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    jgoo got a reaction from + bigjoey in Former Member Adam Smith Has Passed Away.   
    So sad to learn of his passing. Almost without fail he provided insight, intelligence and/or humor in so many threads he participated in. Will be missed. Rest in Peace.
  2. Like
    jgoo got a reaction from Luv2play in Former Member Adam Smith Has Passed Away.   
    So sad to learn of his passing. Almost without fail he provided insight, intelligence and/or humor in so many threads he participated in. Will be missed. Rest in Peace.
  3. Like
    jgoo got a reaction from + Pensant in Former Member Adam Smith Has Passed Away.   
    So sad to learn of his passing. Almost without fail he provided insight, intelligence and/or humor in so many threads he participated in. Will be missed. Rest in Peace.
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    jgoo reacted to EZEtoGRU in Former Member Adam Smith Has Passed Away.   
    So sad to hear this news. Rest In Peace Adam Smith.
  6. Like
    jgoo reacted to + Pensant in Former Member Adam Smith Has Passed Away.   
    Oh no! I developed a nice relationship with him online and shared many thoughts and opinions. RIP.
  7. Like
    jgoo reacted to + glutes in Former Member Adam Smith Has Passed Away.   
    Smart and funny he was.
    Mr. Smith goes to Heaven.
  8. Like
    jgoo reacted to wayout in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Keeping good thoughts and sending all my best wishes and hopes his way for his improvement, leading to a full recovery.
  9. Like
    jgoo reacted to BuffaloKyle in 411 on RickyP   
    RickyP was in my area visiting recently and I was gonna hire him but I read an old review that gave his age as 29 which is what he has listed on his profile. I just felt kind of weird then to go through with it because he had to be a lot older than he listed and I was worried his pics might be old as well. So I cancelled. Today I happened to see he used to be an active forum member @rickp and he has his actual age on there. He is now 38 and still has 29 on his rm profile. I am ok with stretching your age by 1, 3, maybe even 5 years. But 10!? Too much.
  10. Like
    jgoo reacted to MscleLovr in Prince Harry to Oprah' " my worry is history repeating itself."   
    I live in London and I could not have put it better @nycman. I doubt the interview will change anyone’s pre-existing view on H&M.
    When Meghan first arrived in the UK, there were several reports of her having come “to find a rich husband”. She befriended various people for help in meeting men, but once she met Harry she dropped those previously useful ‘friends’. I don’t believe for a moment that she didn’t do any research.
    I noticed Oprah didn’t ask M any tough questions about her behaviour. She didn’t ask about H&M shouting at the Queen’s favourite, long-standing servant, which rightly earned H a reprimand from the Queen. She didn’t ask why M blamed the Palace staff when H&M had handpicked them to run their private office in the Palace.
    It’s ironic that M blamed Palace officials for not supporting/helping her when they are the ones who tried to bury the several complaints of staff about M’s bullying behaviour.
    I disliked H&M complaining about being financially cut off, security being cut and the lack of a title for Archie.
    1. Diana left H about $15 million on her death; being a child, it was invested on H’s behalf and when he became of age to inherit the money, it was approximately 4x that sum. Why should H expect to get money from his Dad once he ceased to work for the Royal family?
    2. Security is provided by the UK Police and it costs the UK taxpayer. Only the senior working members of the Royal family get that protection.
    3. M alluded to a “convention” but seemed to me to imply that because of his mixed-race Archie didn’t get a title. It’s a rule (set more than 100 years ago by King George V) that the titles of Prince, HRH etc are awarded only to some (not all) lineal descendants of the reigning Monarch. The children of H would never have been given titles, but H&M could have chosen the courtesy title of Lord for Archie and they chose not to - they registered his birth as Master which is used in the UK for any boy-child.
    Personally I hope the Queen strips H&M of their remaining titles. And I hope H&M stop seeking publicity, and retreat into anonymity and a quiet life in California.
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    jgoo reacted to BSR in Prince Harry to Oprah' " my worry is history repeating itself."   
    Hmm, I don't know if "surprised" is quite the right word. I think of my cousin who married an Army man. She knew what to expect as a military wife, but actually living through it -- the long deployments abroad, long stretches her husband was completely out of contact, his mood/personality changes after the deaths of friends -- was on a whole other level. I think Diana, as young & naive as she was, did have some idea of what royal life would be like, but living it was a completely different dimension.
  12. Like
    jgoo reacted to Wanderoz in Hot, young tops who you would not expect to be!   
    Different types are great & provide enough men who for all of us.
    I like mine to look like actor Charlie Carver. That’s the type I was alluding to in my original post.
