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Everything posted by Mocha

  1. So with the Internet on the fritz, I've decided to take to business cards. Recently printed my first set from an online retailer. Though I have a sexy pic on the front, I am keeping it very ambiguous and makes no references to money, appointments or sex. Even if the Internet isn't on the fritz, it's crazy how many times I've found myself in engaging conversations with older guys just out and about. Just had one today where the guy started chatting with me, shook my hand twice, but more eager the second time around. Appeared in every way a client. It all makes me feel it's even more important to have something to hand over about myself, to put something into play when it's not so spur of the moment. My only reservations are handing them over to the wrong person. My headline reads "underwear model/relaxation". Wanted to keep it as ambiguous as possible. Even "masseur" could raise legal concerns. However, I don't intend to freely hand it out like fliers. I would only hand it out to people who seem like they "could" be interested in something after they approach me (similar to responding to an ad). However, I wonder if passing around biz cards could equate to the real world version of craigslist..where even if they are game, would it turn into issues with price. Also whether or not they are married, straight, or closeted (all which is not an issue since many of my clients fit those parameters). Regardless, I will try it out. I don't expect to hand out many, but definitely want to keep on hand. Want to expand beyond versus doing everything on the Internet. At the same time, many areas where these "encounters" happen tend to be in suburban or rural areas not near gay districts. So, I have to be careful not handing information over to an extreme conservative.
  2. I would compare it to something like wine. A person may like wine, any wine. But I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate someone bringing them an entire truckload of blacked out bottles of it. They’d want to know is it Red, White, or Blackberry wine. Is it going to be sweet and light or dry and heavy? That way they can prepare the palate accordingly to receive it. Doesn’t mean they’re a wine snob who doesn’t appreciate wine, but rather a sophisticated person who knows their wine. Once people set aside the insecurities and ego (e.g. I’m paying, so what does it matter), it’ll all reveal to be pretty logical. And meeting someone without knowing what they look like, is like grabbing a bottle of wine off the shelf and hoping it pairs with what you cooked. When all was needed was to pair the meal and wine together to make the best fit. Sure, your guest may get full and drunk either way. But the purpose of fine dining is not to merely get full and drunk, of course. If it was, one could just go to Chilis or Applebee’s and spend much less.
  3. I say 100% of the time because I won’t meet anyone who doesn’t provide their stats. That’s the very 1st thing I ask, in an automated template response. Photo not necessary, though many of my clients voluntarily send one anyway, so it wouldn’t be earth shattering if one day I decided to even ask for that. It’s nothing to do with looks or judgement. It’s like come on, it’s 2018. This is not 1995 blind internet dating where you had to have a scanner and stamp to send a picture. There’s no reason to meet anyone who doesn’t volunteer what they look like. And if they can’t provide it, I have the technology to pull it up myself. I simply ask because on more than a few occasions, I’ve ended up meeting someone who was either underage or significantly unexpected. I think it’s a misunderstanding that just because an escort should be able to handle any client, that it equates to them being willing to meet someone without even knowing who or what they appear. There’s a difference between being able to handle any client, versus not knowing who the person who’s merely TEXTING you (the other reason I’ve begun to ask more often, as many appointments are text back). To me, it’s unsafe and irresponsible. I refuse to do it. Some “clients” (saying that loosely) may have an issue with someone asking. Yet, they can see a whole collage of face and full nude photos of me, but are afraid to tell me what their age or stats are? Dude, GTFO of here.
  4. Well, that’s why I’ve created FLAKES OF RENTMEN on twitter to put review and warning to these kind of characters. Personally, Rentmen has always been a very flaky site compared to all the predecessors. It’s just become more known and popular. Now, it’s become more popular than ever, and now is the time to be more vigilant than ever.
  5. Actually $2,000 was a high estimate. I see 12 bedroom/12 bath rental sleeps 32 guests for $1,395 a day. A 14/14 goes for $1,650 a day. I'm just being hypothetical of course.
