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José Soplanucas

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Posts posted by José Soplanucas

  1. As said above, it is just a label and a very confusing one. My advise would be to downgrade the weight of that category in our hiring decision. Never, never hire anyone without a clear and explicit agreement on what you two will do together.

    I am also a top. Thanks to ignoring the "only top" self description in their profiles, I was fortunate to meet some very hot guys.

  2. @latbear4blk - hope you and Brownie are adjusting well to each other. Here are some tips from PetFinder.com

    First Days:

    • Sit on the floor and let her come to you. Don’t force her. Just let her get acquainted on her own time. If she doesn’t approach, leave her alone and try again later. Some cats are particularly frightened, and she may retreat to her hidey hole and not come out when you’re around at all. She may only come out at night when the house is quiet. Give her time.
    • Your newly adopted cat may not eat much or at all at first. It’s best to give your cat the same food she had at the shelter or in her foster home, at least at first. Keeping some things familiar will make her feel more secure. Be sure to change her water frequently and make sure that she is drinking. If your cat hasn’t eaten for a few days, call your vet to ask for advice.

    Following Weeks:It may take your cat a week or two to adjust. Be patient.

    • Within a week of being adopted, take your newly adopted cat for her first wellness visit with a veterinarian. If you have a record of immunizations from the shelter, take it with you. Don’t have a vet? Check out these tips for finding the right vet for you and your cat.
    • As your cat adjusts, she’ll show signs that she wants to explore outside her safe haven. She may be ready to play, so you can furnish some toys. Many cats like feather wands from the pet supply store, but homemade toys are often favored. A wad of a tissue paper to bat around or a paper bag to hide in can be fun. For more ideas on how to keep your cat entertained see Keeping Your Cat from Getting Bored.
    • Hire yourself a stud...that will alleviate any stress you may feel as a new cat owner (well, that was my tip, since I'm a slut looking for any excuse)


    Thank for following up, my Rio de la Plata sister. The advise is sound. Brownie is not my first cat and if I had had those tips I would not have made some mistakes with Grace, her predecessor back in Buenos Aires.


    The transition is actually going better and faster than expected. She stayed in the hide for the full first day and most of the second, but since yesterday she looks much more confident, playful, and adventurous. I have a 2 BR condo and there is only one more room for her to explore. I have been progressively opening doors to avoid the space shock after months in a shelter cage.


    I'm almost like one of those couples who cannot sleep well because of a new baby. I'm out every day between 10 and 12 hours, so I suspect she sleeps most of that time. Then, when I want to sleep she wants to play. I'm waiting for the break to buy interactive toys and a cat tower to give her the chance to have more fun when I am not home.


    So the things are going very well and you are this match godfather. Or godmother, my apologies.

  3. Btw I saw him first!!!! :p I got dibs. Lol!

    I've been eying his ad since I noticed it earlier this year. I've enjoyed his porn a bit longer.


    I have not seen his porn until 15 minutes before my post. I don't know how I didn't, after some research I see he is not a rookie.

  4. @latbear4blk


    Save your pennies for a trip to FL. You could kill two birds with one stone.

    Mike Maverick & Osiris Blade. :)


    ~Boomer ~


    I do not like Florida. :(

    I hope they visit DC someday.

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