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Everything posted by Mocha

  1. There a hotel I stayed at, and since I had free night...I opted for the room with 3 beds. Only got to use 2 of them though. I realized that's what I need in life. 3 beds. 1 for sleeping, 1 for future boyfriends/hookups, and 1 for clients. My next place already has 2 beds waiting. Even though, I always changed the sheets after every visitor. In hotels it's lay down the towels or use the adjacent bed. I travel with commercial grade disinfectant and immediately spray everything down before touching. I used to always get sick after staying in hotels. Not anymore.
  2. Sometimes, if a provider has experienced an experience, they will share that experience if it's not a good experience. Thus, compelling a provider to pre-block such person. Not sure if that's the case here, but it's not unheard of.
  3. Thanks everyone for the differing responses. I knew this would get everyone thinking! Lots of good (and bad) reasons to host or not host. That said, I do want to thank the clients who can host...which fortunately enough seems to be many people here on the forum (you know who you all are) But don't feel singled out if you can't host either. I've earned lots of free nights and I understand sometimes people can't host (or shouldn't in some cases...e.g. The girlfriend coming home in 20 minutes nonsense). Plus there's benefits to me being able to host as I can set the tone and ambience better than if I were at one's place. That said: the few cities where I always prepare to have a place to host (and rightfully so due to the fact that people ACTUALLY show up) include Washington D.C. and @VictorPowers location in SLC. In some other cities, soon as you tell these brother suckers the hotel address and what time can they come...they come with some last minute lame excuse saying they can't make it. I am used to having no issue going into a city and getting a hotel for a night or 2...and then extending it as things progressed. But nowadays people fake like they're going to show up and rarely do. Or, their time to even come over is so limited and spaced out, it's become harder to fit in more than 1 or 2 clients in a single night hotel stay. That's why I say after this year I'm giving up traveling for numbers, because it's just not worth the aggravation anymore. Too much damn aggravation. And though I love the crew at Rentmen, it attracts a bunch of liars. It's almost like there's a mafia sending fake clients from there, because when I call some of these numbers, they have some odd sounding automated voicemail. I rather sit home and if the mother fucker don't show up, I'm not out $89.99 plus tax (and booking it for less thru Priceline doesn't make it any better since their taxes are even higher).
  4. Well that's a good way to do it, and I've had people do it that way at times. Other times I've waited for them to arrive to the room first and then went and checked in (usually at smaller in/out hotels usually). But I don't like doing it that way because I rather be in the room ready when they get there versus them having to watch me set everything up. Not to mention may have to change rooms, wait behind a line of 20 tourists because their flight was cancelled, etc. The other thing people don't get, most times I can't check into a hotel before 2 or 3 pm. I tried that in Atlanta the other day, got there at few minutes before noon. She could have checked me in, but their check in/check out system was down for 2 hours. TWO HOURS people. And the room with the jacuzzi hadn't been cleaned yet. If I had a client wanting to book at noon or 1 pm like one wanted to do a few weeks ago (which didn't happen), it would have been another example of an annoying cancellation out of my control over some bullshit. Because you know....they can only meet at that 1 time and that's the only hour they can meet out of the entire 24 hours out of all the days of the week. Conveniently.
  5. Post ads in city. People start contacting, but then when it comes to schedule sessions...they can't host? Then, they don't understand I have to ask for deposit because otherwise I'm paying for a hotel on the speculation that they'll show up. It's problematic because I've only have between 3 pm and 11 am to use a hotel room. It's not like I'll have a full 24 hours. If they don't or can't show up between those times, I'm left having to pay again for a room to accomodate them. Not everyone travels the same. Some fly into a city with hotels pre booked, others may drive across several cities getting clients along the way. It seems like people have an unrealistic assumption that we are all there, booked into a hotel with no advance appointments or just see our ad and assume we're waiting in a hotel somewhere. I don't mind hosting or getting the hotel, but I need a guarantee they'll show up. It's like when I was in Atlanta the other Thursday. I had went ahead and booked a nice hotel with a king sized bed and Jacuzzi but didn't have any clients over. I can't do that city to city to city. Eventually people need to either be able to host or be willing to get a hotel themselves if they can't. It places too much of the burden on me to be required to host and pay for a hotel (and lose the money if they can't show up...which is 50% likely to happen). The thing people don't understand too is (again, it comes down to explaining logistics which people always say, "oh I didn't know you were coming from...) I don't need a hotel room in every city. If I'm planning to go from point A to point B and go through 2 or 3 cities over the course of a couple days, I belong to a nationwide but small 24 hour accessible gym. They're in virtually every city and state I've traveled to, even in the Podunk towns. I can take a private shower and some have private "quiet rooms" to sleep for a couple hours until it's time to get going again. I don't have to mention the cost of hotels to know, it adds up fast. Then, most only want to book an hour, that takes away 30-50% of the fee off the first client. Some towns you're only getting 1 maybe 2 clients each hotel night. With many clients being unable to host (and for some reason not having many contacting from hotels either), it's like the whole sightseein experience of being able to travel city to city and seeing clients along the way is becoming less worth the money and time being put into it.