  6. Well I do know that the hosts have abodes there, which is the primary reason for it being held there. I don't think it's specifically to do with Palm Springs though. Of course there's also the ability to add in Orlando, as have other areas that have hosted events. It's just a thought. I'm just saying, I personally wouldn't have wanted to go to Palm Springs this time of month/year. I liked when I went in October, I had the whole hotel to myself. It's a chain now, but used to have a 60s name logo on it. I personally feel the lodging should be more coordinated. It shouldn't be every man for himself trying to find a place to stay on such a busy, sold out weekend. As was the case the 1st and second time I went there. I was there with another escort, and he had to stay way out in palm desert or something, because all the hotels in town were booked up. If it's going to be a big forum meet up, make sure everyone attending has a place to stay. In Orlando, you can get a 16 bedroom mansion, $2,000 a day, split it with 40 people, comes out to $50 a day. Or rent two 16 bedroom homes, and make it $100 a day. Those places sleep up to 35. Or just limit the attendees or rent a second house if need be. I'm just saying how I would do it. Someone will say, well stop complaining and do it then! However, I don't have a desire/motivation to host such events, so I won't do it. To whoever says that in the future. But, when I had a small group of people, I did rent vacation homes for us.
  7. No seriously, what are you trying to argue? Who said anything about apps not having the right to decide if people can advertise? I was just explaining to the other person, that he shouldn't feel uptight about seeing more escorts advertising on apps. Also, you can't get mad and scoff at the guy for not "advertising" when you can't really advertise. Apps specifically state you can't advertise escort stuff on there. So the next best thing to do, like @BlakeBenz stated, is to finesse it. Say nothing until you get the phone number, meet in person and then before you walk in the door say, "my rate is $300" (true story I heard from someone, but not recommended). I know that's annoying, unprofessional, and time wasting...but it's because there isn't an option to advertise on the platform. That doesn't mean people won't try. And duh, of course I know people on the apps hire. But as we've just heard, some of the same clients don't want to see them there. Well you can't pick and choose where you want to see things at. You may love driving your Lexus, and putting in a dark garage so nobody can see it. But that's not going to stop Lexus advertisements from showing up in the middle of Super Bowl or Scandal or your favorite TV show. Unless they are knocking on your door with advertisements, shut the F up. NEWSFLASH: THEY AREN'T ADVERTISING JUST FOR YOU! They have to advertise regardless of whether you're a client/buyer or not. Have I reached out to members of the government? You damn right I have. Have you? Because I've actually done it in person, and won.
  8. Not to be a h8ter to this weekend in Palm Springs, and some can choose not to read the thread all together if they want. But I have atteneded 3 years in the past. It can be fun, when the timing is right. I would not imagine the timing to be right. It's tax week, which gives people more excuse to play like they don't have any money. I wouldn't want to be in a position of being in an already flaky city with people having even more options to choose from. Add in the whole coachella event, that's just too much. Plus, I've gone to Palm Springs on my own in the past. 99.9% those guys are flakes. It's a lot of flakes in Florida too (latest excuse: his horse went lame and had to take to vet), but a lot more in Palm Springs. I've gone to Palm Springs about 5 times, 3 of those for forum events...and it's usually about the same. Fortunately, I'd already came into the area with money and it was more of a vacay/shopping or photo shoot than anything. Never stayed longer than I had to though. Orlando often is host to a lot of different gay events. There's also more choices of lodging and dining here as well. In addition, one can rent out homes, up to 15 bedroom mansions (vacation homes). Plus, there's the "famous" Parliament House...which right now, is being taken over by a different group that came into town from all over. Not to mention, gay days is coming up in June. Though it's not really a big escort opportunity, it would be a better week than Coachella which is irrelevant to the events at task. So if down the line someone ever wants to consider: think about it.
