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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. Precious few are blessed with sizable areolas. I was excited to see a chest of perfection - musculature AND nips, on a guy in Las Vegas on Rent Men, Zodd Blakk. ZOD_BLAKK - Pornstar Performer, Rentboy, Gay Massage in Las Vegas, NV | RentMen RENTMEN.EU Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Las Vegas, NV - ZOD_BLAKK: ZODxBLAKK
  2. When his rent masseur ad popped up, his masseur finder ad disappeared. What I discovered is that you CANNOT require an advance deposit when advertising on masseur finder. This is helpful information.
  3. What is his Rent Masseur name, since it isn't "Filipinoprotouch"? To his defense, what he likely means is he's not an escort - unless he decides for himself to be one with you, if you're so lucky!
  4. It's been an eternity since I've seen a Chia Pet commercial, so for those who never have, this is understandably over your head. I always liked seeing that one lone growth show the other seeds who's boss.
  5. You're possibly thinking of "Ghostspurters" - I'd qualify. Where's my agent?
  6. After the person's nasty "Can't take rejection" comment, it would've been best to completely cut off any further contact with him. You clearly knew by that point he was wasting your time, and that wasn't changing. It's truly horrible that you seem to get a far larger percentage of jerkwads than other traveling providers.
  7. What you described looks standard to me. You're known to be a very generous tipper, and the person you see appreciates you for that, and is comfortable to be doing more with you as a client. However, understand that you are at a place of massage, and are fortunate that you're getting a nice bonus with your experience, so if out of the blue you just get a massage only, don't get angry, just find somewhere else to go!
  8. It's a small world. All of us see people from realms in our past out and about. In a case of seeing a provider, leave them be UNLESS they engage first. Their obligation to you is over until you see them "on the clock" again, so be respectful of their "off the clock" time. Last year I had an embarrassing instance of seeing someone I used to work with in a neighboring grocery line. I said to the person I was with that if I fast-forwarded in time 20 years from now, that lady over there presently looks like one of my former co-workers. She unfortunately overheard me and angrily said a brief hello. She had aged that badly in such a short time frame, and I wished I kept my comment to myself!
  9. Alex Z was just a pup when he advertised in the Dallas Voice a small forever ago. Flashing forward to today, he can be found in Hilo. BigislandAlex on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  10. It's seldom I've had that happen, but it's for a myriad of reasons, the primary one being my company was unpleasant, followed by him needing to get ready for another client, followed lastly (just one time that I'm aware of) by really wanting to watch a sporting event that was on. Look at it this way - How often have you had a guy go over the time, and not said a word to you about increasing the donation? Generally, I think it's fantastic when a masseur isn't clock watching. Typically, I give up front more than what is asked (gratuity) when I'm seeing someone more than once because I enjoyed the first encounter so much, which I know is not at all standard practice, but they appreciate that.
  11. They aren't, but just finished having chicken pizza (boneless chicken breast with a few pepperoni slices decorated on top for over 10 bucks).
  12. This thread is so long, it's gotten far too past the "girl, please" stage. It is up to the people making the initial offer, and nobody else, to determine in their mind what good looking and in shape is. It's not going to be the same from person to person, so it's best as a client to expect to donate as if you're not, and perhaps be pleasantly surprised at the end. Many work like Hell to look great from the neck down, and kudos to them. There's others that look dashing as all get out and never lift a weight in their life. Ideally, neither would qualify for this offer. I personally pity the ones who are both handsome and ripped, but are disqualified solely due to age.
  13. Lawson has given me a wake-up call to the words in his ad, "open to most things", knowing that could mean theft of property. I though am alarmed by the video playback of your private goings-on in the bedroom. Does surveillance give people in rooms no privacy any longer, or were you being filmed on purpose with your and his authorization? Was taking your stuff and bolting due to discovering he's being filmed against his wishes? If you could go back in time, the missing money (your donation of time) should have been reported as just that along with the other things he took - "money out of my wallet". You would've been able to get that back, too.
  14. Generally, the ones I see passing through town are in high demand, which is what brings them back. I'm making the presumption I'm not in consideration on their end when my request by either massage website private message or e-mail goes ignored. I appreciate the ones that spell it out - "don't try to contact me here - I don't respond to private messages", and take their advice to not do so. It's more and more dwindling meeting people without texting, and that's my issue to accept. After all, there were staunch radio holdouts who didn't want TV in the 50s!