  13. Like
    jgoo reacted to + Lucky in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    My suggestion is to hold off on sending anything as Daddy cannot appreciate them at this time and it would only burden a hospital staff already stretched due to COVID.
  14. Like
    jgoo reacted to + WilliamM in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Daddy has a car, and shopped and went to the post office frequently. He had some health issues, but certainly not homebound
  15. Like
    jgoo reacted to BuffaloKyle in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am not happy at all with this nurse Daddy sees. Referencing his last update on 2/19 he said both quote The Nurse Says I have a cold and I'm up for about 10 minutes at a time. How could he or she not even remotely think about saying to him you might wanna go get a covid test or seem to not think it was serious at all. Which is what I gather from that. Especially when Daddy has underlying conditions.
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    jgoo reacted to + keroscenefire in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Oh no. I was wondering with his "cold," if that was the case. Fortunately, they have a lot more/better treatments these days and I am hopeful that he can get healthy again real soon.
  17. Like
    jgoo reacted to Luv2play in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I second your sentiments. This latest news about his condition is very worrisome given his risk factors.
    Hope he is in good hands at the hospital.
  18. Like
    jgoo reacted to + LS299B in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Late to the convo on Daddy/Guy Fawkes. I feel like I've joined with a virtual group of amazing kind hearted folks here in our support for a gentleman whom I've never met, nor seen. Daddy is certainly in my thoughts and prayers for another speedy recovery. . . and gratitude to Cooper for your life saving action. Love this site and love you guys too!
  19. Like
    jgoo reacted to + purplekow in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I want to commend Cooper for his diligence in tracking down Daddy and making sure he was alright. Someone lying on the floor for hours can develop kidney failure and it may turn into quite an serious issue. I believe Cooper may have saved Daddy's life.
    I think we should all have someone who speaks to us each day and knows how to reach us , especially someone like Daddy with diabetes.
    So if there are any others out there who can go days without speaking to anyone, please make a contact and protect yourself. There may not be a Cooper in your life that will come looking for you if you do not prepare ahead of time.
  20. Like
    jgoo reacted to samhexum in All-Time Bravo Network Memorable or Meme-able TV Moments   
    The only show that's ever been worth watching on Bravo:
    http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m23om0CPaF1qlqifro1_250.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/daa42e6e79081084dd618459b83d27b4/tumblr_mprpquHGN41runxeno1_250.gif

  21. Like
    jgoo reacted to jtwalker in What would make you a disgruntled client?   
    I am feeling quite disgruntled as of late. I'm a little tired of being shorted time and escorts who aren't into what they say their into. I also hate having a conversation online only to show up and they don't remember a darn thing we talked about.
    For me, its become enough of an issue that I'm losing interest in the hobby all together.
    Out of the last 6 guys I hired, 1 was great, 2 were fun, 1 was boring and 2 were a complete waste of time.
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    jgoo reacted to CuriousByNature in Do I take legal action or do I take the difficult "high road"?   
    Perhaps ironically, taking legal action will keep you connected to this individual for many more months or years, and it sounds to me like a clean break may be the healthier option and one that will put needed distance between you and his toxic ways. And if he is involved in illegal activity it may be best to run in the opposite direction and try your best to leave the past in the past. I agree with @JoeMendoza about forgiveness, and also agree it can be much easier to say than do.
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    jgoo reacted to wsc in Do I take legal action or do I take the difficult "high road"?   
    The fact a restraining order was issued against you will immediately prejudice any judge against you, since it means another judge saw fit to issue it, and judges tend to honor one another's judgements.
    If "legal action" means a criminal complaint, you must have standing, meaning you were either the victim of a criminal act, or you witnessed one, and you have something that amounts to probable cause against the offender. Without that, no law enforcement agency or court can do anything for you but take and file a statement, if that.
    If "legal action" means a civil suit, you would probably need to show malice of the other party, as well as damages, usually meaning financial. I'm not entirely sure on this next point, but find out if "outing" someone who actually is Gay even qualifies as actionable. It may fall under a general principle used in slander cases, that "truth is a complete defense." Although being outed against your will may cause hurt and complications in your personal life and relationships, the law might hold that a truth that hurts is, after all, still a truth, and people can't be punished for speaking the truth.
    I urge a period of somber reflection, discussions with your therapist, and consultation with a competent attorney before taking any action that might serve only to make bad things even worse.
    I think that what your ex did was horrendous and reprehensible, and if an accurate reflection of his core character, will ultimately lead to his undoing. Be grateful you are rid of him and try your best to summon the strength to move beyond the present unpleasantness. My best wishes in those efforts.
  25. Like
    jgoo reacted to Cooper in What is something you like that is generally considered feminine or "for girls"?   
    Soap Operas: Days of Our Lives.
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