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Everything posted by EZEtoGRU

  1. This is an important article about the real life impact anti-LGBTQ legislation in various states is having on LGBTQ families and their decision to move to more accepting states. There is also the critical angle of the professional void one of these moves can leave in the departed state. These are not rare or unique cases. This article covers one family leaving Louisiana for New York and another leaving Missouri for Colorado. However one only need to google the topic to find many instances of people choosing to move (or considering a move) from a less-tolerant state to a more accepting state due to recent legislative changes. Not surprisingly, many of these stories cover LGBT folks having left or currently living in Florida. The purpose of starting this thread is not to discuss the politics/legislation which was the impetus for these moves. Instead we should focus on the impact on people's actual lives and folks feeling compelled to leave the state they once loved. One of Louisiana's only pediatric cardiologists has left the state over anti-LGBTQ legislation | CNN WWW.CNN.COM When Jake Kleinmahon and his husband, Tom, decided to move back to New Orleans in 2018, they had plans to live there forever.
  2. There are several TSC stores close to the house...one only about 10 minutes away. We live in a rural/small town/farming-type area so it makes sense. I have never been as I assumed it had only farming/tractor items for sale. One thing that had raised a red flag for me regarding TSC was on some of their local TV advertising. I don't recall the exact words they used but they were something along the lines of PATRIOT/LIBERTY/FREEDOM or some such thing. When I hear those types of terms in advertising it's a major turn-off for me so I choose not to patronize the businesses that use them. This thread has caused me to reconsider my position. I did some research this morning and I see that TSC sponsored a drag show in Waco Texas in recent years. They caught major flack for it too (which is not surprising in small city Texas). I'm not sure why they chose to sponsor the show but I applaud them for doing it. Sometime in the next few weeks I think I will venture in and see what's on offer. However if I see guns for sale and lots of camouflage clothing for men...I'm outa there!
  3. I'm curious as well about Rome or anywhere else in Italy for that matter. My guess is there are no actual stripper bars but there are likely dance clubs that also have gogo boys on podiums.
  4. Wow. Thanks for the very thorough input. The questionable produce and meat at ALDI seems to be a common theme. I'm reasonably happy with the produce I get at our local grocery store so I'll likely stick with that. Meat is a different story. I'm not very happy with meat I get anywhere anymore. Maybe ALDI won't be a solution for the meat problem either. Bread is another problem. After you spend time in Europe and eat the bread there, bread in the US just doesn't measure up. So hard to find decent white bread around here. I'll definitely check out some of the items you have recommended. I'm looking forward to checking out the store when it opens...I'm assuming in the next 60 days. Oh...and I'll remember to to take a quarter! Thanks again!!
  5. Thanks for the input. I will definitely check-out their wine and be careful of their produce.
  6. I live in small town/rural Michigan. The two small towns close by each have a family-owned grocery store where we do most of our shopping. I also get to a Costco in the Detroit area 1-2 times per month for bulk items. Well, there is now an Aldi being built in a town about 25 minutes from the house. For those of you that shop at Aldi, I am curious about the following: * What is the main advantage of Aldi versus other grocery stores? Is it mostly the prices? * Does Aldi carry items you don't see at other stores? * Does Aldi carry any store-brand items? Is the quality good? * Any Germany-sourced items that are really good? * Do you use Aldi as your main grocery store? * Any items you highly recommend from Aldi? Any items you strongly suggest we not get at Aldi? I really know very little about Aldi. Since there is one opening up fairly close by, I would consider doing some shopping there if the price/quality value proposition is compelling. Thanks!
  7. The heat has not really been an issue this summer in the part of Michigan where I live (about 80 minutes north of Detroit). Pretty normal summer days here with daily highs between 75-85. A few days almost reaching 90 but never over 90. What has been a problem here this summer is the smoke from Canadian forest fires. We've had lots of hazy/smoky days although it has been clearer the last 8-10 days. I visited Ft Lauderdale for two days back in late July and frankly the temps/humidity were nightmarish...even for Florida. I lived in Miami basically for all the 1990's and never experienced heat like that. I could not fathom living in Florida during the summer anymore. It felt like the blood in my body was going to boil.
  8. I’m more concerned with the quality of the on-board service of US carriers than I am about the plane crashing. I’ve never seen such a sorry state of service on domestic U.S. flights in almost 40 years of heavy flying. I normally fly in the premium cabins. Even transcons in the First or business cabin have turned into a real shitshow. Anyway, that’s a topic for a different thread.
  9. Based on forecast models, my greatest concern is for desert California communities such as Borrego Springs, Indio, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, etc. Coastal California may be OK. As others have said, the main concern is rain and flooding. Be safe folks!!
  10. Yep. That section between Miami and FTL crosses very busy roads and the train goes quite slow. I've been on it 2 or 3 times already. Service was fine and they have shiny new stations in both cities. Every time I have been on it, the loads were very lite. I do remember thinking at the time that I would not be surprised if the train (at least on that segment) would likely be involved in quite a few accidents. To me, it really is not a true high-speed train. Real high speed trains mostly go under/over road traffic to maximize speed and safety. That has not been provisioned for on the segment I travelled on. North of FTL, I have no clue it the train has less interaction with road traffic. I'm also curious how profitable an operation it is or will be. I wish them well. I'm all for increasing rail travel in the US when possible and practical.
