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Posts posted by RyanDean

  1. I thought it rubbed me the wrong way too -- until one gent happened to do so in a way that intrigued me...
    A quick back and forth assuaged my resistance -- I was wary not only because of the unsolicited contact but also because his profile didn't include a face-pic (which is usually a must for me) -- but I proceeded to book a meetup anyway. As it happens, he turned out to be one of my all-time favorite hires and is the only gent I've booked more than 3x.
    So you never know...

  2. totally weird request alert:

    I'm trying to dig up a photograph of one of the regular Adonis guys circa 2019 (in the pre-pandemic Evolve era) but -- even though I tend to keep a lot of Adonis emails -- I can't seem to find one with him on the roster... 

    Handle: Tyler or Tyler-NJ
    Look: tall, dark, leather-daddy-ish, often with a cap and/or shades
    Frequency: pretty regular for a concentrated bit of time, maybe 8-9 months

    if you're a better digital hoarder than I and might be able to help, please let me know via DM?
    thanks in advance

  3. I found Axel to be an incredibly nice person -- grounded, human, engaged, interested, interesting, funny, smart, thoughtful...
    He's one of those whose pictures make him look like a god. I don't know that he looks like a god in person but somehow he looks even sexier. His rates are "top shelf" but, even though I blanched a bit initially, I had no regrets after we met.

    PS: I was only at last night's Adonis briefly but didn't see him (or Damien)...

  4. I will say that a number of gay lit titles from the 1970s, 1980s and even the 1990s have become quite difficult to find -- and thus can command high prices via online booksellers. (This goes as well for less "literary" texts dedicated from the 1940s onward...)

    Donating to your local library sale or community center can be worth trying but, if you've got the time/inclination, listing the titles online might help to guarantee that they land in hands that truly value them.

  5. I recently started reading Hawk Mountain by Conner Habib and I'm really enjoying the way Habib depicts the complicated emotional/sexual dynamics among men. So it got me to wondering...

    Are there other notable novels by gents who've spent time as sex workers? 
    I've read John Rechy and have read novels, short stories and plays "about" hustlers, gigolos and rentboys. But if any of you have leads on others write BY (but not necessarily ABOUT) male sex workers, I'd love to have the suggestions.

  6. While I don't disagree with anything that's been said already, I feel like I should pipe up to acknowledge that working with an online coach to support you as you make a well-considered/informed shift in your eating or exercise habits can be a legitimate strategy.

    (I'm presently working quite productively with an online coach, connected with a gym I do remote/virtual workouts with, even as I'm also working out in-person with trainers at a local gym.)

    It's definitely buyer-beware, and I don't know that I'd recommend an Insta-coach -- mostly because those folks usually are offering variations on tools/skills that work for them, which may not be suitable for regular folks, or they're just sending out pre-configured pdfs with maybe a texting session or two. A good online coach will offer customized programs and provide some mechanism for meaningful interaction/accountability.

    Which is to say: if you find someone who seems to offer what you're looking for, and they offer a free interactive consultation, it might be a path worth exploring.

    But, as always, when starting any fitness/diet program, consult your physician and buyer-beware...


  7. Way back in the 90s, the term often served as something of a catchall to describe kinks or fetishes that weren't necessarily part of a BDSM roleplay or top/bottom scene. It worked as a simple shorthand not only for "raunch" (which could include any and all bodily fluids and -- ahem -- other excretions) while also gesturing toward a broad array of body fetishes -- including extreme nipple play, penis pumping and, perhaps especially, buttplay (ie big dildo or f*sting). 

    My sense is it's gotten less specific over the last couple decades but it does seem to cue an enthusiastic willingness to get down and get dirty. But, yes, not "vanilla"...

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