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Everything posted by Mocha

  1. Ah I see. Well, you learn that you don't really need a reason beyond clients. It's just like when these business travel guys do: they go from the airport, to their hotel room, to the meeting downstairs, back to the airport and back home. I mean, the money is the main motivator for me. Sometimes I don't even like feeling obligated to do touristy things when visiting cities. Especially the 1st time. I remember visiting Denver for the first time, I didn't even go to the mountains. It wasn't until a few months later when I returned, and only because a client had called me up to visit him out there. Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Most scenic drive I'd ever had, at time. Of course if you want to do other things, by all means. But don't feel obligated to have other reasons to go somewhere. When it comes down to it, most cities are similar. I usually just try to go to a club or bar and meet guys offline when I have spare time. It gives a chance to meet new people, and expand your horizons and have people to take the mind off business. If business sucks though, I won't even bother and will just keep it moving.
  2. Welcome to the club. Sometimes business getting drummed up in another city doesn’t always promise the desired outcome. However, I’m confused as to what you mean by find a good excuse to travel? Personally, I would make it very clear that the trip is specifically to see clients, even if it's not specifically him. But even if it is. That way a deposit can be made. I wouldn't make excuses like you're traveling to do other things, otherwise it's going to give the flakes less accountability. I have mixed feelings re: The cancelling travel dates when not enough business is expected. A good client may get really pissed off about that, others can be more understanding. Regardless, some of those may or may not reschedule. But when push comes to shove, it's going to be the escort who's stranded miles from home if shit doesn't go accordingly. So, if you think you can break even and have the money to atleast go and come back, by all means go. Sometimes, you may not get the responses you want until you actually get there. Even on this roller coaster Washington D.C. Trip...I came with only 1 advanced appointment from a regular, and just been riding the waves with spur of the moment sessions. I like to let people know that wherever I'm going, is usually strictly for expected client visits. Even getting a hotel is for clients only. That way, they understand I'm not just on vacation having fun. If they think that, they'll cancel and change plans whenever they feel like it. Who cares if it makes you look needy or aggressive. After paying $3 a gallon and more for gas, and $100 a night for hotels to get somewhere, I'm obligated to feel a bit needy and aggressive. Traveling is not a joke. Gas is too high, hotels too expensive. When I hear about these guys getting all expenses paid trips to stay at 4 star hotels by THEIR job, I would feel like a goddamn clown to be traveling around like a chicken with no head...paying for my own hotels and expenses, while people flake and play games. Oh HELL no. I have 0 tolerance. Now, if Rentmen was paying for all my travel, hotels, and lunches and dinners...AND paying me a $100,000 salary a year like these corporate dudes are getting, I wouldn't complain as much. But that's all fantasy.
  3. Oh Gawd, I definitely stopped fucking with Kansas City too awhile back. But you know what’s funny, it used to be a little secret gem of a city and I met good clients over there, circa 2010-2013. Used to drive there from Denver often. But something got in the water there, and fucked it up as a market. After 2014, it became nothing but a bunch of flakes and idiots. Plus, that place has a touch of midwest intolerance that I’ve come across a couple of times. Which sucks because it was always a good stop over city for a night or two on my way driving to or from the east. My thing with D.C. is it has potential, but sometimes it’s a bit much involved to reach it. Trying to cram into other’s schedules, sometimes last minute calls, and general flaking because clients know there’s 50,000 escorts to pick from, visiting on any week. It’s usually not necessary to stay in the District, but this trip made it necessary to do so. That adds up. And everywhere else in town is high finance at the moment. I just paid $100 for a bullshit room on the outskirts, and the MoFo cancels an hour and a half prior, as I’m handing over my card at the front desk. But it’s okay, because he’s going to end up right on my twitter client warning page. There may be a lot of educated, degree types. But there’s also a lot of drop outs here when it comes to keeping any plans. Edit: fortunately the drop out from earlier made amends and we got things sorted in person. So at least they’re trying here. So I won’t be to hard on the Marylanders, Virginians, and DCians
  4. I’ve been a regular going to D.C. about once a year or so as an escort, since about 2013. I’ve had some good streaks specifically the first and second visits. I’ve also met a handful of cool dudes from the forum. But I have to say, it seems more and more that each trip ends up being a cluster fuck of flakes, ridiculously priced hotels, and overall confusion and aggravation. There’s always some huge events going on, too many people and traffic and the lack of commitment from the clients here is beyond irritating. When a client does come thru, it’s like you have to bend over backwards and walk upside down to get to them. I even stayed at the Westin downtown for 3 days for technically free (which was running $350/night), while my friend’s company paid for it. So during the day, I had the place to myself. Didn’t get shit over there, but did happen to catch a last minute late night outcall to DuPont. I had at least 3 other clients who could have come through on my last day, but non showed up. At this point, I’m just so disgusted by this city. I’m never coming here again unless I have the whole visit/hotels paid for in advance. The only good clients here are the local and visiting business White guys. But considering there’s a mostly mixed population around the entire DMV area, most of the other types are just so fucking full of shit up the ass, it’s not even worth the frustration and aggravation anymore. I find it seems the only good time here is either dead of summer (which can be cheap but slow) or in February right at refund times. Any other time, I should know better not to even bother.