  11. Thanks for the input. I do have an appointment for my annual physical in early October so I do plan to have this as a major topic of conversation with my doctor. I started reducing my alcohol intake early this year so that's one thing. Also, I have been working more on my weight this year so that should also help. It seems to me I was tested for H. pylori way back when I first went on Nexium but I will ask about that again. I was first prescribed Nexium when it was only available by prescription but it became available OTC pretty quickly after. It's possible it was not a full 15 years I have been on it. Maybe it's 10-12 years. TBH, I am reluctant to stop taking Nexium as it has served me well the whole time I have been on it. Having said that, I don't like the thought of a 33% increased risk of dementia. Again, thanks for your comments.
  12. This is not just a Men's Health issue but this forum seemed to be the best place for the topic. A recent study has identified a link between the prolonged use (more than 4.4 years) of proton pump inhibitors and increased risk (33%) of dementia. OTC drugs like Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid fall into this drug class. This concerns me greatly as I take Nexium once per day. About 15 years ago, Tums stopped working for me and my acid reflux was becoming very problematic. I moved over to Nexium and started taking it daily and have ever since. I'm sure I'm not the only one here that does this. I obviously don't want to increase my risk of dementia in future years. I'm wondering what I should do. Anyone else have these concerns? Popular heartburn medicine increases dementia risk by 33%. What to know to stay safe. WWW.USATODAY.COM People who took acid reflux drugs for more than 4 years faced a 33% greater likelihood of developing dementia
  13. Meh. Is he handsome? Yes. Is the strawberry blond hair sexy? Yes. Is his meager endowment hot? Not really. I'm over it. End of story.
  14. Count me among those not surprised at all as I always assumed he was at least bi. I think his brief "fill-in" roll as Lola in Kinky Boots sealed it for me. All the best to Wayne!
  15. I agree that it seems the regulations are not as tight as they used to be regarding headlights. Also, I bet there is very little enforcement to ensure headlights are in compliance with the regulations. I am sure there are aftermarket headlights sold that are not compliant with the law. 30-50 years ago, police would stop people for things like this (overly bright headlights). I doubt that happens much today. ...and don't get me started on another pet peeve of mine regarding vehicles: Windows tinted so dark that you literally cannot see the person inside. Again, the police used to stop cars for having their windows tinted too dark. Today, the police would be too afraid to stop such a car out of fear that the driver might have a weapon they cannot see.
  16. What?? So I point out the behaviors a poster has done in the past and then I am accused of making fun of Autism & Asperger??? Mary you need to lay off the alcohol.
  17. Ask him how many times he has complained about his home market and then moved to a new market...and then complained about the new market😉.
  18. All is good. Americans continue to feel better about inflation and the economy: Americans continue to feel better about inflation and the economy | CNN Business WWW.CNN.COM US consumers have been feeling a whole lot better this summer as inflation has continued to slow.
  19. Sad to hear she's gone. She had a troubled life for many years...mental illness. Sadly, she lost a son to suicide not so long ago which had to be traumatic for her. Rightly or wrongly, I always considered her to be a one-hit wonder. For the last 25 years, I never heard much about her except when she was missing, threating suicide, or being hospitalized for one thing or another. Her illness had to be exhausting for her.
  20. EZEtoGRU


    It seems some theatres were running a "Barbenheimer" special that would allow the moviegoer to see Barbie and Oppenheimer back-to-back. Has anyone seen both movies? If so, what did you think? I'm thinking of taking mom to the movies next week and would like some input. I read one review from a woman that saw both. In the end, she liked Barbie more. She felt it was faster-paced and surprisingly deeper in message than what she was expecting. She found Oppenheimer interesting at times but dull and slow in other moments....oh...and utterly too long. Any input would be appreciated.
  21. You are right. I was just in Montreal and spent three nights around the village. I felt completely safe, saw very few homeless people, and never got pan-handled once. I would say The Village has changed compared 20 years ago. However, to me, it's basically the same as it has been for the last 7-8 years. So I would say it's pretty stable now. Like you, I don't seek hotels in The Village any more. Been there done that 30 years ago but not now. Obviously, to each his own.
  22. Same for my Chase Sapphire Account. I think any major US bank offers a premium checking account that allows international ATM withdrawals without charging a fee and does the transaction at the prevailing foreign exchange rate at the time. Easy peasy. Even if you're only going to Canada and/or Mexico 2-3 times per year, this is much better than changing money at airports or foreign exchange offices. Obviously just my 2 cents.
  23. I think we can all agree there is really no inflation problem in the US right now. The trend has been towards lowering inflation for more than a year. The Fed may raise rates one more time this week just to finish the job. I see no further rate increases this year (since there is no longer an inflation issue) unless there is another oil crisis or a major COVID resurgence. Hard to predict.
  24. The quicker Twitter, or X, swirls down the toilet into the sewer the better off society will be. Well done Mr Musk !
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