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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. Unprofessionalism seems to be at record levels nowadays. Going through the trouble of placing an ad that isn't free, chock full of words spelled wrong, and descriptions that contradict from photos shown. Why so little effort? Just today in someone's ad I ran across was "DDF", followed by "love 420". I can't imagine they mean that they don't do drugs, but enjoy watching other people do them?!? Also, not every man of color possesses a "BBC", so unless they're sharing the intel they have access to British television, those in the 6 inch range shouldn't be boasting about size. ABC (average black cock) isn't a thing, but better than a fib. The worst of them all are far too many masseuse "men". How damn difficult is it to not refer to oneself as the wrong gender, especially ones that claim they've been doing it for years? I got ruthlessly razzed by my Hebrew school classmates for receiving many "Bat Mitzvah" cards from Gentile friends. I mean I was prissy, but still....am.
  2. As an awards show whore, I was especially interested in this year's edition. When I was in my early 20s, there wasn't an Adam Sandler movie to be missed. In the bio, Saturday Night Live is where they mentioned he got his start. To the contrary - I vividly remember him being a goofball on the MTV game show "Remote Control" long before being on SNL. He gave an acceptance speech as if he won "Sexiest Man Alive", which, like his movie career, got to be too boring after a while. He's a well-respected guy in Hollywood, and I'm happy for him. Lenny Kravitz got a music icon award, which was nice to see. I highly doubt he won any actual people's choice awards if he was ever nominated, as he's never been the most popular musician compared to other male solo artists throughout his career, but he thanked everyone under the sun except for his daughter, which I found interesting. He performed a lip-sync melody of mostly well-known songs in his long career. It's amazing to me that he is so successful at burying his "Romeo Blue" days. His music really improved over time, as "Let Love Rule" sounds too much like "Hey Jude". This could be the first award show I've seen in my lifetime where a best movie category was a "Oh, by the way, Barbie wins best movie" as an actress for a different category from that film was taking the stage. I know that there's only so much time, but that's a whopper of a category to not give time to on it's own. Next one, the Screen Actor's Guild awards. This is MY television season to enjoy!
  3. I had such an incredible time (as do many, many others based on reviews) with CatCityAndy from Rent Masseur last year, it's making it challenging for me to decide myself who I want to see when I'm in Palm Springs in a couple of months. Can somebody different be as much fun, or could he be equally as fun one year later? I wish us both luck. I'm a mild height queen, so I tend to gravitate toward shorter guys to align better. ; )
  4. Somewhere deep in my garage (not a metaphor) I saved a weekly ad from a long defunct department store called Stage. The male underwear model had the most gigantic areolas of anyone I'd ever seen modeling clothes. They took up a much larger than normal percentage of his sculpted, golden buff chest. AZDR, if I run across it, I'll bring it with the next time I see you so you can use your scanning skills. I think I pleasured myself to this guy just about as much as the very old Big 5 Sporting Goods ad that had the ripped stud in the genital-hugging red Speedo, although that may have been an artist's talented work rather than an actual person!
  5. I think you have this completely backwards. Having the client climax is where the focus is. Nearly a decade into this fun recreational hobby of mine, and I've had a mere two men climax, too, out of several dozen. Mutual attraction as already mentioned is VERY key, and that I know I'm not.
  6. He's living a relatively quiet life in Florida, last I heard, and is rather zen, considering his recent struggles. He had porn's most streamlined testicles. I'm surprised more talented men didn't take all of him down to the base.
  7. Sam, he had a relentless pattern of asking, not demanding you give him money. You did so because you liked him so much. It's damn difficult when you're so head over heels for someone to think logically. The man is a professional user, and it's highly likely you're not the only one to finance his best life. I have a difficult time seeing you win a lawsuit against him, since it's pathetic and immoral to do what he did, but certainly not illegal. I am so sorry you were taken advantage of - that is really awful to read this, but thanks for sharing so we can collectively use better judgement.
  8. Ha ha those are literally likely the last exact two points in time I looked into it! I remember '92 well, as working in the tourist industry, a TON of Brits visited the States during that time frame. I'd love to go somewhere where I spoke the local language (to a point), and my money was worth double.
  9. He sure tried to play it off like he was inadvertently pointing, and the soccer guy just so happened to be there at that moment. I feel stadium bans for anyone is insanity. Unless you're on some kind of ankle bracelet, how will anyone know in a gigantic stadium if you return? To compare currency, do you still approximately double what you see in Britain to the U.S.A.? In other words, is this fine about $12,000 U.S. dollars? That is a strange amount to settle on. Where does the money go? I for one will never sit that close in a sporting event ever again. The players stink!