  6. Yes, you're absolutely right. But you're being silly and missing the point. I'm not saying a person can't do any of those things. But, you have to recognize those patterns and address them FIRST. You're putting the cart before the Mustang boo boo, and the horse is about to run wild, and leave someone in the dust. You can't just jump from depression and anxiety to instant empowerment when there's still demons haunting you that need to be addressed and laid to rest. Look, you ain't talking to someone who don't know. I've seen first hand. I've seen it over and over and over. I've seen people who used to be succesful, then they lose it, get on drugs, and the great great grandfather or whoever in their DNA comes back with a vengeance and holds them hostage for a good part of their lives. Anyhow, this is getting too far away from the main topic. But, what you're saying is all feel good material that sounds empowering, but if the person doesn't have the tools to overcome then, it'll just further frustrate them and relinquish them to depression. You say have a choice. To do what? Choose between a beer or a Zanax? You make it sound like someone chooses to be depressed. Or anxious. Or lonely. And that's just wrong. Everything you're saying to me, you're saying to the OP and it's probably making him feel less empowered. One of my client friends makes 150,000 a year, has his life on track, yadda yadda. But he is on anxiety meds. I asked him why, and you know what he started telling me about? His family (and he's in his 50s, never married nor kids. So it not marital family but blood family) . So you can't discount the power that these things have. I realize it.
  7. Not to discredit your advice, but I knew atleast 2 people who went to AA or rehab and it didn't do shit long term. They went right back to drinking within days. And I'm talking about hardcore drinking. I don't know what's missing with those programs since I've never been, but it goes deeper. Some people have just had rough lives, or alcoholism and drug use is in their DNA, generational curses passed down from the father's father's great great grandfather. Such things need to be addressed and maybe spiritually assesed through getting deep into the nitty gritty of such family issues that weigh people down. Alcoholics Anonymous does not really address such issues. I think a personal therapist would be more effective as they take you 1 on 1 and really dig in deep...for $200 an hour. But I would find someone who you can feel comfortable with because sometimes therapist can be offensive, but it's different than some random, non licensed therapist on the internet just talking shit about you. Let's just be clear. Christians are people too. People sin and judge and then die. It's not because they're Christians, it's because they are people. I have had to learn in life, and still learning...to stop fucking with people. If they're not helping me in my business, or trying to be a team in my personal life, fuck em. I just turned 30 and I used to get depressed and down over guys I dated, nowadays I'm quick to tell them F YOU. I don't give a damn if you don't like me or not. The gay world is a cesspool of depression because you're dealing with many people who grew up being told by their parents or guardians that they are nothing. So they bring that neglected mindset into relationships and friendships (oftentimes with reckless disregards of their bodies with various drug paraphanelia and addictions) not understanding....how it hurts all of us. Once you get it, meaning you understand most of us are all dealing with these issues one way or another...and condemn those on the forum and in real life who make fun of, tease and further add to the catty, oppressive ways of the gay man which creates habitats for depression and anxiety, we can become a better subculture. We all have to step in this together. Sometimes when I'm at gay bars, I hear gay guys talking to their friends like trash. One guy in Orlando was talking about work, and his gay friend told him loudly to shut the fuck up and stop talking about work after 5 pm. The guy looked away quite depressed. I wanted to mind my business, but I should have said something. But then, when 49 people get killed or a mass workplace shooting occurs...everyone can't believe it happened. That applies to everyone.
  8. http://emilysquotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/EmilysQuotes.Com-funny-people-Intelligence-William-Gibson.jpg
  9. Startled? If an escort get startled by that, that sounds a bit paranoid to me. Especially when we have people in and out of our residences....something most people would fear for their safety for, is it worth making a scene over a name? A person has no qualms to give out their address, something most people don't want others knowing, but not a name? Boy, BOOM is what I would have said. I still fail to understand how any of it is invasion of privacy. It just sounds trivial to even be discussing. People are missing the point: if you're listing your phone number in a public domain, where it can be traced back to you....don't use one that could show anything sensitive. When people call my regular phone, I automatically know they're name because it shows up on my caller ID that I pay extra for. If the client can find an escorts name by searching on Google, that means that number is linked to their name whether by being on the bill or some other identifying way such as a Facebook or another account. It's very easy. I have 3 phone numbers. 3 phone numbers. Googling the ad number will only pull up what I want to be pulled up. 1 # for me, 1 # for mocha, and 1 as a backup for when I don't want people to know either about me.
