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viewing ownly

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Everything posted by viewing ownly

  1. Bill is giving discounts based on your zodiac sign if you're a bull (Taurus). Whether you're "past 8" could mean something entirely different.
  2. Maybe in the case of the disappointing encounter the ass wasn't fuzzy.
  3. This guy must've been my size in his mother's second trimester. That's not a cock, that's an area code. https://rentmen.eu/Mister_eleven
  4. If you've done adult content, that isn't necessarily an automatic that you'll be successful. I've seen former porn stars languishing with just a very small handful of viewers, and I feel kind of bad for them. It is a complete crapshoot with being successful, and there really is no rhyme or reason why certain people excel while others try it and bail. My favorite couple were mixed race bodybuilders out of Florida. One was cut, the other was uncut. They were verse, and had upbeat attitudes. Unless you're self-employed, it is difficult to work any kind of job with other people if you do web cam. Even the stuffiest of the stuffy occupations have employees with ribald free time.
  5. A solid physique will put you in the top 50% of viewers. You're competing against a large swath of guys. Think of something unique that isn't being done by everybody else, which is easier typed than done. Something I thought up was to be tipped 2 tokens to throw away a piece of trash. This way, they're seeing my body in motion, and I'm at least getting a mini-fraction of revenue (in addition to a cleaner area)! Truthfully, with a man it's all about the cock. Average-sized or small ones aren't going to make squat. The only exception is duo male cam dudes, but for whatever reason Colombia seems to have a Walmart sized niche on that for the time being. I'm wondering what makes more revenue in their country nowadays, coffee or naked guys.
  6. If the first # is girth of the unit, and the second # is length of the unit pertaining to fibbing, most of the time, yes. I am 5 5 in both categories, so I am personally pleased when fibbing is done closer in my direction, height or appendage!
  7. The previous thread about him isn't active, so I've revived it since he possibly has made a bear to hunk transition over time, if the last unblocked pic is the most recent. There was a great deal of discussion on how he charges 2 Franklins to see but not touch his exciting looking rump. BoyMatt on RentMasseur WWW.RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  8. There aren't all that many men on here who have nothing but gushing raves that are consistent. The first one I attempted to see who fell in that category had a genuine medical episode and was forced to cancel, unable to re-schedule due to his hospital stay. I'm rather certain that I would've likely had just as good a time as everyone else had, but now he is retired, so I will not ever know. He most recently went by "Nacio", but was "ERICforHIRE" in the time frame of my try. The second guy who has deserved gushing praise is "Zan" aka "ZRush". He's in his late 20s, and has been doing massage since his early twenties. Having personally had only one meet-up with a twenty-something guy ever prior to Zan, and had one of the worst experiences of my life, I vowed to never hire anyone with that much of an age gap, but broke my rule with Zan, and was so glad I did. He's highly busy with clients and travels constantly, which is why his donation keeps going up with time, but is so quietly connecting and down-to-Earth, which is an insanely rare quality to find in a younger muscular man. Yesterday I saw a guy who was actually a third choice. Many of you were highly helpful in aborting my second one. I was a bit early (20 minutes, traveling there from far away), but he was in a business meeting I wasn't aware I was interrupting with my text. He lived in a gated community, and I just wanted to be able to get in to wait until our time was to start. His meeting ran late by a touch, so he was apologetic and told me he'd add 15 minutes of time due to the inconvenience (he was only 3 minutes late). I had the best 75 minute massage (and lots, lots more) from any Las Vegas area based masseur, ever. In my circumstance, the massage started on the bed next to the massage table, but never made it to the massage table. I was VERY okay with that. This in my vast array of massages in my lifetime was the first time a guy's boyfriend was in the apartment at the same time. Considering we did it all, it understandably was running in the back of my head "how is your boyfriend okay with us doing all of this stuff with him home, or at least not joining in?". He was rather candid about his experience doing massages, and therefore I was candid about what I thought he seemed to focus too much on when my massage was done. It wasn't perfect by any means, but as gratifying as could be. I'm after this cloud nine appointment cementing this belief - Be the first person of the day of the man you choose to see. The energy level difference seeing guys at the end of a day compared to the beginning is understandably night and day.
  9. I wouldn't even know what to say to a microwave meth cooking suggestion. "Sorry, but the popcorn setting is all I'm good for, but my neighbor has a veggie steamer that might work. Be right back."
