To each his own.

    No, it is not to each his own. Not when each is insisting in projecting his own limitations to others, labeling and judging. But I quit, this is like explaining White supremacy to an unwilling to questions himself White, or the imperialism behind the idea of American exceptionalism to an American unwilling to get in other people shoes.

  9. I am not questioning everyone's sexuality. What I am questioning, at times, is something that may be a marketing ploy. If truth were always told in ads, then Hooboy would never have needed to start either the Review Site or the Forum. In fact if ads were always 100% accurate, almost all of The Deli and much of the Ask An Escort Sections would be eliminated. I'm fine if you want to believe all ads 100% of the time. Please be fine with me if there are ads I have questions on.



    I understand. I see the point of questioning fake or real pictures, and skills or likes that later you find out are not real. I do not see the point of questioning somebody's bisexuality. There is no way to prove it.

  10. Ah but I don't look at things that way. Evolutionarily we are designed to classify, to discriminate (in its non pejorative sense) one thing from another, one kind from another. We are biologically programmed to determine what is like us and what is different, what is likely harmful, beneficent, or neutral. Without that ability we as a species would never have survived. While in today's world it might not be as helpful in the past, I submit the ability still often serves a useful purpose.


    While keeping your head when all around you are losing theirs may mean you haven't grasped the situation, the person with the minority view is not always wrong. The Ancient Greeks considered the natural state of a body to be at rest. We in our infinite wisdom take the reverse view that the natural state of a body is to be in motion unless acted on by external forces. My physics teacher taught that the Greeks weren't necessarily wrong. We just look at the situation in a different way now. Sexual attraction/classification is another subject where it is possible to have differences of opinion. While most of the comments currently have been for an opinion different than my own, I know that there are other contributors from previous discussions who have views more like mine. Selah!



    You got a point, not always majority is right. I would just argue here (although it is inconsequential to determine who is right or wrong) that you hold the mainstream point of view. Most people tend to simplify reality as you do.

    You have another point, we are programmed to classify and categorize in order to make sense of reality. Not argument here, the disagreement is on those categories. I think that classifying human sexuality in homo/hetero/bi is misleading and empoverishing, that our desire is much more fluid than a solid binary system. In my opinion sexuality has a too heavy subjective component to be understood through objective categories. Better than "understood", to be "experienced".

  11. We are different. It matters to me.




    Indeed we are different and we celebrate that.

    However we exchange ideas, feelings, outlooks, cosmovisions, etc., hopefully to learn from each other, about others and about ourselves. When several people are telling you that you may not looking at reality through the right lenses, maybe it is an opportunity to question yourself.

    Simplistic labels like homo, hetero, and bi are useful to make sense of reality, just not the best sense. If you can free yourself from them, you may learn a lot not only about others' sexuality but specially about your own.

  12. I do not know how many, but I tend to think that the few or the many who declare themselves bi do so because they are bi.

    Being homo or hetero or bi has nothing to do with sexual freedom. You can be hetero and a kinky nasty sexually experimenting motherfucker; just as you can be homo or bi and a conventional, moralist, prudish, narrow minded son of a bitch. Gay is not always good.

  13. It's hard to describe to people who aren't into kissing what it does to those of us who are. I guess, just think of something it's hard to live without for you when having sex, & that's the best way I can think of to convey how affects me. Personally, I'm not really into "romantic" kissing so much, & I find the word has romantic implications for some escorts that make them uncomfortable. For me the tongue is a sexual organ every bit as much as the dick. OMG, its soft, & flexible, & WET! Excuse me for a minute... I would prefer terms like "suck face", "make out", "tongue hockey" lol , etc. were used.


    This has nothing to do with anyone else, but I discovered I had ADD & ADHD, rather late in life, & it explained a lot of things, including how the lack of kissing while having sex really fucked it up for me (pardon the pun). I became so distracted by not doing it that I could hardly concentrate on anything else going on.


    Yesssss brother! I don't like romantic kissers, I like voracious kissers!

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