  10. Some things are a matter of PUBLIC RECORD. Lots of stuff is public record. A phone number is one of them. I see names on my caller ID everytime the phone rings. I had one client find my Facebook page, which he told me. I wasn't offended. Matter of fact, it seemed to just have made him more eager to send me my fee before I even got there. But...he didn't tell me that until in person. I think the issue here was the timing. OP said "during their back and forth". It sounds like this was thru email or text. If the name was bought up then, it would have just been a bit out of place and awkward for that point of the meeting. Yeah, @KennF could have not bought it up...but how would the world be a better place? It wouldn't. And if the escort didn't call him back, all the hell. Atleast @KennF knows now how it feels to be flaked on for trivial reasons...and perhaps when others can sympathize, maybe the world can be a better place.
  11. I know I said I wouldn't comment further, but I just said that because I didn't feel like being addressed by anyone else. And though I believe one can command demons to depart from their personal space, other times the best way is to ignore them and let them oppress the next weak soul. I've got plenty of good in my life, to let a demon take hold. Amen, Amen... But anyhow, I wanted to specifically address this because it sounds like you're putting a double standard and it doesn't resonate with me. It's disrespectful to count money in front of a client, but is it not disrespectful to be jipped? A few times? I think you're worthy of respect. You should never feel disrespectful to count the money. Think about it, any other business does. Banks count your own money before they put it in YOUR account. They have ATM machines that count your money and also show it back to you in realtime. Hell sometimes I get the raised money to the ceiling to see if it's real $50/$100 (for the ones who lie to themselves and believe otherwise). THAT can feel disrespectful. But, best believe when a store gets fake money "a few times", they start counting. People can talk all day long about how theyve never been jipped...but based on this thread, it clearly shows it happens. But over a year ago, I was jipped out of over $200 and threatened. I told myself I would never, ever....EVER get clowned by a clown like that again. And I haven't. I don't even open the door nor let them open the door to get close to situations like that. I like to keep the flow going smooth and believe every client has good intent. When someone rips you off, it messes up that vibe. Best thing is to avoid it happening in the first place. I've made people pay me cancel fees because I let them know, you don't even have to meet me to actually jip me. Calling a restaraunt and placing a $200-$250 to-go order, saying to have it hot and ready by 8 pm and then not coming to pick it up and pay...is essentially robbing that establishment of its time, ingredients, and money. The manager would want to trace that number and kill em dead. Lol. Same here. Same here.
  12. I have to rebuff your comments. Sounds real insensitive and another case of victim blaming virus which seems to run rampant on this forum. Remember, there was a similar story where an escort allegedly injected heroin and killed her client and they threw the book at her. If what this man did is true...he deserves an injection too...but it's unlikely he'll get the death penalty because you know... That said, in defense of the client...having been around all sorts of druggy White men and clients myself, it seems almost horror story unrealistic that the client would want to do this. You can't just poke someone with a meth or heroine needle. I won't go into gory details, but I know from experience. If someone even TRIED (just merely asking me would evoke this) to poke me with a street drug needle, like Dwayne Johnson said in the movie "fate of the furious" I would "kick their teeth so far down their throat, they'd be sticking their toothbrush up their ass to brush their teeth." I can't say whether the guy deserves to live or die, but based on my experiences in the gay community...its hard to really tell because you have your weekend warrior types who you'd never think would try...and meth and coke is so prevalent it's just hard to really know what's going on anymore.
  13. http://www.turtleholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/red-eared-sliders-basking.jpg See this a lot here in Florida
  14. ac·ro·nym /ˈakrəˌnim/ noun 1.an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCII, NASA). BICH was the assigned acronym for the intended recipient who, for the purposes of not wanting to address or step into any further manure, I won't mention by his working name. At this time, I will no longer be addressing any further comments to this thread as I'm not getting paid to defend or address.