  5. Not sure what that would accomplish either way. Especially if the person happens to be in a heavily booked hotel. In addition, that could create unwarranted “disturbances” if the person in the ‘other’ room decides to call the front desk about a “strange man” knocking on their door. Then, to turn around and go into another room looks suspicious as fuck. Now imagine if 2 or 3 client came thru? Regardless, people are just playing too many games on both sides nowadays. I spend more time answering texts, but not enough time making money. All this has me wondering if it’s even worth it anymore. I ain’t got time for all this shit. America is just one big playground. I can understand stuff coming up, and it not working for true logistical reasons but based on the replies here and things I see on my own phone, there’s just no accountability or reliability. Especially all the having the person show up and not answer. And what people (escorts and clients) don’t get, those kind of games are killing us more than the FOSTA bill is.
  6. I don’t go anywhere without pre-advertising. Pre-advertising can be anywhere from hours to weeks. During the historic Craigslist era, I’d post up in gateway cities along the way of my travels...if anything it’d pay for my expenses for the day, and get me off in the event I was horny with no clients and didn’t want to fool with Grindr and company. It’s just always good to be in the know ahead of time. It would scare me to just go to a city without anything planned ahead, unless I had the resources to hang around until things got steady.
  7. Good for you. That sounds like you walked away from a setup.
  8. I’ve not been there since I moved out of Denver. However, in this climate it may be worth to try some new things. Different websites work differently in different areas. I personally don’t like MFs pricing structure. Rentmen is my go to, but these games being played are getting on my last. Mainly in Florida. Idk what it is with the guys out here. Just too many games. I need to run away for a few weeks or something. My only thing with massage sites is, I just feel sly when someone contacts me saying they just want a massage. Rarely does it end up that way. Yes, I do massage. I can get all the kinks and work all the muscles. But I can’t charge $250 for a massage without getting partially scolded for my rates. And personally, due to the fact that I have to travel for all of my appointments, I can’t justify charging the same for a massage like I did back in 2010 when I lived in San Antonio and paid only $475 a month to rent a 1 bedroom. I’m not not charging for massage. I’m charging for the entire experience. I prefer to know exactly what someone wants, versus saying stuff like “deep penetrating massage” or prostate massage etc. You want an escort/masseur to fuck you? Just say it then...
  9. At this point in time, any site that allows adult ads should be considered until this mess gets sorted. If anything, it'll be the new missed connections now that the CL is out. I just noticed how large that map is, on a laptop versus on my phone.
  10. I should mention too...based on previous years of going to PS (can either mean Palm Springs or piece of shit), you don’t have to spend a fortune on hotels. But don’t go too cheap either. I won’t blast any names, but some of the hotels in PS can be scary. You just have to know what’s reasonable. I’ve stayed in very decent hotels there for $50, $60/70. But, there’s others in that range that may not be so. I would say look before you book if you can. For the most part, the good hotels that are inexpensive are off strip. The cheaper hotels around downtown may or may not be reasonable.
  11. Like I said, city dependent is what you’ll find a4a. You say you’re from Michigan, I’ll just let you in on a lil secret: rust belt cities are going to present their own challenges in the scheme of things. If your area lies within that area, you may notice what those “challenges” are.
