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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. I also want to wish you the best of luck in getting a donor match asap. We’ll be thinking of you.
  2. Here in Canada snowstorms are a given at some point during the winter. However we are prepared for that and used to winter driving conditions. That being said I would not schedule either an incall or outcall in the midst of a storm or if one was pending. That’s because either I or the provider is looking at a fair drive as I live in a small town.
  3. So depending on how large a house you have and it’s construction, you do pay a fair hunk of cash to heat it and your water.
  4. I remember when I was living at home and my parents were getting older so they turned up the heat in the apartment gradually every year. Later when I went home for visits they would have the heat at the stifling temperature of 80. I had to open the window in my bedroom in sub zero weather to cool it down since there were no individual room thermostats. I’ m their age now but live alone and turn the temperature down to 67 at night. Sleep well and don’t have to open the window. The house is leaky enough to provide good ventilation lol.
  5. How long does a tankful last and how many times do you have to refill in one heating season?
  6. I’m focused on their status but don’t quiz them on who they slept with and when. Similarly I don’t give them that info either altho I do say if we’re talking about such things is that my sexual partners for the last 20 years have all been escorts/ masseurs I don’t go to bathhouses or sleezy bars like I used to decades ago. Too old for that stuff.
  7. Thanks for linking the article. It was written in 2011 long before Prep. He said in it he always used condoms when having sex with pos guys. Now he doesn’t unless he is only having sex with neg guy's. He must have to ask them if they are Neg. Otherwise he is on Prep, which I suspect is also the case. It would be interesting to hear his views today. Only to say a lot has changed in 13 years. And behavior must adapt to the new realities. In my case I always ask providers their HIV status and if I don’t get a straight answer I move on.
  8. I don’t find the average rate of 22 percent out of line. That’s what I said in my post above. That’s here in Canada but I would expect the US would be much the same. I’m talking about Mastercard Visa etc the mainstream card companies.
  9. I’m surprised that Michael Lucas would say this. His company features many bb scenes on their films and I understand he will only hire people to perform in them who agree to be tested rigorously and be open with their results.
  10. I may not live till 2035 but I would bet that deadline will be pushed back. Especially here in Canada. Too many downsides to EVs and I don’t think the technology advances will overcome them. EVs make perfect sense for city dwellers who don’t travel great distances but not for rural folks. Maybe they will exempt rural dwellers from having to buy EVs. There’s a precedent for it in Canada. The federal government exempted the owners of oil furnaces from the carbon tax after applying it for several years . All those affected live in rural areas where there are no gas lines to hook up to.
  11. Appears to be a bottom.
  12. I live in Eastern Ontario, a relatively cold place in winter. This year I am trying 70 and 67 day and night settings on my gas furnace which just got installed in November as my old one went kaput. Last year and years before I set it at 72 day and 69 night. But gas prices skyrocketed last winter and my gas bill almost doubled. I would have to go back and look but the most expensive month was over $600 for an 8 room very old house built in 1866. For the season it cost just under $2000. Electricity is more heavily regulated and government owned partially and now subsidized by the Ontario government. Natural gas is regulated but much closer to market rates as there is no government ownership.
  13. I sorta like them on the right guy with the right eyebrows. That sort of narrows the field somewhat.
  14. I belonged to a fraternity at McGill in Montreal that was part of a chain of fraternities in Canada and the US, Zeta Psi. It was considered an elite fraternity. I joined in freshman year and only remained active two years. It was incompatible with my studies in the toughest faculty (engineering/architecture) I was enrolled in. I did much better in completing my studies after dropping out. This was all in the 1960’s or prehistoric times now.
  15. It’s interesting that the weather seems to be getting more extreme in North America even in the time since this thread started over two years ago. Take this weekend. Extremely cold weather throughout most of North America except here in the North East and the southeast and south west coasts. But then Florida has recently had tornadoes in January. In Ontario Canada it’s currently about 0 C or 32 F but much colder in Vancouver and all of the mid west down to Texas. We were supposed to get a lot of snow tonight but it’s too warm now for that to happen here. I haven’t had to shovel any snow so far this winter. We have a few inches on the ground but with winter tires you just drive over it.
  16. I know a gay couple who live near me who are interracial ( black and white). They spend the winter in Los Angeles and summer in Canada and have been doing so for years (one is a trust fund baby). They would not fit in in Japan.
  17. I Like the earthquake idea if it comes at the right moment.
  18. I never use emails with providers. I primarily contact them via RM messaging then switch to texting if they are amenable to that. Some prefer WhatsApp and I ‘m good with that too. I like the messaging or texting because one can engage in a back and forth to hash out details of an appointment. Texting/Whatsapp is good too in the immediate period before meeting to alert arrival times, possible delays or other hitches. The odd time I will use the phone but only after asking via text if that’s OK.
  19. Could be fake. Only one review each and same reviewer.
  20. He’s been around forever it seems but I still think he would be a fun date. If all else failed he can suck himself for my amusement.
  21. An interesting choice by Macron, who is himself only 43. I guess he was born around 1990. It’ll be interesting to learn more about his background. Here in Canada we hear a lot about 34 year olds still living in their parents basements.
  22. Luv2play

    411 DuncanVegasIII

    Maybe he’s a middle-man.
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