  15. Bich please. And Bich is how I'm going to abbreviate your name anytime you call yourself trying to address me. You're out your rabid ass mind to say I haven't achieved nothing in the business. Let me tell you something, you may think no one here likes me but trust and believe me...I have more respect than you know. Granted they don't recommend I get caught up in pointless quarrels like this, but I'm not as hated as you let these no name, no avatar having pawns have you fooled into believing. And you looking real dumb right now if you call yourself a professional, and yet you're coming for me for no reason. Listen bich, I've never met you, I don't know you, I don't have any reason to not like you because you're a non mother fucking factor to me. You keep finding reasons to instigate some bullshit so I can want to not like you. I'm telling you it's silly and pointless and makes you look real fucking dumb.
  16. And @Benjamin_Nicholas , you keep coming on here back patting and egging on these naysayers, I'm going to call you out on some shit too. Don't forget it was you who told me back in 2010 when you were living in San Antonio, that you avoid the forum because they're cheap here and don't take you on long vacations and such. Don't step into the crossfire. It's not worth it, it's best to just not get involved. If you're not going to add anything of benefit, I don't need the extra commentary from you.
  17. You sound like a goddamn CLOWN. As if what you're saying is uplifting attitude. I rather have the humility of a victim than the shame of being a hypocritical bigot like you. Typical crab in a bucket mother fucker: you'll go and leave a fellow black man for dead and then sit back and let a non-black person of questionable character like @Benjamin_Nicholas walk by and point and laugh at them. You're the epitome of a sell out and and your "victim blaming' does more disservice to our race than any other race. You can talk about how I'm trying to play the victim, but remember this thread was made by someone who is a victim and I'm simply just relating. How about you educate your dumb ass on victim blaming before throwing about redundant assertions that you hear on CNN and your White coworkers. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-love-and-war/201311/why-do-we-blame-victims Victims threaten our sense that the world is a safe and moral place, where good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. https://www.inc.com/wanda-thibodeaux/3-reasons-people-blame-you-even-when-youre-the-victim.html No matter why the blame is happening, remember--they're not really attacking you. Ultimately, they're just trying to protect themselves.
  18. And whether he chooses to read it or not, maybe @OliverSaks needs to educate himself before making foul, insensitive, entitled remarks: "White privilege is a form of racism that both underlies and is distinct from institutional and overt racism. It underlies them in that both are predicated on preserving the privileges of white people (regardless of whether agents recognize this or not). But it is also distinct in terms of intentionality. It refers to the hegemonic structures, practices, and ideologies that reproduce whites' privileged status. In this scenario, whites do not necessarily intend to hurt people of color, but because they are unaware of their white-skin privilege, and because they accrue social and economic benefits by maintaining the status quo, they inevitably do." Pulido, L. (2000). "Rethinking Environmental Racism: White Privilege and Urban Development in Southern California". Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 90: 15. doi:10.1111/0004-5608.00182. And since he claims, "no one has ever tried to not pay him", maybe he needs to understand the term 'spared injustice'. Since he want to rub some shit in someone's face. In Blum's analysis of the underlying structure of white privilege, "spared injustice" is when a person of color suffers an unjust treatment while a white person does not. Blum describes "non-injustice-related" privileges as those which are not associated with injustices experienced by people of color, but relate to a majority group's advantages over a minority group. Those who are in the majority, usually white people, gain "unearned privileges not founded on injustice."[46] As an example, in workplace cultures there tends to be a partly ethnocultural character, so that some ethnic or racial groups' members find them more comfortable than do others https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_privilege And person of color goes for Black, Latino, Mixed or anyone who's not the color of Oliver's BALL SAKS!
  19. Ugh....sometimes you just need to let shit die. Lay it to rest. Now I done got all riled up and have to argue before my bedtime. I stopped reading this thread, but even though it's old...what's dredged from the past can be refuted in the future. BOY BYE! Get the fuck over your self indulging White privilege. I wish I would of read this I'd of never given you props in that other thread. Matter of fact, I'll delete my post all together and not contribute to any of your threads since you want to be such a nasty ...(edit oooooooo I can't even say the letter it starts with even though I could use 2 words with it, I'll be banned). I respect my clients and they treat me well too. Bitch, name a place I haven't been treated well at? I've gained clients from having been in most every state in the country and they've treated me plenty well. What's your point? What does whether or not someone never tried to not pay you have to do with me? You sound real insensitive, ignorant, foolish and real dumb especially being the OP posted some relevant information about what he experienced. You lack peace and content in your life because you're so fixated on mine. Fix that before you try to fix me. And if you have ANY doubt as to whether this is something that ONLY happens to me, You sound like a goddamn clown. Considering all one has to do is read the daily posts that are posted at: http://www.nationalblacklist.com/browse_registry.aspx
  20. But that's not a client. At least not a respectful one. That's some trick tweaking off on meth who isn't worth meeting anyway. The type who'd give you half your fee because HE came early. I mean think about it: a guy cancels a meeting with the guy of his dreams, because he jerked off. Imagine that in real life situations. I'd be utterly appalled if some guy I had a nice planned date with said that to me. But...the good news is, that's probably the least reason why someone would cancel. Clients contact us because jerking off losses it's appeal over time. A little spice and seasoning is needed once in awhile to switch things up. For the record, I would definitely need an explanation for a cancel. I did it the other day. Guy almost cancelled. He was freaked out because I kept hiccuping over our phone conversation because I was getting over a bad case of tonsillitis and side effects from the medication I was given. After sorting it out and explaining the situation...we worked it out. Then soon as we started, the problem ceased. I hate when people cancel for stupid reasons though. That's why deposit stays in effect. You can't just cancel because you feel like it. There needs to be some mutual understanding and a willingness to work with each other. Some cancels or change of plans due to travel or family is understandable. But all that throwing a tantrum over petty stuff don't fly with me.