  12. That’s the thing, sometimes no matter how much you leave your number or website up, they’ll only book if you hold a conversation thru the site first. I kind of become more lenient with the site and will chat for a bit, but they have to be in the direction to book. Then I just keep leaving my number in every email, and then drift off. If they keep seeing the number enough, eventually they’ll hit it up. One of my a4a regulars in El Paso Texas, I’ve not seen him since 2013. Seen me on a4a earlier this year, booked me and I drove out there from Arizona to meet for a Saturday evening. I actually made it there without issues because Tucson isn’t too far from El Paso, unlike last weekend’s tragic miss in Orlando.
  13. Well that’s what rentmen has done. Of all the websites, it is the first to allow clients to make a profile so we know who they are. A huge advantage over rentboy and seeing our profile looked at thousands of times, without knowing whom. Like I say, my reason for asking stats is mainly to know who I’m meeting, and to weed out being in another situation where the person may be underage (has happened). Awhile back, clients called or emailed. Now it’s all text. It’s instant and accessible, and I like to have something to go off of. There’s definitely entitlement and lack of respect out there. That’s why I said part of the fight has to start with the other end.
  14. Palm Springs is actually tiny. It starts from i10 at the windmills and ends at Palm Canyon at the brink of the foothills, or something like that. Now, the Coachella valley itself is spread out, but once you get outside of Palm Springs, the gay fades. Since you don’t need a specific hotel recommendation, I would just make sure whatever hotel you get, has an address that says Palm Springs . Not Indio, or Palm Desert or Thousand Palms etc. My photo shoot last year was in Cathedral City at my friend’s place, which is a quick skip and hop. That’s actually where the gay guys LIVE versus visit (similar to Miami versus South Beach) So maybe that area is okay. But for the most part, PS proper is where the action is (though I don’t particularly care for all the action that goes on there, but everyone is different)
  15. Well maybe one day you'll understand when things that are planned, don't always go accordingly. It’s called life. Nobodies perfect. You're making very bold assumptions, that does no justice to the topic at hand. I would not have arrived in Orlando Friday night. That would not have been possible, because I was not expecting to leave Nashville (due to non-client related business) until atleast 5 pm Friday night. I probably would have gotten as far as Atlanta or mid-way through, and then spent the night. That would have given me significant head start. I also did not delay my return by a day to fit in another appointment. I would like to say, this whole schedule decline started WAY before the day of the appointment actually. I left Florida April 13th, because I was expecting an overnight in Chicago on the 21st. In preparation for that, I had traveled to Milwaukee from Florida starting Friday the 13th of April. That’s 14 days from my appointment on the 27th/28th with TM. I have friends/clients in Milwaukee and was able to "camp out" there until my overnight appointment. I arrived in Milwaukee 5 days PRIOR to the planned overnight in Chicago. That overnight would have been 7 days PRIOR to tanmans appointment. Which was plenty of time for me to travel back to Florida (for the appointment, and to tend to some things at the house). That overnight got cancelled, but because the client was sick, not these same reasons. I also had an incident of a property theft while at a bar in Milwaukee (very annoying considering my car was broken into just last year in Phoenix), and had to file some papers prior to leaving. That took an extra couple days out of my departure. At that point, I knew I had to stay perfectly on track of the schedule because I’d lost time thanks to that bullshit. Despite that, I still managed to leave for Florida from Milwaukee Wednesday night, got to Nashville by 4 pm Thursday, and had anticipated getting back to Florida SATURDAY afternoon a few hours before tanmans appointment at 7 pm. Unfortunately, after all the math was calculated, I ended up being off the appointment time by a mere 4 hours. That's a big difference for the session, but a small difference in the scheme of things. Regardless, I still regret doing it and should have just agreed to not take the appointment earlier in the day, had I known it would have turned so late. Now, the reason WHY I didn't just stay in Florida and wait for tanmans appointment, is the same reasons experienced here now: I had no appointments scheduled, and the appointments I did have would flake. I've not had an appointment since I returned to Florida, and that’s with no cancellation fee, despite the concessions to be here Saturday night. So, not only am I out of the money and review, I can't find a replacement client to fill in for the loss. I did what I was expected to do....but it just didn't go thru EXACTLY as planned. This has certainly been the most disappointing week of the year. Even during some low points in Phoenix I had earlier this year, the clients that did fall thru, agreed on a cancellation fee, so I could atleast meet my goals and continue the show. So I wasn’t completely high and dry. But like I said, I'll be doing things differently going forward.
