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Everything posted by Mocha

  1. Oh absolutely. I wish they would have kept erotic services. I'm not negating the benefits craigslist has (or had...or maybe one day will have again ) I couldn't tell you how much I made off of there. I was using it since 2010, when an amateur escort in San Antonio told me about it. I mean, when the erotic section was there, I was pulling guys left and right. It was the way to pull straight, seasonally gay curious guys. Even up until last year, craigslist was good for spur of the moment arrangements. However, I found the latest version of Craigslist to be a majority medium market west coast thing. As far as I know, only a few select areas were still profitable to use it in. Phoenix being one of them. Florida, no. It's just that there's more resources out there now. Let's get off the newspaper ads, and onto something else. No need to hide behind closet doors. But what are we going to do, to rise above this? We can't let all these apps take our clients. Those sites are so full of games as it is, and there's blocks on those that also need to be removed too. All I can say is, fight. Fight. Fight. Fight. Shutdown D.C. for a week. Plaster signs saying NO SESTA on every building. Shut it DOWN. America doesn't deserve its freedom title, if it's going to be known again for oppression. If you can't even fucking be who you are in the privacy of your home on the Internet, what's next? At the same time, maybe we don't need to panic. Maybe what needs to happen, is await clarification. It's not law yet, just a bill. Sex trafficking and escorting are 2 different things. And it needs to be clear that the average escort is not being forced against their will. That would be like saying everyone on Grindr is participating in rape, and the site be liable for criminal charges for rape....due to there being anal sex going on. Bull fucking shit. So they can't say escorts advertising online are trafficking people against their will, just because it's money involved. Apparently it's just the main profile pic, according to chat with customer service. But this literally just started the other day.
  2. That may be true if you're servicing a certain clientele. But I have a nice ass, yet that's not usually what I get called in for. Call me, "dildo replacement service".
  3. Websites come and go. I don't think we necessarily need limitless options for sex. Maybe we need to have things a little bit more "niche", and direct people to quality websites. Why in 2018 was there the need to rely on craigslist for hookups, when there's sites like rentmen and Adam that do a little better job allowing users to get an idea of each other before meeting? Of course I'm not happy about what has happened, but trust...we will rise above it. What I don't Like, is websites going into panic mode like after the rentboy scare, and unnecessarily moderating ads to excess. Like Adam4adam has already cropped my pics to not show dick or underwear on first page. They're a dating/porn advertising site that makes money from porn or paid advertisers. Hopefully they don't come with the bullshit again like they did couple years ago.
  4. Exactly. All a good credit score means, is that you're more qualified to acquire more debt. Ain't that some shit? However, he says he doesn't have place to host or transportation...so maybe he doesn't have those basic necessities. And like I said, even despite what I mentioned...the business is going to be different depending on where and who you are. Last year I was in a different area than I am currently. In some areas, one is lucky to get the clients one gets throughout the week/month, because the rest of these mofos are full of SH...and like I said elsewhere, we as black escorts probably deal with it more. That's why I'm extra tougher now than ever, and before I started.
  5. Thankyou...that's what I've been telling everyone. I'm trying to stay that way, but some of these mofos out here, really fuck with my state of mind. That's why I sometimes I need people around who can relate to the things that go on.
  6. Ok, but who in that position has time to wait on an interview, wait to get hired, then work for 5 days and not see a paycheck until a week later? Hell mother-fucking nah. Would you tell one of your favorite White escorts to go flip burgers, if they wounded up in a jam? Hell mother fucking no. You'd be talking about how you'd love to pay them $5,000 if you could afford it. That's what I told one of the former members here. Don't tell someone to get a job, when this business can get you paid within 30-60 minutes. Last year I needed $250 to get my car fixed. The SAME DAY. I went and pulled 1 massage client and 1 repeat client WHILE the mechanic was working on it. And I had them come to my hotel. Having a regular job, I'd of been unable to go to work, and probably got fired. He's asking how to become a good escort, not for alternatives to being an escort.