  21. THANK YOU! Most of the clients I meet get flabbergasted and appalled at the idea that someone would stand an escort up.
  22. Sounds like the west coast version of Pulse nightclub. Blocking off exits and shit... Unrelated a bit, but some gay bars seem almost like recipes for such things. As much as I love them n all...some of the crowdedness and packed in like sardines and "smoking hot" guys makes you feel a lil claustrophobic. Especially some places that still allow smoking, it's crazy to think it could happen more often. All the loud ass music, flashing lights...a shorted out wire and a spark can make the club go BOOM. The ROOF the ROOF, THE ROOF IS ON FIRE! It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes....etc I think being on drugs and alcohol help people feel at ease in those situations. But go into a packed gay club completely sober (unless you're just a total square who goes to clubs and don't drink lol) you're looking for the next exit.
  23. Just noticed you edited, so here goes: During sex, would you prefer him to talk dirty to you in Spanish? Not necessarily. Like I mentioned, the Papi talk is hot and all, but there's no points given or lost for talking in Spanish. Because I actually do enjoy being able to understand each other. I also don't like feeling like I'm fetishsizing someone. Nothing wrong with it, everyone has their fantasies. But, I think we as a people marginalize and look over people because of fetishsizing stereotypes. It's like, the Black guy automatically is going to have a 12" dick. Or the Latino guy will automatically know how to speak Spanish during sex. Or the White guy will automatically drive a BMW, have a nice cut cock, and lots of money. When these things are stereotyped and made expectations, people overlook things. Maybe that 12" dick won't feel so good, or you won't understand the language. Or the white guy is a bottom who's uncut and doesn't have a car (all true stories). Doesn't make them any less fun or attractive. Do you like the accent? Yes. The accent is sexy. But not much sexier than a French, Australian, or Armenian accent. Hell, I think a California/Colorado/Utah accent is sexy just because they speak such proper English. Once you get east of the Great Plains, you are liable to hear anything disquised as English.
  24. Well from an escorts perspective since you did ask: What do you like most about a Latin Lover? I like the olive and dark skin tones. Many have a way of giving sex that starts off coy, but gets real hot, real quick. I used to like all the Papi talk, but there's Latin guys who speak no Spanish and it makes no difference. Many also just go with the flow, and seem okay with whatever. How does it feel interaction with Latin Escorts? I learned Spanish, but it didn't stick. However, I can understand all accents of Latin in English whether it be from Spain, or Mexico, Guatamala, Columbia, Puerto Rico, etc. are they Intersting for you or just a one night stand guy? Both. Although I've had good relationships with Latin guys, sometimes it's actually YOU GUYS who want only the one night stands from US. Here in Orlando, Florida...these guys seem like they want to hangout but they really just want to fuck. Which is okay, but kinda sucks when I go away for a month and then come back, the guy I thought was interested in something real, is suddenly seeing someone else. Do you believe we are Drama boys? YES. See above. To me, getting into a relationship too soon and too many times is drama or asking for it it. Some Latin guys just need to stay single and enjoy life. Way too many jaded and broken hearted beautiful guys out there. But good drama and bad drama. I would say, Latin guys tend to be "expressive". What don't you like about Latinos? I personally don't think you should ask this because it invites ignorant talk. It's like asking a group of non-African American people, "what don't you like about Black people". And not sure if you were here, but we had lots of police shooting incidents over the last 5 years that really bought those questions to the surface. Here in America, people don't like people because of what they see on the news or a bad experience they may have had. Any fucking thing someone can say they don't like about a Latino, can apply to anyone. Uncut dicks? White guys have them too. Mexican food? White guys eat it too. Drama? White guys have it too.
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