  16. I’d say the only thing that doesn’t make it so worth it now, is the fact they’ve taken rates out and also crop photos. This is in addition to chopping off our dick sizes and other sexual stats. They used to allow ads saying escort, now it’s just masseur. They also regular cut and crop words and photos without warning. So to answer the question if it’s worth it...depends what $30 and a little weeding thru is worth. If I had another side job, I wouldn’t want to spend the extra time.
  17. In the meantime, I’m gonna think about booking a ticket to Montreal, and considering I don’t speak French, maybe we should link up and I’ll finally have a way out of America! Lol. I know a 3rd member (no pun intended) who’s name starts with a T, all link up and just call us JTJ, just like the album:
  18. I cautioned...using a4a, you’re going to get the first wave of wankers, then it’ll settle down. But for the most part...once you do, then you learn that not every profile is worth replying to. Easier to leave your number and just see who texts or calls. Stick with the rate, don’t get talked down just because they feel a certain way. After using it for 10 years, I’ve learned you’ll come across the $80 types just as well as the $250 types. It’s also location dependent. Some cities, adam4adam is good. Others, don’t even log in unless you want to be frustrated.
  19. Don't quote me but: Things may be different in Canada concerning the laws. I believe there is no legal issues with that. I also feel one won't run into any legal issues here either with having a single-person sex based website. The sites that do have to be careful are those that have multiple escorts advertising and "making money off" sex workers in the eyes of the law. That's what the real issue is. "They" don't care if it's just you who is running the site soley for yourself. A website is a good idea, but personally I decided to switch to business cards. A website is extra money and work, unless you really want to detail your services. Interactions with clients is always an on-going strategy. Sometimes you'll go through months and weeks of 100% client satisfaction, then out of nowhere something may go wrong with 1 person. If you're busy enough, you may can bounce back. If not, you're going to have to cope with it until you rebound.
  20. I perfectly agree. Thanks for your assessment. Like I said, going forward I will definitely be doing things differently for now on. I have an appointment with another forum member in two weeks. I’ve already informed him I will be arriving ahead of the planned session. I’m also going to just stop trying to accommodate everyone and fit their schedule, because when it doesn’t happen as expected, things can get ugly. I’m just 1 person trying to feed the multitudes. I’ve also met many a client after 11 pm, and more than a few have turned into overnights. Not saying the client should have done that, but when you get used to being called to take late-night calls over the course of 10 years, you’re not always wide awake and buzzing at ass crack of dawn. Thus, my schedule may be different from others. What’s late to one maybe prime time for another. Lesson learnt. Hopefully this worm of a SHITuation will turn into a beautiful butterfly by the end of the month.
  21. What about the time and resources spent along with that good intention? Is that not good enough? I remember last year, a guy gave me my full rate when I pulled up to my hotel. I was there at 4:15 pm from an 7 hour drive from Denver. That STILL wasn’t early enough, for him. He was rushing because he had to hurry and go back to Santa Fe. He was courteous enough to leave a cancellation fee. That was in Albuquerque. People in Florida rarely do that, because they see so many dicks winking at them, the prices and value of courteousy tends to go out the window. So I still feel something should have been done, even if @tanman4u did decide to go on another dick hunt. I’ve had other clients give me cash in the hotel lobby for whatever other reasons on their end also. It’s just the right thing to do. As long as it wasn’t anything blatantly scammy, that is. That’s why I don’t stay in Florida too long. It’s always a mixup that gets in the way of an important potential appointment here. One guy in Miami booked me last time I was here. I did all the preparations the day before our session. Then the day of, he goes completely MIA (pun intended huh). He did send me cancel fee though because that was supposed to have been an overnight.
  22. Just yesterday you were saying something uplifting, now today you’re making assumptions? And is that fact or fiction though? You shouldn’t make a claim unless you actually know what I HAVE done in such cases. Example: a client delayed a session by over 24 hours (it was at his place, 70 miles from where I was based). He contacted me Friday, it was supposed to been for Saturday night. After a couple of time changes on his end, we ultimately settled at 11 pm on a Sunday night, which was perfect for him because he had family buzzing around earlier.
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