  7. It sounds like your situation is certainly a struggle. Don't expect the people here to understand your plight. Most of them mainly want to coddle up/backpat for these White hoes, so don't expect to get genuine advice on here. It'll likely be riddled with condescending and mockery. Trust me, I deal with everytime I post. As for advice: not hosting or having a car can definitely be a roadblock in this business. You usually have to have one or the other....but is not REQUIRED. If you can get from point A to point B in an area of good mass transit, that's all it takes. Many clients can host. I don't even do incalls right now, and haven't for the past 2 months. Having an incall just boosts your ability for last minute clients. Even when I had a place to host, it was roughly 60/40 incall and outcall. The biggest bank was and always has been, outcalls (hotel visitors especially). For now though, the business is kinda shaky. I'm not going to lie to you, and don't let these guys lie to you either. They'll talk about how much they make and blah blah blah. Fact is, it takes patience, good marketing and consistent self-work to elevate in this business. And travel. Getting a gym membership and taking supplements to replenish your seed will keep you ready for the next client. You don't have to be a porn star, just have to bring what you offer to the table. That said, have you considered signing up for classes and looking into grants/loans, etc? FAFSA.com is a good place to start. I won't get into the specifics, but there's so many grants and loans out there (and who doesn't have student loan debt at some point in life???). It would atleast get you a lump sum to get a place/car, and then you can go from there. However, I will agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas, you don't want to come in desperate...because that opens the door for wanting to receive less pay, and possibly get into stickier situations. It's okay to need the money, but don't let it devalue your safety and morals. What a crock of crap. Most of my clients don't even shop at Walmart. You'll never see them there. Target maybe, but even then the average person you'd see walking into a store has an unlikely chance of being a client. My first 2 clients were attractive, fit men. One was Colombian and the other White. My second client was a decent looking black dude who invited me over to fuck another escort. Those were the days! People would call, and you knew you had to put that work in. Walking around in the general public imagining who would be a client is about as pointless as walking around wondering who would be a male escort. Those imaginary "male escorts" could be conservative church kids, somebodies baby daddy, or some straight frat boy who privately bashes gay sex. It just doesn't work.
  8. As I told a client earlier, men4rent was on its way out the door anyway. My profile was removed couple weeks ago, and they were unresponsive to correpdence. Craigslist...well that was just a crock of crap waiting to go too. I made my bank from it over the years, but only in very select markets. Using a discount auto parts/job/housing to advertise free or paid sex seems a bit dated. To me, that too died back in 2010 when they took the erotic section down: which was in itself wasn’t that great, charging $5 a day for a single picture ad that would randomly get denied. If anything, let’s wait things out before declaring doom. As we seen, the closing of rentboy eventually improved the business. A shitty site fell off, and made way for a better designed, CHEAPER website. If anything, those from Craigslist will seek out other sites (like RM), and we will see an increase in business like never before. I know I get pegged for negativity, but we can look at the devastation or we can look for ways this could open doors to improvements.
  9. As someone who would rather change the whole headlight assembly, instead of using those headlight restore kits... Because in New York City, I'd imagine there's so much light...one can get away with not ever changing out their headlights or realizing how halogen bulbs dim overtime lol. However, cars nowadays are using xenon, or other type of beams beside halogen. Those can be trickier to replace. Then you have the daytime running lamps, usually standard in Canadian spec vehicles. If a car has a separate bulb for high/low or daylight/regular....it could make a difference. My cars have the same bulb for both high and low beam, just a different filament on the inside. Now, if the light is off and they do "something"...it may be a lose connection in the wiring, usually from either a previous accident or a short. Tinkering with it can help it turn back on. I carry spare headlight bulbs on road trips. Then switch in pairs with the new ones the next day. Last thing I need, is to be way out between Flagstaff and Albuquerque with 1 headlight. I use extra bright bulbs, but not the super bright ones. Those burn out faster. That's the catch. Atleast once a year, one headlight (always at night) burns out, requiring quick replacement. Fortunately, it's a quick 5 minute job for me. Having traveled most all the 48 states, you can get pulled over anywhere, anytime, for any reason. I don't want to say cops are assholes, but cops are assholes. But considering how many outright reckless drivers there are, espedially in Florida, I applaud them for being assholes. It's worse when you get pulled over by Highway patrol . Nevada. Florida. Tennessee. Kansas. Texas. Minnesota. Michigan. Been pulled over in all of them, sometimes more than once: usually for ridiculous stuff like going 3 mph over the limit or "running a yellow light". Only got a ticket in 1: Texas. Amazingly, I never got pulled over in Arizona. Guess they look for more Mexican types. But I wouldn't want to find out. I had a light burnt out last year while visiting Detroit, on my way to the gym. I stood out in the cold to fix it, to avoid getting pulled over. Well, I was only 1 block from the hotel and the damn light went from YELLOW to RED faster than I could brake, but I made it thru. STILL Got pulled over, claiming I went thru the light. Yes I did. It was yellow when I hit the point of no return. Especially on icy road condition. Son of a...fortunately I played it nice and didn't get a ticket though.
