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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. You can start an organization promoting masculinity in men and femininity in women, etc. if you believe in that. I doubt that many taxpayers are interested in funding such an endeavor.
  2. Classic Avalon. Politics notwithstanding, I miss him.
  3. I just found this thread and learned about this feature. Now want to join a club—particularly a private one that doesn’t want me as a member.
  4. As American accents go, Low country SC is as sexy as it gets.
  5. I’m feeling frisky, so all the European accents sound good right now.
  6. Uh oh. An adult baby fetishist. Have a crib and warm milk ready.
  7. Whatever one thinks of this thread, we should all appreciate the moderators’ openness to meta-discussion.
  8. The studios’ business models will change. Now content creators have gotten a taste of OF, they’re not going back.
  9. International relations edition: NVA/Vietcong take over South Vietnam=“The Vietnamese rejected democracy.” Another version if this conflates interest with competence. ”South Vietnamese ARVN soldiers didn’t care enough about democracy to fight for it.”
  10. There’s a manner of speaking that I would ban if I were the language Taliban. It involves assigning responsibility or intent evenly to all parties involved even when it’s clearly inappropriate to do so. “They tried to save the marriage”=One of them cheated while the other begged him/her to stay “The group drifted apart”=Three of them decided to stop speaking to the fourth People often use this tactic to save face. I find that it’s common among straight women who are more invested in their relationships than their partners.
  11. Intellectual types like using “So..” this way.
  12. The use of “Having said that,” to mean “Furthermore” instead of the opposite
  13. Could be a misspelling or previous address in the profile info they uploaded to the state.
  14. Remember when Lashana Lynch was cast and everyone thought 007 would be a woman from now on?
  15. When you follow Adonis’s official Tiktok before finding the real one.
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