  15. Reviving this since I'm now crossing off a third potential hire due to not responding to my e-mail at all. I'm guessing that some of the massage sites require you to have one? Otherwise, why bother to provide one if you don't care to check for possible clients?!? Back in 1999, e-mail was, as the hipsters used to say, "the shit", as in awesome. I still think it's awesome. I detest texting. Passionately. I know the civilized world today rattles off texts faster than an actual vocal conversation. It takes me literally 10 minutes to send a text, and I would rather - gasp - call the # and talk rather than text.
  16. Consistently, whenever someone I hire who I have a great time with reaches out on a return trip to my area and I say no, I'm put on the "no re-hire" list. This to me seems extreme. I'm not made of money, so when a return is a month later, it's too soon for me to financially do so. It doesn't mean that I don't want to. I do appreciate that I was liked enough to warrant a repeat encounter, and I DO convey that in my rejection reply. Am I better off ignoring rather than responding that I can't? I'm batting zero with re-attempting to see anyone who I said no to for a potential second encounter. Flipping the coin and responding to my own post, who would I rather spend time with, a wealthy man who tips extremely generously and money is no object and will see me any time I reach out, or a paycheck to paycheck person who leaves a standard gratuity?
  17. The ones who politely complain that the height range doesn't allow them to show their actual vertical-ness, and that they're actually shorter than what's shown. Mario_X in Chicago is fantastic - we align so well. I liked a guy in Cathedral City who is no longer there. One of the finest backsides of anyone I'd seen.
  18. Bumping this in case RavensFan or anyone else has seen him. I like the trimmed facial look, if that's the newest.
  19. It's a terrific question to ask. It seems like for U.S. travelers, they're at a horrid disadvantage, as the World over is well aware that tipping is simply done for almost anything in this country (selling me a candy bar, tearing my movie ticket), while it's understood that Europeans do not have that (which I so badly envy - working in a low wage job getting stiffed countless times, even for near 2-month stretches at a time catering to overseas visitors really, really sucked). They take their culture with them, but want (not expect, want) gratuities to be given since it's standard procedure in the States, taking our culture with us. I avoid "all-inclusive" travel tours and vacation resorts because it really isn't. Those who slip under the table dough to workers are the ones having the best time.
  20. Theories with a couple of these wacky results. Perhaps the people of Libya are so happy because Gaddafi has been dead for over a decade. Perhaps the people of Dominican Republic are so sad because there's a lopsided shortage of men compared to women due to all of them being professional baseball infielders elsewhere all over the globe. (Moderators : please don't relocate to the sports section). 🤣
  21. It's unclear whether you're referring to messages publicly, like this is, a private message on here, or messages between you and an attempted encounter. One comment I see occasionally that couldn't be less helpful is "I met the guy on Grindr. I don't need to worry about donations." Gee, thanks.
  22. I've walked out of anything when it was still going on just once, and that was stand-up comedian Barry Diamond. He was offensive to only me, and I expressed my displeasure by leaving. Worse, many many years later, I attended a comedy show with "regional funny talent", no names on the bill. Who comes out? A much older, grayer Barry Diamond.
  23. A person or two already mentioned this, but a terrible listener is maddening. I personally can't stand having my back massaged when I'm on my back, reaching in with the sheet scraping sounds. I speak up. He keeps doing it. Up-selling but then not delivering is awful. I asked the guy when he was done why on Earth I had to give 50 more when the texted amount was agreed to. He said that the higher rate was for MY nudity, not his. Cancelling on me at the last minute to me is worse than no-showing my appointment, which of course is also terrible. Honestly it isn't possible for a masseur to be too talkative with me - I don't let them get a word in edgewise. 😆
  24. It'll be no hard feelings on the guy reaching out to you if you don't respond. You're likely not the only person he's re-connecting with, and isn't going to notice who isn't getting back with him - just those who are. The great ones don't need to reach out for repeats. Their texts blow up wherever they go, and are able to pick and choose who to get back to. Keep exploring to find one who IS great. For the majority of us, the search is continuous, and that's not a bad thing!
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