  10. Makes perfect sense to me. When adding the fact of who makes up the majority in the (active/upscale) gay scene in many cities, the numbers just get blown completely out the water. But like I said, people either get it or don't. Everytime I bring up these matters, people make me feel like I'm generalizing, then I start feeling like I'm generalizing. Then I have to look for things which may validate or discredit what I say, which makes me feel like I'm making shit up. There's enough of it that's obvious already, without me having to prove what I'm saying!
  11. Okay and? You surround yourself with good people. Good for you. I never said the people I met weren't good people, just they happened to be ones who chose to misrepresent their intentions. I don't even surround myself with people, good or bad, because I stick with my 1 or 2 FWBs, 2 or 3 friends in different states and clients (good people). When new people come along, I'm open. Some of them right in your neighborhood. 3-4 years ago, I used to go to Utah every couple months...It was always a win-win. However, even with that area, I had noticed things had changed (though partly due to the men4rent drop off). You're choosing to perceive a post as negative. That's where the miscommunication is coming from. I didn't promise anything...but if someone wants to chime in after I said I'm not having the conversation, then that means I have the option to go back, and address it.
  12. I spend a couple nights or more, with clients throughout the year. Naturally, you're going to do your own thing. It's not going to be 24/7 cuddling and affection, unless you're on a lovey dovey drug. Lot of times, I'd set aside time at night and in the morning to be together, and then during the day catch up with whatever I have to. I've gone to the mall, done laundry, gym, swimming pool...and just regroup later in the day.
  13. I could have swore I seen someone; perhaps another escort...maybe @VictorPowers, chime in and say something about do I ever say anything positive. I was going to reply, soon after I got home from a meeting at the Hyatt Regency earlier tonight. That said, I was going to say if you want positivity, lead by example. It’s easy to come on here, and talk some shit out one’s ass. There’s no shortage of that. But what does that do? VP, you just posted about a client who short changed you. What’s positive about that? You tried to sugar coat it by saying y’all made up....but fact of the matter is, if he didn’t, your post would have been about how you got short changed, and why you should have counted the money before he left your sight. Which in turn, would have been negative in tone. And why wait until AFTER I say I’m done with this conversation to tout positivity? That’s the kind of Fake personality I’m referring to. You didn’t chime in to say anything positive about me then, why suggest it now? If you were interested in positivity, you would have said something like: “I think a Black escort would feel a difference in a place like Salt Lake City, because Utah is White as milk that’s low-fat, only like 2% Black. There may be a demand for you here. Please come back out to Salt Lake City, and I’ll introduce you to some wonderful White guys like myself. -Victor P” But no, you hopped on the PHONY express route and sided with the rest of the naysayers here. The same ones, too small minded to discuss certain topics, without resorting to belittling tactics.
  14. Since, @rossthebosssf in nowhere to be found, time to play grammar cop: Okay, fair enough. At this point I've said what I needed to say. People can either accept it, learn and try to change...or deny it, and remain the same. At this point, since it's the same critically LAME people responding and not contributing anything except rebuttles...I'm signing off. If anything intelligent is reposted, I'll like...but no comments.