  9. Well what are we going to do? Print and send that post to the aforementioned dating site, so they CAN fucking let people advertise. Let them know how things are, and how bad they are getting...that they continually refuse to de-criminalize prostitution. It could easily be mitigated if they just stamped "PROFESSIONAL" on their profile like adam4adam does, but they want to make escorts out to be some foreign race of human beings to be separated from all gay humanity....the same gay humanity out there doing the same things. However I do agree, if guys are advertising, they need to be upfront early. It's not right to fake interest in someone over several messages, and then wait to bring up money. Waste of both parties time. BUT...even HINTING is enough to get the profile removed and phone blocked. That's why within a couple messages, I leave my number and don't say anything else. Why are you hating for? That's the problem. Some people who patronize escorts, need to stop with the condescending view towards them. Y'all are partly to blame for all of this FOSTA stuff happening. It's really an internal solution. If more "clients" stood up for us, rather than putting us down, they wouldn't have to pass laws to "protect" and "remove" us. You're promoting exactly what FOSTA wants: to shoo us away. You can't be one-sided: love us when you're horny and it's convenient, but hate seeing us in places you deem inconvenient, aka bars, Grindr, dating apps. It's 2018, time to call the spades a spade. Quit monkeying around out here. People are going to need to reach deep down inside of themselves, and see how they are the very contributors to their freedoms being marginalized.
  10. I like what you're saying, and I'm glad you're defending the cause. But, you're still not quite providing evidence or citations to back it up. Which White escorts are getting gifts and lots of overnights? Which Black escorts aren't getting those same things? You don't have to name names, but there's no examples. It's like confirming that White escorts are better than Black escorts. And let's not sugar coat by saying non-White, because some of us have met what's his name who lived out west and was Mediteranean, and all he ever spoke about was how much money he makes. I'll give an example: I have received everything from Wine bottles and a teddy bears, upwards to living rent-free for over a year and a half last year. The gift was, a client was gracious enough to get me out of my rut-race living situation in Denver, and essentially get me into a place that he moved into, but due to work, was never there. It wasn't a fancy downtown loft in West End Nashville, but it was a very cozy place and I was always within 20 minutes or a client. And when we both got off the lease, he let me keep every piece of furniture except for the TV set, which he gave to a friend. But I'll add, that's why I was never for the whole EOY. I mean come on, the first Black EOY. You telling me out of 16 years of online escorting, we were going to wait all the way until 2016 to recognize a black escort? And make it easy by only including 2, two who posted on the forum. Not all the other Black escorts in New York, D.C., Chicago, Houston, Atlanta? All of which are known "chocolate cities". Get outta here...
  11. I like the optimism, however...using hookup apps to find clients can often be inefficient for me. I suppose with some trial and error, one can gauge when the right time would be to bring up the discussion. Can't do it on there because people report and account gets banned. Can't do it in person because it's too late. You'd have to exchange numbers, and then finesse it from there. But even then, if we're talking about raising rates, that's not going to be a stretch using Grindr and company. Most of those guys are already very cheap, so it seems like counter-productive to be advocating raising of rates, and using Grindr...a place where people often baulk at anything much over $100, because so many others are willing to accept lower prices.
  12. @nate_sf , definitely the business card thing. I am definitely going to revert back to business cards. I run the track often, and already twice I've come across guys who seem to be interested in me. One today, Latin guy walking his little dog. I stopped and spoke to him first, and wanted to make a move, but felt maybe too forward. With business cards, I can just say I do nude massage just like I would elsewhere...and not have to be concerned about being too forward. Use my fake internet number that's not traceable, and my email. Only thing that's limiting me right now is not having a full time place to host. Hopefully that will be solved, very soon. I'm ready! Fuck I'm ready.
  13. No the heck it's not hard to believe. Believe that. I lived in suburban White Denver. I know how intensely boring and conservative things can be. But I also know there's guys you would never think or believe, but they are open to try. And what is an actual heterosexual family guy anyway? Could you pick one out? I bet you'd not be able to tell the difference between that and a closet gay. The same guy could be with his wife and kids at Disney world, looking perfectly straight; but be sucking dick by midnight later that night. That's why we don't need to hide, we need to fight. Just like people camp out for the latest iPhone, we need to (figuratively) camp out in front of the White House or Capitol until something gets changed.
