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José Soplanucas

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Posts posted by José Soplanucas

  1. Sean Xavier is the best by far... Black, white, yellow. No one is more engaging, polite and considerate as Sean is. I am new to escorting, only started in November of last year. My biggest problem now is that Sean was my first escort I have ever hired or even the first guy I have ever been with. He was absolutely perfect and I hired him again. Now the problem is that everyone I have hired (and I have been on a mini binge), I compare to Sean. Well...it is difficult to find someone as good as Sean, and he set such a high standard for me that it has really been difficult for me to find an escort with whom I can be totally satisfied. Sean is the real deal and the whole package. He is absolutely amazing not just as an escort, but more importantly as a person! He really spoiled me and my expectations of others!


    I do not fully agree here. In my opinion, what distinguishes Sean from anyone else and moves him to the top, is his intelligence and intellectual sophistication. On looks, kindness, and talent there are some that may match him.

    I recommend these two with no hesitation. Great kissers, passionate and engaged.




  2. Lord that takes the cake ugh...i think everyone is allowed to have an opinion blacks and whites and i want to listen to both and think both have marret and its unfair just to brush any thought aside.


    I never questioned anyone's right to have an opinion, or to be a racist or a bigot. But as I said before, they need to man up and accept to be called a racist or a bigot. One thing is fighting for your rights, and another whining because you are losing your privileges.

  3. I am allowed to have my ope



    I hold true to my words with the exception of the fact i misused whore and im sorry for that but i find it a bit odd your offended by me saying keyboard justice worrier and yet you utter that im a troll as if your words are less offensive...I will not even get into your second paragraph because that would open a whole can of worms but i congratulate you on your opinions sir...if i were a troll as you say id be giving my opinion on many things there and well trolling but I wont bite.


    The major problem is not your use of the word whore or bitch or any other diminishing term, but your open recognition of not liking or mistrusting the whole female population. Of course you are entitled to have your opinion and you have all the right to be a bigot and a mysoginist, but you have to suck it up when you are called out.

  4. Yup

    One companion shared with me an innocuous factoid about myself (on the confidentiality level of not liking broccoli) which I had only shared with one other companion. I've not contacted the indiscreet companion since.

    Loose lips sink ships.


    Are we not fostering here a fundamentalist understanding of Discretion? Why do assume that escorts discussing clients must be gossip?

    This is an imaginary but plausible scenario. It could happen to any of us. I contact one of the escorts who is active here and hire him. This escort checks my reviews and learns that I met one of his friends. He calls him and asks what information he can share that would help him to provide me with outstanding service. He learns broccoli is my favorite food. He comes to our meeting with a broccoli kitsch and I fall in love.


    That is one point.

    Another point:


    If I learn that a friend of mine do not like broccoli, it is pretty possible I will not be discrete about it. It does not look like information that should be protected under the Holy Umbrella of Confidentiality.


  5. I want to agree with you because I think we can all agree sexual assault and harassment is awful and not to be excused and frankly that is were were differ because I dont trust the whores because many of them make that shit up and many men go to prison on only there word alone and that goes for harassment also...I am sorry I need more than that and im done feeling sorry for the sex.


    Also I find it a joke that in the artical they hand out whistles to the lady's to point out the men...what about a can of mace and a swift kick in the nuts and maybe the perp wont do that again.


    I agree this artical is not about man spreading but the word its self makes me miffed...


    You don't trust the "whores"? Is that how you refer to women? Disgusting.

  6. That at least makes some sense. As long as it's clear to people of Mexico City, I guess it doesn't really matter that it's confusing as hell to some of us.


    There is nothing confusing in the video or in the linked article, the Mexican campaign is very clear.

    On one hand the confusion here comes because of the word choice in the thread subject. The campaign has nothing to do with manspreading. Zero.

    On the other hand the confusion comes from not reading the article and jumping to assumptions from a misleading subject thread.

