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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. On Rent Men, there to my surprise are 27+ pages of circumcised Latinos. I tend to erroneously act as if none are, when clearly that is a grave misconception on my part. However, I found it interesting that not even 2 of those 27 pages of the providers are strict bottoms, and trying to find one within the U.S. narrows that search down even further. Not a single one of them is older, but as has been pointed out in discussions on other subjects, the interest in hiring and older bottom in general is nearly non-existent.
  2. Is he cut downstairs in addition to his cut physique? These young men frequently don't care or understand what that question means. I thought initially PNP was "present n' personable". 🙄
  3. The fair time to wait is 5 hours, provided you're not asking before they are turning in for the night. The advice given earlier to move on on YOUR side after about two is a great suggestion. It's been rare, but I have had to let people know that someone else got back with me in a more timely fashion, and I'll try to see them some other time.
  4. It takes a special kind of talent to pull off a look of "pressed up against the shower door" when not actually doing so.
  5. The analogy at least in my case just isn't adding up to compare the awful volume of non-commitments you've had to deal with. I've been seeing men for nearly a decade, and in every one of those circumstances (when the meet-up happened, and sure, providers can be flakes, too), I donate upon arrival, and EVERY time it's someone new, right away to prove being legit. This is countless encounters, with zero of those being ahead of time deposits. I had a total of five occasions, which averages out to about one in less than two years, of having the meet-up not transpire on their end when I've gone to their location. So when I've been hesitant to pull the trigger (and from this subject on this forum, a major volume of men warn to not ever do so), and go ahead and leave a deposit because I REALLY wanted to see this person, it stinks for you & everyone else who has that requirement for your own protection that this turkey took my money for the sucker he thought I was. Again, I'd never done that before, and never had a problem when a meet-up transpired. Nobody wants to be victimized. We understand your reasoning for doing what you do, but understand our reasoning for not wanting to do it.
  6. Nice to see providers who require deposits to put in their two cents, and I'd be VERY curious what kind of difference requiring one has done to their business levels compared to prior to reaching that decision. The bottom line for most who seek company is that we'll more than likely find someone who floats our boat who doesn't require a deposit who potentially might not be who we were initially looking for, but could be as enjoyable. To those providers who have reached the point of being past their wits' end of flakes, time-wasters, and no-shows, I completely get it. I am disgusted and ashamed of many (not most all, just way too many) fellow seekers of fun who sadly have reached such a low-life level of decency to ruin it for the good, honest, noble & timely men like myself who appreciate the company. I paid a deposit once and only once. The provider flaked, as I feared he would. Never again.
  7. One positive review of him from this website, and LOTS of recommendations to avoid. Since he's back, I noticed that he's an inch longer than before - vertically. 😲 Spunk on RentMasseur WWW.RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  8. This was a lousy joke that essentially went over everyone's head. I was kiddingly referring to the price of one of the items behind the guy, implying that's what the photo was (not really) focused on. Frequently in the 1990s before late night talk show host Johnny Carson resigned, he was having to explain the jokes he was telling, which sadly was funnier than the initial jokes being told.
  9. I just find even one bad review is cause for concern. Typically, the client is upset that the person seen didn't have sex with them, so they see a bad review as a kind of revenge. There are plenty of people who don't have a single bad review, and that's just because they treat every client with respect, regardless of what we look like or donate (referring to those who give the at least the minimum agreed to). It's also curious to see when a provider bothers to have a rebuttal to the reviewer. They range from "I never saw this person before", to completely unglued rants, which is a horrible way to respond - that has a VERY adverse effect on potential future clients if your anger shines through with someone not worth that kind of bother. Another way a review can be a factor for me for a repeat is if I get no response when everyone else does. I sent a gentle heads up a few months later that I left a glowing review from my experience, but he skipped over it and responded to all before and since. He ignored that, so I moved on.
  10. The old thread is dead, but wasn't helpful with any takers. Now, he's in Las Vegas pretty soon for a couple of weeks, and his newest pics compared to his older ones show pretty significant, natural looking muscle growth. I love it when a man puts in his description that he caters exclusively to gay men, but really don't like it when a donation is omitted. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/44273/
  11. His scene with Kyle Kennedy is one of my favorites of any couple, ever. I'd want an experience like that, but that isn't happening.
  12. If I was a rich woman, I wouldn't be throwing myself after minor league baseball players. A financially comfortable woman with spare time, maybe.
  13. I had been eagerly anticipating this since learning of it taking place a long time ago. These Porn Star Confessionals tend to air about eight months after being filmed. I enjoyed how Skye was rather candid discussing about leading a double life of being married to a woman while filming for a major adult movie studio. It was fascinating to learn he's married to a man who started out as an escort client - [That even though is insanely rare gives many of us who hire that wild inkling of hope that WE could be "the one"]. It's my hope to team up with Skye with a business proposal he would probably like, since he for years has been one of my favorite people. Dog lover, thong swimwear lover (he touches on that in his interview), and an obsession with his own ass - that sadly was something he refused to discuss when he had 90 minutes to. Keeping a secret is the opposite of a confessional! Just type Skye Woods in the YouTube search to find it. It's Porn Star Confessions Episode 110 by Masculine Jason.
  14. I'm surprised that this was put together before "Depp sees poop".
  15. Dialing it back to being a masseur when you used to be more doesn't from a client's perspective seem like the best of decisions, unless you offer this in an entirely different location, and utilize a name change. (Yes, sleuths on here will be privy to you doing that, but so what)? As you point out, your terrific looking physique will get you plenty of repeat business, even if the sensuality level doesn't grow. Stay in shape, stay friendly, and have affordable rates, and no training whatsoever is necessary. We're there with you specifically because we're attracted to you.
  16. It's deliberate, and not personal. He isn't interested, but wants repeat "what if?" business, as that's a successful business model for him.
  17. Is this the guy who peddles his "true life erotic stories", isn't ever available for in-call, and is a two hour minimum? Two of those three things bother me. His adult movie work was fantastic, but that was many, many moons ago.
  18. The higher the rate asked, the higher likelihood of higher class clientele to be seen by. Makes sense to me. Also, the lower the rate, coupled with the honesty of being around for a good long while, enable the provider to have the "gig" be the "job". Fly-by-night guys asking insane rates aren't to be taken seriously, as they're rarely taken.
  19. What is doing a quick intact? "Hold on, let me get my foreskin real fast!" 😄
  20. Double great news! This thread isn't closed, so I didn't have to re-start a new post, and he has relocated back to San Diego from Germany, and is available! I really like his technique, and was able to confirm through someone else that this move back to the states is a permanent one.
  21. I've found the best product for that kind of thing is made by Studio Ready. Last year they had a flash sale to get their jock, made of "extra strong material to be grabbed on to" for just the cost of shipping, done for promotional purposes. I don't drink coffee, but that is their best selling flavor. The nearly free jock I got is not revealing enough for me to wear to the upcoming pool party, but I like how it fits.
  22. Thanks, AZDR for your continued effort to keep us posted. Who knew that Portland was the haven for watching pumped up gas as well as pumped up men from the comfort of my seat? (I know, I know, Oregon revoked the full service gasoline thing this year, I believe).
  23. I do 20%, so at times it ends up weird, like my now retired $110 guy who I'd always leave $132, and he'd chuckle. However, if I get a last-minute up-sell alert, gratuity is off. They've incorporated it into what I was already giving, so that isn't my bad.
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