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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. Couldn’t have said it better. I wouldn’t waste too much time analyzing why they didn’t want her at the party though. My advice would be to move on and not rely on “friends” one barely knows. The popular cow ring piercing looks pretty good on her.
  2. “Btw, there’s a name for you ladies, but it isn’t used in high society—outside of a kennel. So long, ladies!”
  3. My understanding from watching @therealdrmiami’s IG is that anyone with BMI<30 qualifies. Be careful, ECBtm. Plastic surgery is risky and difficult. Get multiple opinions and a lot of due diligence before you jump in. Maybe get some therapy for now?
  4. MYOB is dead, and any conversation that happens in public is fodder for shaming. This is a problem because one never knows the other side of the story. That was my point. I figured that we needed some to distract from the news over the past few days.
  5. In my dreams. I borrowed a mattess for a second room. It’s like sleeping on a bench.
  6. I am trying out a friend’s mattress and it’s as hard as a rock. Can barely sleep on it, even with a topper. Want it?
  7. I'd be ok with having any mega yacht, no matter who the crew is. I'm a woman with simple needs though.
  8. Of the old school guys: Cruise and especially Travolta
  9. A young guy named Drew walks through an NYC park on his lunch hour. He overhears a group of strangers talking about an upcoming birthday party. They prefer not to invite someone named Marissa, so suggests hosting the party on Memorial Day Weekend, when Marissa will be away. Well, this can't stand. He posts an all points bulletin on Tiktok asking anyone named Marissa who's friends are having a biday that weekend to contact him so that she can learn whether this is her group of friends. The Marissa in question does indeed contact him. She quickly starts asking people on Tiktok to be her friend and starts hosting huge meetups in multiple cities. Arizona provides free iced tea. It turns out that Marissa moved to NYC last year. Are these real friends or just acquaintance from social media? Are they obligated to let Marrissa invite herself to a bday party? Would it have been so bad if Drew has minded his own business and Marissa believed that she happened to be out of town for her new friend’s party.? Maybe they’d become closer over time and invite her to the next bday party. That certainly won't happen now. I’m glad she's helping people meet each other, but it appears that people the ordinary process of making friends gradually is now considered a form of bullying. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/15/technology/tik-tok-friends-meet-up.html
  10. Who tricked whom? The contemporary press reported he was having an affair with his young stepmother.
  11. I’d be surprised if such a feature exists, as it could be used to traffic non-consenting workers.
  12. “Gay nationalism” makes me think of a fabulous Charlottesville with rainbow flags. I sympathize with wanting to be around people who understand you, but I’m curious: How did this come up? Did something happen that made you think about it?
  13. I remember the time one of the escorts was turned off by being on-camera and didn’t show up.
  14. A few people have said this. He seemed pretty convincing to me.
  15. What happened to Okliehomo? I remember that he has been ill for some time , but he kept coming back.
  16. This. And if you’re going to do that, why judge her according to your experience with another lesbian vs, say, another Chinese person, another 30something woman, The best thing you can do is treat her as an individual and try to see past her best foot forward routine. Better yet, call her references and possibly others you know who have worked with her. They won’t say anything negative but if you listen, you can read a lot between the lines.
  17. The strict dress code probably discourages young men from coming in. But there are still young guys there who are happy to engage older men.
  18. Agreed. I meant that the extortion was a scandal for SC.
  19. Do the eyes look really small? If they do, it’s probably filler. If they look surprised, it’s probably a bad brow lift.
  20. I think these are men who swing both ways. Do older wealthy gay men start dating women because women don’t care as much about looks and youth?
  21. BigValBoy FingFangFoom was before my time but I came across some of his posts.
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