  7. Here's the current list. Do you know something I don't? Please share your knowledge!


    Gay Strip Clubs with Full Nudity in the United States

    Arizona-Phoenix: Dick's Cabaret

    California-San Francisco: Nob Hill Adult Theater

    District of Columbia: Secrets

    Florida-Miami: The Floppy Rooster

    Georgia-Atlanta: Swinging Richards

    Illinois-Centreville (near St. Louis MO): Boxers n Briefs

    Massachusetts-Springfield: X-Room at Mardi Gras

    Oregon-Portland: Silverado

    Oregon-Portland: Stagg


    The House in DC has two gay nights: Chocolate Factory Thursday and Rockhard Sunday

  8. There's a few of us here that have been having good results. I think you have to enjoy "the hunt", which I do - both on SA and also traditional sites like RentMen. It's part of why I've also had luck with Craigslist, Backpage, Etc.


    Give it a try again....


    First I will give some time to whatsyourprice.com. Then, let's see.

  9. Feast or famine... I spent several days going back and forth with a 19-yo hottie and he finally flaked.

    On the other hand I just had a wonderful afternoon with another 24-yo SA guy who is a real sweetheart ... Our second visit and definitely not last.

    It can be frustrating at times but also rewarding.

    One thing I'm coming to realize: the range of type of guys on SA is pretty broad. There's the usual jocks, twinks and muscle guys. But also allot of hipsters, TG, skater, etc


    Should I go back to SA? I tried it for a few months and got nothing from it.

  10. I'll get over this but I am so incredibly saddened about what has just happened to me. A client, who had been texting me for the past 2-3 days to meet up finally decides he wants to meet up tonight. The ETA starts getting later and later, until finally he gets here a little past 11:30PM. Mind you, I'm usually in bed by midnight because I have a full time job which is my main priority. I was very nice and accommodating the entire time. Anyway, he shows up and seems like a nice guy and all. I won't get into details, but I will say the encounter was a little more difficult for me than usual. There were a number of things that turned me off when usually I find more things that turn me on about a client the more we talk and the more intimate we get. He ended up staying a little past the hour, and as he left he put the money on my dresser and said goodbye. This was one of those rare encounters for me where at the end of it, it felt like a lot of work. It wasn't as effortless as practically all my other encounters and I was a bit exhausted from it. A few minutes later, after he had already left, I counted the money and noticed he stiffed me by $60! This has never happened to me before, and I'm really upset by it.


    I'm not really asking for advice (or maybe I am), probably more just venting here, but I will say two things; (1) I'm so fortunate that after doing this for a little over a year and half, this is the first time this has happened, and (2) I feel incredibly used - I feel like it might be a little over reactive of me to say I even feel like I've been raped in some way, but, yea, it kind of does feel like that. Part of me wants to find some sort of way to seek revenge but really what good would that do? I can't write a bad review or blast his number out in a giant escort newsletter anyway. I have to suck it up and move on. But now I'm wondering if I should change my approach with how I receive money in the future. I avoid having the encounter feel like a transaction, and usually discussions about my rate, etc. last a couple seconds - a simple confirmation - and the subject changes. I confirmed my rate with this guy a couple times via text. I didn't ask for the money upfront because, well, that just not how I do things. But now I'm left with the question, should I let this encounter change my protocol, or should I just suck it up, learn how to screen these guys out and continue with what seems to have been working great up until this point?


    Luckily the night before I had an amazing encounter with a client, and we connected really well - plus he tipped me generously. Anyway, I don't know what I'm really asking, but if you've gone this far, thanks for reading and sorry for babbling on. If anyone has any advice or a joke to lighten up a bad experience, thank you in advance. I guess the way I've been receiving cash (asking at the end, and not the beginning) does put me at risk for this to happen, and perhaps it was just my time. It also wasn't THAT much money... It still sucks though! Alright, well this has already been helpful and it's way past my bedtime. Goodnight!


    I'm very sorry you had to go through that.

    Said that, now that I know you do not count the cash, I would like to make an appointment.


  11. Long time forum reader...first time poster.


    Having hired many times over the past two years, I had something occur recently that I do know what to make of (since its never happened to me before).


    Recently, at the conclusion of a first time meeting with a NYC escort, I gave him the envelope with his donation and he took it out and proceeded to count it right in front of me. I felt insulted by such behavior. Am I off base?


    What do you think?


    It was a first time meeting, why should he trust you?

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