  14. Are you referring to the married family guys who make up a large portion of our clientele?
  15. Well, ya did stir the pot. Big time. Don't go there, because I don't want to go there. That's the issue with the game, just like I said the other week. Whenever Black escorts do get recognition, it's always made out to be just ONE. That becomes misleading, because then you give the erroneous impression that only ONE black escort can do well. That's patronizing, and you won't get by on saying that around me. You want to get a positive side of the business? Don't you see the picture on my profile? I'm on a villa in St. Petersburg beach, after having left a client's place. While the rest of America is still trying to dig out of winter, it's been hitting 80 everyday in Florida since the start of April. I don't have to go to Palm Springs, I'm surrounded by Palm trees right now. But atleast you admitted that was shady, so...I'll let it rest (unless someone else brings it up).
  16. Yeah but, we can't keep ducking and hiding. At some point we need to stand up for our rights and freedoms. Why do we need to fake like we're not charging, do we not have enough of instances where people are confused on our rates or even what we do? Why confuse it even more, by getting rid of all references to payment. When do we bring payment up then, drop a bomb in person? The online gay escort biz has been around since the turn of the millennium. The best years of online escorting were probably in that 2002-2007 range. Since then, there's been changes after changes, after changes. Why all of a sudden in 2018, we're backing down and just letting them push us around and fuck with us?
  17. Very wrong. You're talking out of your ass, and don't even have anything to back up what you're saying. "Many clients prefer escorts of his race". What's my race? What race are you referring to? You can't even say it, nor can you even say "prefers black escorts", because that would make you look ignorant considering the stats on this forum and many of the websites. Any interruptions in business aren't always due to me, because I appeal to a diverse audience. But as we have seen, there's a lot of limitations in our government/advertising platforms that affect the business every couple of years. With men4rent, backpage, and CL gone...there's one main website right now and just a couple upcoming ones. I'm going back to making my own. Escorts have a lot to navigate, so now is not the time to be making bitchy comments about how busy someone may or may not be. And problems scoring clients according to whom? Believe me, there's no problems here. Sometimes I want to be busier, but don't fool yourself into believing I'm not scoring. I do have a problem with you throwing around wildly erroneous statements, and when another poster corrects you, you act all fake and blonde girl like you didn't know better. Get the f**k out of here, CLOWN.
  18. I don't normally talk to women this way, but bewitched, I'm about to let you have it: Well you sound real ignorant, because if you knew any better...you'd know I have clients in over 40 states, all of whom are happy to see me when I come. Don't lie and say being slow is ALL I ever talk about. I've not stated that but once this year AFTER, AFTER I had posted that escorting had become so great again. Sometimes I've been so busy...oftentimes too busy to entertain shit talkers like yourself. When I've talked about other things, where were you? So sit down. You missed the whole point, genius. That just goes to show, your thinking is narrow and shallow, and you're beneath the level of professionalism and experience to comprehend basic principles. You making assumptions about me charging more based on looks is ignorant AF. You sound insecure and fake for even saying some shit like that. As if that's the ONLY thing involved. I'm not surprised, because you're not doing what eacorts do, so I wouldn't expect you to know better. Nor do I need to feel obligated to explain anything to you. Oh please, the same Sean Xavier who's retired a handful of different times and came back? You have to be faking dumb right now. I could name plenty. There's a plethora of Black escorts who have navigated the path you speak of, porn or no porn. I'm one of them. If you don't believe me, that's yo problem. Please don't do that. That's lame. Don't name drop another escort, and pull him into an argument, because that's going to be a disservice to him and it's going to make you look like a shit stirrer. It's also going to make me have to say things, I don't want to say. I'm going to call you out, and say how I feel if it doesn't sound right.