  10. We're much better off sticking to finding a guy that's our height, so as Jerry Seinfeld puts it, we can double our wardrobe.
  11. I'm no moderator, but can we steer this back to black / ebony booties, instead of Prep / HIV arguments? My dream asses are in Texas, on Aden Taylor and Rayjayz. If I've already mentioned that here, sorry not sorry.
  12. Here's the scoop. I reached out, and he's not based there, or even there at all, but will happily go there if you finance an overnight. Please do not ask on here where he is based, or what his name is. He's keeping that (and a frontal) private deliberately.
  13. Going to the gym or exercising religiously is great. Where I feel the initial reason for this post went wrong was an honest explanation of being unavailable. Just think how different OUR opinion is if we simply get a "not available at that time, how about time X instead?". We don't have to know why you're busy, we just care to know when you're available.
  14. It's simply an observation for discussion. Anything I post lately that avoids an eye roll from you is a winner in my book. 🙂
  15. I never implied at all that being a bottom is weak, nor ugly. I clearly indicated that it seems that many of those who have put muscle on their frames aren't willing to be bottoms any longer. Being skinny isn't "ugly", but being fit is more attractive to look at for most, myself included.
  16. We've all seen in this decade the "buff-demic", with countless scrawny twinks using the time many of us were confined to our homes in the Spring of 2020 to work like hell to change their bodies into muscular hotties. And I do mean countless. It was a wonderful thing to come from a horrible situation. What I find bizarre is that while most all of these men were exclusive bottoms pre-2020, now that they have the strength and physique attractiveness they didn't have before, they aren't interested in bottoming any longer. At all. I don't know where desiring to hire verse clients falls into with percentages, I am aware that (most?) men probably hire someone for one or the other. I read "bottom / verse" to mean that bottoming is the provider's preference, but can do either one, while I generally read "top / verse" as exclusively a top, unless you're equally as attractive as they are.
  17. Too much cardio vs. too much noodles. I'd look at Cena in sumo attire any day.
  18. He's no different than those fast-talking barkers at State Fairs, or aggressive sales-people at those mini-set-ups inside malls. All it takes is one fool to be thinking they're getting something worth-while. It's a terrible way to do business, but if there wasn't a sucker born everyday, they wouldn't do it. I tried doing this myself a long time ago as a lark, and got zero responses. I was painfully genuine with who I was. The truth hurts.
  19. At the rate of inflation, this will be a standard rate for face-hiding twinks or obese folks in 2030. 😲
  20. This comparison drives home the fact that the United States has food.
  21. No, he is not available for donations of your time. He also no longer works at the service station he so blatantly promoted in his earliest work. It took immense detective work, but the talented, non-credited man who took his huge unit to the base in a backyard scene with him in the past is Masyn Thorne. Like Jett Wayne, Masyn is also not available, but appears to be "available". He and Mateo Muscle, former forum member here, appear to be no longer together. I am a fan of all 3 of these gentlemen, but have never had the pleasure of their company, although others have, and liked it.
  22. Is that the same Chestnut Hill that produces imitation chicken noodle soup for bargain stores? (Sorry, I need to put a "big cork" in it).
  23. Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm sure the circumstances are rare, but yes, you may indeed introduce a new regular into the fold with the discount being the initial lure. As for formerly offering discounts and discontinuing doing so, I full-on believe "the customers can be major assholes" with that one. One of the major home improvement retailers stopped offering Military discounts, and instead of Military folks being thankful for all that they saved them over time, they went ape-shit angry on them for changing their policy. I feel that casino patrons are the worst of the worst when it comes to bitching about what they are "entitled to", instead of understanding that ANYTHING is optional on the part of perks from the house. In my opinion, entitled people suck. (It's also why I could and would never be a business owner). I fantasize about the only non-alcoholic, non-smoking casino in the World - employees : just me. I was contemplating asking this question in reverse : Are there any clients who deliberately avoid "discount day" to increase the likelihood that the experience will be more personal & enjoyable on a different day of the week?
  24. These are my top 5 rentmen recs. 1. Houston - Aden_Taylor to me the cream of the rump crop 2. Houston - Rayjayz if Aden isn't available (could be a tie if he were verse) 3. Kansas City - Chocolatejosh 4. Orlando - MrBigDThomas is rather difficult to book 5. Long Beach - ChocolateHands Most if not all of these men have an extreme love of leg day, and I and millions of others appreciate it.
  25. But......what are YOUR plans now going to be?!?
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