  15. Well one thing for sure, rosstheLoss can't claim the reason for a shortage of clients, is due to me calling him out on his shit. Any presumed shortage of clients would have had to happen BEFORE he called me out, which lead to me calling HIM out. I probably should have mentioned this sudden drop happened to be in Florida, which from speaking to escorts over the years, is known for that. I'm sure once I get back to travelling it'll not be that way. That's why for a few months I wasn't here. Too busy to entertain the haters. I'll be too busy again after this month is up.
  16. You're the one always reading though. Your always have ish to say. Just come with something relevant next time, instead of trying to play tag team for someone who I already dismissed. I absolutely agree. It goes both ways. We all play games. Its part of the courtship ritual. But some people just don't know when to stop. To reiterate, I'm definitely not insinuating "all" fall under this category. It's hard to discuss, without thinking some are going to feel blamed or shamed. However, I can't help but feel that it seems to be more common from the White guys. I'm just not going to pretend like it doesn't exist. It needs to be fixed. For example, there's a White guy I had known from another forum for years. He knew I was an escort. He reached out to me last year when I was in Phoenix. Can you believe this nut: after toying around with meeting for a couple weeks, saying he wanted me to fuck him and do this and that and everything else, sending me pics etc. It turned out all the while, he was playing a huge prank. He flaked, then started sending me old pictures from my escort ads that I don't even have anymore, saying he never wanted to meet me anyway, saying derogatory things...eventually I had to block his ass. I almost reached out to his family on Facebook and outed him for harassing me. But I felt sad for the guy. Only a White guy could have pulled off that degree of fakeness. I've had other guys do some equally petty moves. Which is why I said earlier, I really prefer not to deal with either one. If they're American, they are liable to flake at any moment. So despite gay guys being naturally flaky, there's a whole other level of it across the color lines. It's not a reason, excuse or suggestion to avoid such relationships. Just that we need to address it and work on ways to better it. At the same time, like I said...I'm not really pushing for change right now. I've learned my lessons, and gotten better at recognizing that some groups of people, I just can't associate with.
  17. Well that was quicker than a New York minute... Not to insinuate, but how do we know these escorts are "just" escorts? I've come across a few "escorts" who boast of having nice places...but that "deal" on the other end of the phone was just that. A Deal.
  18. That is true...at the same time, people shouldn't need to make a habit of letting it slide. I personally rather just ensure things are properly settled up, before parting ways. There's been a couple of times (this almost always happens when traveling and staying in hotels), something has come up short. I feel instead of someone going thru the inconvenience of making U-turns, going up and down elevators, and exclaiming how apologetic they are; to just make sure things are right the first time. There's a saying in the car service world: Do it right, or do it twice. And just giving/accepting a wad of balled up cash without counting, is like depositing money in the ATM without counting it first.
  19. 1st off, I'm not your friend. 2nd of all, don't tell me to log off. 3rd of all, yes I do have receipts, and what?? 4th of all, you don't need to believe me 5th of all, go use that F word on yourself
