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Everything posted by ICTJOCK

  1. No..... But then I'm an escort. I have a different take as a provider. If you are concerned about disease or would worry about catching something, never do it. Nothing is worth the experience if you are going to be uncomfortable afterward.
  2. Working as an escort requires professionalism on so many levels. One is to fill the "service need" of the client and provide service in a way that is satisfying for them. Basic comfort level and attitude vary for a number of reasons. New client, regular, history, so many things. One thing I try to avoid is any sort of personal "attachment" or the development of emotional feelings. I had a regular client that used to talk to me about "my falling in love with him" at some point. Never did understand where that came from. He is a nice guy, but he wasn't someone I'd date. We finally had to have a conversation about that statement. Sure I kid around with some of my clients, but in the end, I'm there to perform a service for them. Thoughts? For providers, have you ever had a problem with emotional attachment? For clients, has it ever been an issue?
  3. Well now, to each their own. I'm not a fan of 105 degree weather myself, but I far prefer summer weather to winter time....
  4. I thought the old app was fine, the new one isn't as user friendly in many ways.
  5. Denver is always a great visit. Love going there. Haven't had any interaction with this particular escort, but a great city to be booked.
  6. Fortunately, we in Kansas have been spared the smoke of the last two summers. The wildfires in Colorado were such a problem in 2021 and 22. I like hot weather, but a big difference between 95 and 110.
  7. I've seen the photos of Hoover, so hopefully it will help a bit. I would think we would hear if so.
  8. So I’ a summer person by nature and Kansas can be quite toasty in the summer with 100 or above not unusual. But what makes this week a little rough is, the weather is closer to 110. I’ll take it over frigid weather anytime, just give me a pool!
  9. Well I would think if there is a booking, any client should expect a prompt and professional approach or lose business. Maybe he needs to fall and "scrape his knees" a few times before he realizes how he needs to respond to clients. Nothing wrong with chaning a booking, provided his gives you plenty of notice. The choice is yours as to how you want to proceed. "Fool me once, shame on you" the approach. I'd move on and maybe he'll realize he world doesn't revolve around him.


    From the album: ICTJOCK



    From the album: ICTJOCK

  12. I've been encouraged to set up an account for clients. My largest concern is that so many have already done it and would rather consider something new and fresh. Really a great idea for a separate post and thread here.
  13. I concur with much of the discussion. The client can't control the perceptions of his looks, but he can his cleanliness. If he is presentable, I think professionalism should rule and do what has been requested.
  14. I do discuss being hired by clients with friends.
  15. I realize every client has their own unique things they favor in a provider's ad. Attitude, photos, so many different things. What I would like to ask all potential clients out there are your own generic "likes" in an ad and those you consider real mistakes. I've heard too many photos are not helpful and they need to be changed occasionally. Clearly an articulate , well written ad would be basic. Thoughts?
  16. Well I'll tell you what. I value my health, I'm a fitness advocate and I'm confident when I see preventative, positive test on things like diabetes, which affects my father's family. There are so many good reasons for an annual check in, including confidence in my own health maintenance, I'd never consider not doing it.

    Dog Lovers!

    LOL, Interesting story there. I'm sure my beagles would like to join, but they are always secured if I have visitors of that nature!
  18. Best wishes for an awesome birthday ... and many more!

    Dog Lovers!

    So a fantastic Thursday to all! So how many of you are dog lovers and wake up with the love and admiration of your canine comopanion(s)? A beagle lover here. "Scout-Scout" gives good wishes. It was a late night and he is giving me a little comfort!
  20. I'd definitely look for an escort that gives a discount based on regular activity. That would help.
  21. So I've always thought that a referral from an existing client to a new one on ones services is almost the best case scenario, regardless of the kind of business! When I first started in this business, I only worked from referrals. It was kind of a "safety net" for me I think. For both the clients out there and escorts, how much importance to you place in a referral. Does a referral from a friend mean more than one you simply read or hear about?
  22. I hope all went well!
  23. So was at my general doctor's office yesterday. He's a great physician and we've always clicked. I missed my physical in 2022, so I got chided for that, but mostly asked a lot of questions and got the update. All very positive with the basics. Due to family history, I like to be tested with my blood sugar (for diabetes). I go through everything, including an HIV test (which I do monthly, but just not through my regular doctor). I received a tetanus shot and recommendations on a variety of things upcoming. Was applauded with the continued commitment to fitness and what a difference it makes. The largest thing was the confidence the physical gives in knowing your health based on facts and testing. It really adds positivity to your day and work!
  24. I was too young and wasn't out at the time, but glad to read about you. What a great resource to others. I hope you will participate and share your experiences. Thank you for coming back on!
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