  19. Interesting. But careful, I don't think that'll work for all...and I've had people feel so embarrassed because they thought they "cleaned out", until I pull out the summer's eve. I douche, even though I bottom infrequently. It's good for my prostate and colon, and those cancers are prevalent. I can't just sweep off the porch, I've got to clean the gutters occasionally too. I can't just brush, without including the flossing routine.
  20. As I'm reading here, I can see you tend to create sexual dilemmas, where there shouldn't be. This is where the bottoms fuck up. You emasculate a man by testing his level of dominance. That's why I used to love hanging up on "clients" who used to get on the phone and ask, are you dominant/aggressive? I've noticed since the BL movement started, that stuff has died down, because it's racist (Not to mention unnecessary) to ask. We don't want (or need to) to be in a perpetual state of dominance and aggression. Don't ask me if I'm dominant. I'm a 6ft2, 215 pound BLACK MALE. What do I have to prove? When I walk in a crowded area, people move out of my way...I don't move out of theirs. When guys bump into me at the club, they almost lose their balance and fall to the ground...while I'm holding onto my drink with grace. At the same time, I don't go around all day beating my chest and being "dominant and aggressive". I don't like feeling like I have to be "dominant" to be a top. I'm reserved, quiet at times, and can be chill...but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy fucking the shit out of someone either. I'm a top because that's what I am doing with that particular person at that period of time. I've fucked never bottomed, straight married men with kids, (the toppest of all tops), I've fucked "total tops" who have fucked me....so why the f**k would I listen to some gay guy tell me I'm not top enough, just because I may have gotten fucked out of desire once in awhile? Bottoms need to not put so much pressure and expectations on their tops. There's so much more to (sex) life, than getting fucked up the butt. Like the song says:
  21. First problem: trolling Craigslist. From experience, it was a buffet for Tops...not bottoms. Many bottoms to choose from. I think it also comes down to being honest with oneself also. You describe what you like, but you don't mention what you're like. Why are these guys wanting to suck you off or Jack off? Were you bigger in D size, height, weight? Are you hitting up guys shorter than you, to top you? One may need a taller guy with a dick to match up to your insatiable need to bottom, while being able to equally handle your stature (speaking hypothetically of course) You can't fault the system for some things. It's defaulted. If you're a 6'5, big, heavy set with a floppy tool, but advertising total bottom, and the guy who's "top" is 5'10 well...what are you going to expect? If all someone wants to do is suck me off and get F**ked, that's more than easy for me. Personally though for me, I may end up finding myself to ending up as a "total top". I get turned on by the thought of being fucked, but 90% of the time I can't make it because just about every lube I've tried burns. The mere friction itself burns, and I've tried numbing lubes but those tend to also numb the top. I stick with saying I'm top, because I know I'll be able to perform with no issues. Medically speaking, some guys aren't designed to be bottoms. If a person is prone to Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc...it may be safer to not practice bottoming. At the same time, the intensity in which I can cum after getting fucked, makes me feel ill maintain the Top/Vers label. If anything, bottoming once in awhile makes me a better top.
  22. It’s a process. You may can start by contacting some photographers and see what they can offer, as not having pro pics already may not stand out amongst the masses. They’re not even an escort site, and they’ve had their fair share of changes over nude pics.
  23. I would write a letter. I’ve already written to Adam and rentmen and shown them examples, as to why their boisterous actions are preposterous.
  24. Because the 3rd time he did it off guard, but the first 2 times weren't. I certainly did feel a need to be upset, anybody else would. I'm am escort, not some fucking junior in high school. I like to be treated professionally. After that 3rd time he got the hint. 4th time, he would of seen a side of me that I really don't like to display: (Kidding, I would never let it escalate to that situation. He was a sweet guy and I'm sure didn't mean to come off like an ass. But still, some guys need to not treat their escort like they treat their kids (he has kids). At the end of the day, I'm still a professional and we're both strangers. Better to avoid some shit than to face an unintended consequence.
  25. But what about rentmen's brother, jock2go? They seem more lenient?
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