  20. Ok presumptive English teacher, I never mentioned I had a shortage in clients.
  21. Oh yeah...I came prepared to make some simple minded mofos come with personal attacks, that don't actually address the facts. You know when the name calling comes out, it just further validates the truth. Well guess what, if what I'm saying is generalizing then what you're saying is an opinion as well. You sound ignorant as fuck because you're trying to discount my experience (and then rebrand it as a generalization), AS WELL AS the accounts of every other person out there who's experienced the same. Best believe it's not my own experience. But, being that I wouldn't lie to you, examples: There was a black escort/porn star I admired who lives in L.A. He retired. On his rentmen blog, I was dismayed to see he had called out several (non-black) clients throughout rentmen who had flaked on him. Like in very annoying and inconvenient ways. I wasn't dismayed at his calling them out, but rather that someone else was going thru the same thing. I reached out to him and related to him, but he told me "he was on his way to taking his ad down anyway". I had a Black client last year who was robbed of something like $50,000. Who did it? Some White guy whom he let move his things in for him (and apparently he made a copy of the key, and came back later). I warned him...White guys can be sneaky when it comes to Black/White interactions. I had a White guy friend I've known for years, but our friendship finally officially ended last year, after he pulled 1 last phony stunt that I could not forgive. I know another White guy who was dating another White guy, and apparently the guy robbed his ass and left him on the cold Denver streets. I tried to told him...like who does that??? It took me until I turned 30; and a uncountable number of experiences, that majority of White guys I come across are going to put on a facade, when it comes to interactions. I look back and feel so foolish for trying to make things work with some of them. I've finally got it. But I don't necessarily understand it. I believe White guys were brought up to be as non-confrontational as possible. That makes them generally friendly and sociable to be around, and less likely to have any problems with in public (though that doesn't apply to all..in fact all thru grade school, the White boys were usually always the ones starting shit with me for no reason). But, when it comes down to getting to know them...they use that same fake, phony, artificial attitude when they want to plan an exit. I think what taught me best, the white guys in Nashville. One was so fake, we went on 2 seemingly decent good dates, then he never texted me again. After that, I seen him at various parties around town about 2-3 times, and he always made it seem like we were all cool and that he'd hit me up again. Never did. It's not just limited to White guys either. A lot of Black/Latino guys have picked up the same bad habits, and followed in suit. That's why I learned to specifically stay away from the Black/Latin types who keep a majority of White company...because they tend to mimic the phony White gay guy personality and take it to a whole new level. White guys tend to have an aura of plasticity in their approach, but when others try to mimic it, they just turn straight up nasty about it. I've learned this on numerous occasions, and after an incident last year in Phoenix where a Black guy I met humiliated and faked me out in front of his White friends: I vowed never again. What's to do? Practice being real. I think some White guys feel they have an obligation to be agreeable to everything, to avoid conflict, rather than just say how they feel. Then later, you wonder what happened. Most times, you'll never know. I also believe with the middle age White guys 30s/40s, if they sense a black guy makes less than them, or think your credit score ain't high enough, they'll be fake for a couple dates and then run. That's why I tend to prefer the older white guys in their 50s and up, as they usually are past all that. But I just don't bother with fake and phony people. Too much energy and wasted time. I give em 1 or 2 strikes, then they start becoming very transparent. Welcome to being a GBM+ a GBM escort in America. Gotta take the bad with the good. Lol..coming from someone who failed to capitalize the first letter of his avatar name nor capitalize the S or F in San Francisco. Sit down; you simple, basic, wanna-be grammatically correct, piece of....work. Enough punctuation for you?
  22. Bravo, bravo! Succinctly said, and absolutely on point. However, I will pick at a couple of things you said and kind of refute it. I can't say that every or even most White escorts can breeze to the top and make more than a 10/10 black escort who has the industry down pack. I lived in Denver, and crossed a handful of White escorts over a period of 5 years. Most of them weren't even doing half of what I was doing. I had my own place, was traveling and renting top of the line cars for a week or 2 (in addition to my own), and had a steady flow of clients. They were working 9-5 on the side, asking me how I did it, and never got to leave Colorado. Most the White guys were so jealous of me, and a couple tried to convince me I was doing nothing with my life...despite the fact I was living better than them. After awhile, I started to doubt myself...and then the Denver market started becoming more and more saturated, combined with a tumultuous market : I almost hit rock bottom. Left out of there before that happened. I also don't think white is at the top of the totem pole anymore in America. Ever look at craigslist casual encounters (don't)? No matter what city, it never fails: someone is always seeking a big black cock within 5-10 ads. However, white people (and some Latin people too) need to see beyond the cock fantasy, and stop using us as merely play toys to be flaked on or pushed in the corner when they have their fill (pun intended). Also, I've had offers to live in nice apartments and condos as well. In fact, for about a year and a half I had that just last year. But, that stuff comes with a price. Often times with becoming "boyfriends" with clients. I also know another top of the line escort here (white, but shall remain anon) who mentioned he prefers to pay his own travel expenses, versus being flown around all over. I am the same. I think the main obstacle, is 95% of gay White guys are fake and phony and mainly use Black guys for validation. Period. I spent some time analyzing my dating, non-escorting experiences over the last couple years...and come to realize 9 out of 10 White guys I've come across, ended up being completely fake and phony when it came down to it. Comes on strong, but won't hesitate to pretend you don't exist and cut you off once their use for you expires, which can be at any point without warning. I even know one White guy who told me, he stops seeing his black guys after 2 or 3 meets. We somehow ended up good friends, but I told him to stop doing that. At this point, unless it's client relationship related....I keep things with White guys very platonic. Because I already know it'll usually end up being lots of games and faking involved. Versus meeting a black or Latino guy, who will usually be straight forward as to whether or not they like you. The fakest White guys I've met are in: Nashville, Denver, Florida, and Texas. There's some pretty genuine ones in Canada, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, D.C. and (northern) California. Not the fake SoCal ones. But at the same time, its been pretty much all over. This isn't a White bashing post...after all, 80% of our clients are white and personally I often enjoy interactions with gay Whites moreso than gay Blacks. I am saying that despite everyone thinking we are in 2018 and everything is still peachy creamy, there's still some long standing subliminal behaviors that exist...which affects everything from business to dating.
