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Posts posted by Boaxxx

  1. On 3/27/2024 at 7:03 AM, glutes said:

    Concur dctraveler. Nice enough guy, but he is NOT as fit as pics suggest, he's porked out a bit.

    I think most of us have porked out a bit over the years. 😉

  2. 1 hour ago, Jamie21 said:

    I really don’t need or want clients to send me pictures. I kind of like the surprise when I open the door. When someone turns up I’d not mistake them for Amazon or a pizza delivery guy. The former tends to dump his parcel outside and if I mistook the latter then it would be a great porn scene wouldn’t it?  🙂

    Seriously though, if it makes a client feel better to send a pic then I’m not going to refuse it…but I won’t comment on it. I just say thanks. 




  3. 3 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

    I don’t think so. Clients hire us for privacy, relative anonymity, and for us to not care what the client looks like but to service him anyway. That’s part of the inherent value of hiring; not having to appeal to another person’s tastes and preferences, particularly with regard to the way you look. This dynamic may be weird in other contexts but totally normal for this one. We providers are used to it. 

    Imperfect as the comparison may be, I might hire a therapist in some small part based on the way they look in their photos. Are they inviting, compassionate, and open, or closed, judgmental, and creepy? They have never seen me before but I hire their services and show up sight unseen, and their job is to help me with some rather personal, emotional, and intimate aspects of my life. In that limited way, hiring a therapist is somewhat adjacent to hiring a provider. I can’t imagine feeling compelled to send my therapist a photo of myself before our first meeting. 

    Sending a photo is a nice courtesy, and I welcome it, mostly just to help me remember the client better and to add to their contact as a quick reference along with my notes. 

    More often than not a client expects us to offer some commentary or react to the way they look. He wants validation, but there is no good way for us to give it to him. No matter what we say, we can’t win:

    1) We say something positive. You assume we’re not genuine.

    2) We say something positive. You believe we are genuine. You might conclude we lack professionalism because we’re meeting with you for the wrong reasons.

    3) We say something vague, neutral, or even negative about the way you look. You assume the worst about us and how the meeting will go. Perhaps you cancel because of it.

    So…that leaves only one reasonable option: say nothing about the way the client looks. Consider this when you send a photo. Expect your provider to say nothing. When he says nothing, would you still want to send it? If yes, you’re sending for the right reason. Conversely, are you feeling disappointed that your provider does not comment on your looks? Then you’re sending photos for the wrong reasons.

    Our work is very different from other businesses in many respects, and the client is hiring us based on many factors, including in large part based on the way we look, both above and below the neck. This business has unique norms and expectations on both sides of hiring, but it’s a business nonetheless. I don’t find seeing clients sight unseen to be at all weird given the specific context.

    This topic brings to mind hookups and how different they are to hiring. Yet even there, context matters. Looks are very important for most hookup situations, or even a date. You need mutual interest and attraction for both parties to agree to meet. Not always though. I suppose it depends on what you want. “I’m ass up, face down, in a dark/dim room and I want your anonymous load. Come in through my unlocked door at: [insert location and other details here].” Sometimes what the other person looks like is immaterial. Meeting sight unseen is not weird in a context like this one.

    I see where you are coming from as a provider. Again, I personally just feel that if I've seen you in various degrees of undress the least I can do is send you a "g" rates picture and provide general stats - age, height and weight.

    As far as anticipating a response, other than thanks, I am not looking for some positive reinforcement on my looks. I just want the provider to know that I am 60, 5'2" and 145 and they can do whatever they want with that information. 😉

  4. 17 hours ago, Atyla said:

    How often do you guys check your portfolios?

    I don't buy individual stocks but rather mutual funds and the vast majority of my investments are retirement related. That said my focus on my portfolio is erratic, sometimes several months can go by and other times I may be checking daily. I guess it all depends on what's going on in the market and the world.


  5. 1 hour ago, 56harrisond said:


    Thanks for providing me with your search results but my question is a little different. I'm simply wondering if guys are sharing pictures out of a "courtesy", not because a provider is asking. I've never had a provider ask, I simply send pictures so they know who will be knocking at their door. Why should it be a total surprise for the provider? It's nice for the provider to know who they are expecting IMHO.

  6. I'm wondering if others share unsolicited pictures and stats with their provider prior to meeting. I always do and I do it out of common courtesy, thinking it is only fair that if I know what the provider looks like along with their stats, then they should know what I look like and my stats.  

    I have never had a provider ask for pictures/stats yet I always provide prior to meeting. 

  7. I always find it difficult to anticipate how a massage will go even after reading reviews and providers "About Me". This provider describes a range of massage types and options as well as the overall atmosphere, then end it with "I'm discreet and TOP."

    It's like  . . . Oh btw, there's more.


  8. I'll admit that the more I see this theore I want to give it a try. I'm assuming there are different sizes as there are different sizes cocks. It just looks like it would be difficult for someone with an average and above average cock to fit inside (only saying that because most pics seem to be of small cocked guys).

  9. 11 hours ago, The Dude said:

    He's an odd one. I contacted him once to see if he was available, and he replied he was only in the mood to get sucked off while he smoked weed.


    No thanks.

    That is strange. Just curious if that was recent?

  10. He should have called about the bill(s) back in December when they first arrived. If he hasn't made any payment then he is just being irresponsible and needs to start paying.

    I did not have insurance about 12 years ago when my appendix ruptured. I ended up in the hospital for 10 days. The doctors saved my life (without surgery I would have been dead) and over time I paid the $86,000 bill. 

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