  10. Derailing (is there innuendo in that word?) a massage to jump the gun on extras is an awesome thing. I could never go months before withdrawing a spank bank. We're all just glad that he's evidently a real person!
  11. I don't know if he's visiting Manhattan (likely), or relocated there from Vancouver. I like what I see everywhere, but have not met him.
  12. Plus, they're older than dirt, and they left their ID in the car, and want a bag of ice. I've had nicer nightmares.
  13. All many of us care to know is if that hot shirtless Islander guy is competing for a 3rd time in a row.
  14. RE: 4.) It's waddle, not walk. If ducks walk by, let them run out of your right of way.
  15. In your post, you have a negative perception of OTHER people. Who are you to judge whether someone else appears to be having fun or not? We all get older, and if you'd rather be in the company of someone being catty and negative all the damn time (guilty!) than someone pretending to enjoy themselves, take what you get - it's a far better option. Signed, almost always alone unless hiring.
  16. Whenever I have an entirely open schedule for a day, the massage should be my day's highlight. When I let the masseur know any time will work for me, so whatever works best for you, pick. a. damn. time. I first gave a time when he insisted that it was up to me. He let me know that it was way too early. I picked a time that was later by a few hours. He indicated that still was too soon in the day. If anything before noon wasn't good, last time I checked, that is half of the day. I gave a 24 hour window of time, entirely up to him. Worse, the photos he sent me were NOT AT ALL of the guy in the photos of the person I contacted, coupled with the address being in a very dangerous area of town. Abort?
  17. They're about as popular as pay phones. They exist, but barely.
  18. Flimsy defense, but there are guys who have penises that look like they have a condom over them when they do not. It's that shine, baby!
  19. Of course you should provide your own condom if you're intending on topping. It is imperative to find out if whoever you would like to see is okay with you wearing protection. I see more and more providers putting "no condoms" or "bareback only" right in their ads, so don't even bother with them, as it's been spelled out. It's a rarity of rarities, but there are still men out there (maybe as few as two, I'm familiar with each of them) who REQUIRE a condom for an encounter. I have mad respect for them, as they each are incredibly handsome, girth-y, muscular, cut gentlemen. Both have been around for years, so business isn't suffering.
  20. "I will not accept checks". I don't want to embarrass the person who put that, because he was not joking. He is of the age where once upon a time, he may have waited for someone to write down his fee from their check register before tearing it off, having put an "xoxo" in the memo space. Did anyone see men in the Frontiers days and pay by check? My grandmother humiliated me in the 70s by attempting to treat me to Carl's Jr., ordering then busting out her checkbook and getting into a heated argument with the manager when he told her that they were cash only. She did not get out much. Any time I would go there and see a big huge "NO CHECKS" sign, I had a hunch I knew of it's origin!
  21. Thick, and round, relatively vein-less looking, and mostly un-seen because it's somewhere....
  22. If you see him in his professional office, expect a draped, therapeutic experience. If you see him when he's on the road in his hotel room, expect a you can be nude, non-therapeutic experience, if desired. This is common with many men who do this professionally in a business setting.
  23. I do scour reviews to begin with as a determiner for who I would like to see, which is obviously done before I've even left one. The donation amounts for erotic experiences are shown, which differ from a lowest rate listed, or enables me to pass on them when they indicate "ask me", and are wanting a few hundred. It makes complete sense to be taken aback when everybody around you gets a reply except for you. A provider is not going to have anything to say if they did not want to receive your business any longer, and avoiding a "thanks for seeing me" reply does just that. P.S. likes from me to all who commented on this subject - even critical you, Dynamic Uno. 🙂
  24. We see it from others, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. A massage therapist who is well-liked with many reviews, but there's those one or two people who leave a nice review that slip through the cracks and don't get some love from the provider. I, for one, feel bad for those guys because that indicates to me that the feeling wasn't at all mutual. I have had only one review I left deleted by the moderator of the website per my request due to the masseur being (by private message) upset with me for giving something insignificant like ambiance a 4 instead of a 5 - that's far too diva to be getting on my case. When a provider doesn't reply or respond to any reviews left by anyone at all, or only bothers to get defensive when someone has a lousy experience to then reply, the writing is on the wall that you are leaving a review that isn't getting a response.
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