  23. I was being partly facetious, but it was based on some things I've heard over the past couple weeks. I would hope it's anecdotal, and I don't think it's anything in particular with us (I mean clearly not). I'm going to try some other things and perhaps some other markets too. Because it does matter sometimes. Trying to stay positive, but it's definitely making me uneasy.
  24. That's all possible. Personally, I've been going back to dating as well and am kinda "talking" to someone. But at the same time, I've never actually been in a relationship where someone forced me to retire, or made me feel as if I needed to because we were dating. If they did, they were likely dishonest themselves, and blamed my job as a perfect "out" to cover up their dirty work. Highly disappointing to be exact. Seems like every since March, things have slowed to a halt...considering I was having one of the best starts to the year ever. Tax refunds must have dried up. Lol...speak of the devil. I saw that MOFO last night. Same jerk as before. He actually hit me up out the blue to invite me to come out, but I'd already had some other people in town and the guy I'm "talking to" meeting up with me. Plus he didn't even offer to pay my cover or buy my drink...but yet riding around in a Camaro, that he got in a fender bender in front of the club last night. I was like, that's what he gets for being such a poser. Here's the thing, it was not a "strip club". It's a gay bar. Which happens to occasionally have guys dance for the night. He happens to be an older guy who likes to pretty much tip/hit on strippers all night, but I watched him last night and it's like he doesn't even approach the regular patrons of the club. Despite the fact that there were a plethora of other hot Latin guys all over the club. I personally don't care for majority of go go dancers (I've met some over the years and to me most are faux hoes-look it up on urban dictionary). To me, paying to watch someone dance or swing on a pole would be less satisfying than even paying someone for sex. And why would I spend my time hanging with someone who's going out to meet strippers, instead of mingling with people in the crowd and making connections with people who aren't being paid to be there? Btw, there were/are no blacks strippers at this club. So I can't fault him, but he had mentioned to me already that he only goes for Latin/White guys. And I've learned, it's very hard to stay friends with black guys who are only into non-blacks, UNLESS they are already in a relationship...because the friendship ends up becoming a competition. Most Black guys who are into White/other guys don't like other Black guys in their circle and will drive them off eventually. As for the other part, I'll just say this: despite the fact that majority of our clients are White, the majority of our time-wasters are also White. However, the majority of black callers who contact, tend to be time-wasters. So it's do or die either way. However, in my personal life..I've always found White guys are the most likely to go ghost in a situation. That is, cut things off without warning/explanation when everything seems to be going fine. I personally have stepped away from dating both Black and White guys. As a Black mixed-racial person, sometimes you're not White enough or Black enough to garner the respect you deserve from either side.. I personally stick with Latino guys now. Regrettably, in my current market they make up only about 1/8th of the clients I see...versus out west where it's more like 1/4th my client base.
  25. I suppose it depends on what someone's needs are. If someone just needs periodic regular arrangements, I can see stopping advertising. Stopping advertising wouldn't work for me, because I don't remain in one city consistently...and even when I do, I still like to have the exposure in case a regular drops off for whatever reason.
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